3.1 asttransform.pl -- Properties of abstract syntax trees

Adrian Prantl <adrian@complang.tuwien.ac.at>
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Adrian Prantl
See COPYING in the root folder of the SATIrE project

This module defines commonly-used transformation utilities for C/C++/Objective C ASTs given in the TERMITE term representation as exported by SATIrE.

simple_form_of(?Term, ?SimpleTerm)
This function is obsoleted, since SATIrE>0.7 defaults to the compact representation.

simple_form_of/2 is used to convert the verbose *nary_node() terms to a more compact representation


 unary_node(int_val, foo ...) <-> int_val(foo, ...)
[nondet]ast_node(?Node, ?Type, ?Children, ?Annot, ?Ai, ?Fi)
ast_node/6 (de)construct an AST node

Since all AST nodes follow the same structure, this predicate can be used to quickly compose or decompse a node.

[det]is_ast_node(+Node, -Type, -Children, -Annot, -Ai, -Fi)
Faster, uni-directional version of ast_node/6.
transformed_with(+Node, +Transformation, +Info, -Info1, -NodeT)
Backwards compatibile version of transformed_with/5:

collate_ast(Map, Reduce, A0, Node, A)
Perform a postorder traversal on the AST Node. For every Node visited call Map = f(Node, A_Children, A). For child nodes in the same hierarchy call foldl1(As, Reduce, A).
This predicate prints the original textual (source code) representation of the program encoded in Term. Output is written on stdout.

This predicate is especially useful for debugging purposes.

Succeeds if Node needs a semicolon ';' after itself during unparsing.
Succeeds if Node needs a comma ',' after itself during unparsing.
[det]replace_types(+InitializedNames, +FuncDecl, -InitializedNames1)
Replace the instantiated types with the original types from the function declaration.

Needed during unparsing.

Output the indentation that is encoded in FileInfo.
[det]unparse_ppi(+Location, +PPIs)
Print all preprocessing information(s) PPIs at Location.

Location must be one of [before, after, inside].