Handouts for Role Playing Games

These pictures were created by Martin Hofbauer and where mailed to me by Bernhard Schaffer (bejoscha@ping.at). They are Freeware with the following restrictions:

Feel free to spread the pictures all over the world, but let Bernhard Schaffer know when and where you got them.

The b/w GIFs are around 24K. You can also download the complete collection (pkzip, 1.9MB) which includes also impressions of landscapes.

Hobbies: [Alex's Home Page] [Programs] [Handbooks] [House Rules] [Postings]

Work: [University Page]
Institut für Computersprachen, Abteilung für Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerbau, Technische Universität Wien, Argentinierstraße 8/4, A-1040 Wien, Austria, Europe

TEL +43 1 58801/4463, FAX +43 1 5057838