Find the Right Man

Author: Authors of Volume 1
Length: Short
Genre: Any
Type: Quest, Guarding
Setting: Wilderness, Desert

The Plot

A caravan is travelling through the desert. The party is hired to capture a man who is in the caravan, and it must be done quietly, so that nobody else knows. They are given the man's name, and the fact that he is a mage, but no other information about him. The catch is that the caravan consists of ten wagons, with at least thirty or forty guards (when I used this adventure, the caravan was travelling through Brin Pass, a VERY dangerous area), and everyone's wearing the standard desert gear: a white robe, with a hood and a veil. This makes it very difficult to tell who's who. The party should investigate the wagons. If they do, they will find that only one wagon doesn't have an obvious reason for existance (i.e. belongs to the caravan master, carries supplies, or carries cargo). A man is living in that wagon, and only comes out to get food. Raiding the wagon will obviously cause noise and commotion, two things to be strenuously avoided. This is a very difficult scenario; I've run it twice, and both times the party failed. Once the guy got killed and the party was arrested and held in custody by the caravan master, and once the guy ran away and the party lost him.

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Email: Alexander Forst-Rakoczy