post-N288 call_nth/2.

Ulrich Neumerkel (Version history)
This draft is part of the Prolog prologue. References refer to 13211-1:1995. Parts needing improvements are underlined.

p.p.9 call_nth/2

p.p.9.1 Description

call_nth(G_0, Nth) is true iff call(G_0) is true and N being the number of re-executions of call(G_0), Nth unifies with the integer N+1.

Procedurally, call_nth(G_0, Nth) is executed as follows:

a) Creates a counter N with value zero,
b) If Nth is an integer smaller or equal N, the goal fails,
or b') If there is no value greater N that is unifiable with Nth, the goal fails,
c) (Re-)executes call(G_0),
d) If it fails, the goal fails,
e) Else if it succeeds, sets N to N+1,
f) Unifies Nth with counter N,
g) If the unification succeeds, the goal succeeds,
h) Else proceeds to p.p.9.1 b,
call_nth(G_0, Nth) is re-executable. On backtracking, continue at p.p.9.1 g.

p.p.9.2 Template and modes

call_nth(?term, ?integer)

p.p.9.3 Errors

a) G_0 is a variable and Nth is not zero
b) G_0 is neither a variable nor a callable term
and Nth is not zero
type_error(callable, G_0).
c) Nth is neither a variable nor an integer
type_error(integer, Nth).
d) Nth is an integer less than zero
domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Nth).
e) The value of flag bounded is true and at step
p.p.9.1 e N+1 is larger than max_integer

p.p.9.4 Examples

?- call_nth(true, Nth).
   Nth = 1.

?- call_nth(false, Nth).

?- call_nth(repeat, Nth).
   Nth = 1
;  Nth = 2
;  Nth = 3
;  Nth = 4
;  Nth = 5
;  ... .

?- call_nth(( N = 1 ; N = 2 ), Nth).
   N = 1, Nth = 1
;  N = 2, Nth = 2.

?- call_nth(true, non_integer).

?- call_nth(true, 1.0).

?- call_nth(true, 0).

?- call_nth(repeat, 0).

?- call_nth(repeat, -1).

?- call_nth(length(L,N), 3).
   L = [_A,_B], N = 2.

?- call_nth(inex, 0).
   false. % thus not existence_error(procedure,inex/0)

?- call_nth(inex, 0).
   existence_error(procedure,_), unexpected.

?- call_nth(1, 0).

?- call_nth(V, 0).

?- call_nth(N = 1, N).
   N = 1.

?- call_nth(N = -1, N).

?- call_nth(repeat,1+1).


2008-01-27 First definition for SWI
2012-07-09 Implementations for SWI, SICStus, YAP, ECLiPSe.
2017-10-21 Added to SWI
2020-08-22 Added to Scryer library
2020-09-01 Added to Trealla
2022-04-24 Added to Ichiban
2022-06-06 Added to Prolog prologue
2023-06-25 Added to GNU Prolog
2023-07-03 Added to YAP
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