Student Travel Grants for PACT 2010
The United States National Science Foundation, ACM SIGARCH and IEEE TCPP have generously provided funds to support travel grants for students to attend PACT 2010, and will be handled by a common application to the PACT 2010 conference, the PACT 2010 unified grant application. In addition, IFIP, ACM-W, CRA-W and CDC are making available travel grants to encourage and support participation by specific groups. Please apply for as many of the funding sources for which you are eligible.Please direct all inquiries regarding Travel Grants to the Finance or General Chairs
PACT 2010 unified grant applications
Application information and regulations
The deadline for student travel grants has passed, and we are no longer accepting new applications.- We hope to be able to fund a significant number of non-presenting co-author, workshop author and non-author students, so it is worth the application in those cases.
- Please indicate your participant status in the application. SIGARCH and TCPP funds give priority to student members. If you would like to join one or both of the professional societies, use the following links: SIGARCH, TCPP.
- Applications must be received by Monday, July 19.
- We will notify you of the awards by Friday, August 6.
- Participants in any workshop with notifications too late to meet the above deadlines should file an application all the same and note the pending workshop submission in the application where asked. We ask these applicants to update us (via e-mail to the Finance Chair) immediately after they are notified about the outcome of their paper.
Some notes on reimbursement
- Save all original receipts for reimbursement.
- You may request funds to cover transportation and lodging costs associated with PACT between September 10th and 16th.
- Students at United States universities must travel only on US air carriers. (For Code Shares, the flight number must be that of the US air carrier.) We cannot reimburse travel on non-US air carriers for students at United States universities.
- We will reimburse only actual expenses. This grant does not provide a per diem.
- When making your travel arrangements, be aware that we must reimburse you as an individual (i.e., we cannot reimburse you for any expense that is originally paid by your institution).
Student Research Competition Travel Grant
Students accepted to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition are entitled to a travel grant (up to 500.00 USD) to help cover travel expenses.Companion Travel Grants for PACT 2010
PACT 2010 is providing funds for a limited number of travel grants to attend PACT 2010 for a companion care-provider for a conference attendee who is:- a person with a physical disability necessitating a companion,
- or a parent of an infant less than one year old who cannot travel without the infant and a care-provider for the infant.
The only costs covered are those incurred solely for the transportation of the companion. Shared transportation expenses, such as taxis, and non-transportation costs, such as room and board, are not covered. Please use the same PACT 2010 unified grant application form as the student travel grant. Please attach an explanation in the comments section stating your qualifications for this grant (eligibility is limited to the two categories above). The application deadline is July 19, 2010. Awardees will be notified by August 6, 2010.
Travel Grants to support Participation by Underrepresented Groups
In addition to offering student travel grants, we encourage prospective attendees to take advantage of the following programs targeting the participation of underrepresented groups in our field to attend PACT 2010.- ACM Women in Computing Scholarships
- ACM-W has announced a program to provide support for women students in Computer Science and related programs who wish to attend research conferences. Please, visit the ACM-W page for additional information.
- IFIP Travel Grants
- IFIP offers travel support for students from developing countries to attend IFIP events. This program is available to presenters at PACT 2010. The application form for the IFIP travel support program can be found here. Please contact Dr. Bernhard Eschermann, the TC10 - Computer Systems Technology chair, for more information.
- CRA-W Travel Grants
- The Computing Research Association offers a travel grant program through the CRA-W to encourage participation by women in industry. Please click here for more information on this program. Plan to apply at least four weeks before the conference.
- CDC Conference Participation Grants
- The Coalition for Diversity in Computing (CDC) supports participation by minority students (including but not limited to African-American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islanders) and their mentors. Please visit this link for additional information.