Links to Forth programs
This page contains links to Forth programs, mostly found on
comp.lang.forth. I mainly concentrate on ANS Forth and Gforth
programs, and programs that might run on Gforth one day.
title/link System Description, Author
pso gforth Particle-swarm optimization, Ahmed Melahi
ps-example gforth Example: Graphical output through Ghostscript, Anton Ertl
SDL/GL Tut. gforth SDL/OpenGL tutorials, Tim Trussel
repost gforth Check for or repost Usenet postings, Anton Ertl
anstests ANS Test for Forth-94 compliance of system, Gerry Jackson
Paranoia ANS Floating-point precision test, Krishna Myneni
hexfloat ANS Conversion between IEEE FP and various formats, David N. Williams
lexex ANS Benchmark: Build FSM for a scanner, Gerry Jackson
Grace ANS Parser Generator (daugther of Gray), Gerry Jackson
StrongForth ANS Statically typed variant of Forth, Stephan Becher
TCP Server Gforth Forth-specific Superserver (think inetd), Petter Egesund
Taxi ANS Ramanujan's Taxi numbers, Anton Ertl
false ANS Interpreter for False, Ben Hoyt
fsl ANS Forth Scientific Library, various authors
fsl Gforth FSL with improvements, Krishna Myneni
fgp ANS Go program, Ian Osgood
flops gforth floating-point benchmark, Marcel Hendrix
benchm i/gforth MPE benchmarks, Stephen Pelc, Marcel Hendrix
LexGen ANS Scanner Generator, Gerry Jackson
sudoku4 ANS Sudoku puzzle solver, Jorge Acereda
sudoku3 gforth Partial Sudoku puzzle solver, Anton Ertl
cordic gforth CORDIC algorithm for transcendental functions, Neal Bridges
wildcmp ? string matching with wildcards, Charles Melice
Star Trek gforth Super Star Trek text game (buggy), Krishna Myneni
OMTL gforth Open Memory Test Language (only parser works), Dennis Ruffer
ffl ANS Forth Foundation Library (intended to be ANS), Dick van Oudheusden
spreadsheet i/gforth Spreadsheet, S. Fisher (based on mini-spread)
mini-spread gforth Spreadsheet, Chess Player
pentomino ANS Pentomino (6x10), Bruce Hoyt
mpent4x15 ANS Pentomino (4x15), Albert van der Horst
sodoku2 ANS Sudoku puzzle solver (fast), Robert Spykerman
sodoku ANS Sudoku puzzle solver (slow), Robert Spykerman
sun ANS compute sunrise/sunset, Neal Bridges et al.
sbpcp gforth count primes (faster, supports 64-bit)
yapcp gforth count primes (32-bit only)
mandel gforth 8 line Mandelbrot
fpout17 ANS FP output words v 1.7 by Ed
b18text ANS Chess board by Ray St. Marie
fcp ANS Chess program by Ian Osgood
anagrams ANS Anagram generator, get whole directory
anagrams iForth slow Anagram generator, needs dawg
ftran ANS Mini-fortran to Forth compiler, Julian Noble
whist iForth Romanian Whist, Marcel Hendrix
color ANS Forth to HTML converter, Brad Eckert et al.
vibe ANS VI-like Block Editor, Samuel A. Falvo II
mf ANS text editor, Leo Wong
lf ANS word processor, Leo Wong
bmw ANS word processor, Bruce McFarling
Pages containing more Forth programs or more links
Anton Ertl