Impressions for Role Playing Games

These pictures were created by Martin Hofbauer and where mailed to me by Bernhard Schaffer ( They are Freeware with the following restrictions:

Feel free to spread the pictures all over the world, but let Bernhard Schaffer know when and where you got them.

The color pictures are GIF images and around 220K. You can also download the complete collection (pkzip, 1.9MB) which includes also some handouts.

Hobbies: [Alex's Home Page] [Programs] [Handbooks] [House Rules] [Postings]

Work: [University Page]
Institut für Computersprachen, Abteilung für Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerbau, Technische Universität Wien, Argentinierstraße 8/4, A-1040 Wien, Austria, Europe

TEL +43 1 58801/4463, FAX +43 1 5057838