Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 16:47:18 -0400 (EDT) From: "william c. rinehuls" To: Subject: SC22 N2557 - Minutes of WG17 April 1997 Meeting __________________ beginning of title page ___________________________ ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces Secretariat: U.S.A. (ANSI) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 N2557 August 1997 TITLE: Minutes and Resolutions of SC22/WG17 (Prolog) Meeting on April 28-30, 1997 in Schliersee, Germany SOURCE: Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 WORK ITEM: N/A STATUS: N/A CROSS REFERENCE: N/A DOCUMENT TYPE: WG17 Meeting Minutes ACTION: To SC22 Member Bodies for information. Address reply to: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC22 Secretariat William C. Rinehuls 8457 Rushing Creek Court Springfield, VA 22153 USA Tel: +1 (703) 912-9680 Fax: +1 (703) 912-9273 email: ______________ end of title page; beginning of minutes ______________ Minutes of meeting WG17 (Prolog) meeting, 28 -- 30 April 1997, Schliersee, Germany These minutes of the WG17 (Prolog) meeting (28 -- 30 April 1997, Schliersee, Germany) will be implicitly accepted as confirmed unless corrections and/or objections are received within four weeks of publication. Klaus Daessler Roger Scowen ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG17 (Prolog) convener 13 August 1997 0.1 Annexes A --- Resolutions. B --- Address list. C --- Example. 1 Attendance The following attended the meeting: Klaus Daessler (Germany), Jonathan Hodgson (USA), Paul Holmes-Higgin (UK), Katsuhiko Nakamura (Japan), Roger Scowen (UK *, chairman). * - Did not vote. See Annex B for address list. 2 Agenda for meeting -- N153 The draft agenda (N153, 4) for the meeting was approved with two extensions: 11a SC22 Work program review -- Prolog, and 11b Annual Business Plan of WG17. 3 Drafting committee WG17 decided a drafting committee was not required for this meeting. Klaus Daessler agreed to serve as secretary. 4 Minutes of the Uppsala meeting (WG17 N148) Germany objected that the formulation of resolution A13 and the German vote of `Yes' doesn't make the German position clear. The minutes of the Uppsala meeting were then approved. 4.1 Matters arising from the Uppsala meeting 1) A translation process to make a Japanese Industrial Standard for Prolog will start this year. The work to create clause 3, Definitions, is seen as main part of this activity. 2) Standard Interpretation Subgroup has not yet been established. This shall be done by end of June 1997. 3) Agreement of SC22 for making ISO Prolog widely available cheaply shall be reached. RSS is asked to do this by end October 1997. 5 Future meetings WG17 did not arrange a further meeting, but has a provisional invitation from USA. Roger Scowen will arrange the next meeting about two or three months after the close of balloting to approve the Final Committee Draft for Part 2, i.e. probably mid 1998. 6 Reports from national panels No written reports from the member bodies are available, although groups had met at least in US, Britain, Japan and Germany. 7 Consideration of comments on ISO/IEC CD 13211-2 (N151) Roger Scowen had circulated a draft `Disposition of Comments' to those present and the commenters. WG17 reached agreement --- see resolutions A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, and WG17 N157 -- Disposition of Comments (in press). 8 Appreciation WG17 thanked Klaus Daessler and Siemens for hosting its meeting in Schliersee (A.7). WG17 also thanked Jonathan Hodgson (A.8). 9 Timetable The following timetable (see A.6) was agreed: 9.1 15 June 1997 Jonathan Hodgson to publish a preliminary Draft International Standard taking in account the comments made and decisions taken in Schliersee for email discussion. 9.2 30 June 1997 Roger Scowen to request SC22 to establish a Standard Interpretation Subgroup. 9.3 15 July 1997 WG17 members to identify the critical issues. 9.4 30 September 1997 Jonathan Hodgson and WG17 members to comment, discuss and resolve all the outstanding issues. 9.5 31 October 1997 Roger Scowen to request the agreement of SC22 and ISO Central Secretariat to make ISO Prolog widely available cheaply. 9.6 30 November 1997 Jonathan Hodgson to publish the Draft International Standard. 9.7 31 December 1997 Roger Scowen to submit the DIS for balloting. NOTE --- During the meeting, WG17 believed that the next draft would be the DIS. It has since been pointed out (and confirmed in the e-mail below from Bob Follett - SC22 Chairman) that the new system of drafts must be adopted, and that the next draft will be the `Final Committee Draft'. This will be followed by a `Draft International Standard' with a two month Yes/No ballot, with no changes permitted. E-MAIL From: Bob Follett To: SC22 Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 14:08:32 -0400 (EDT) Subject: (SC22.1149) New DIS Procedures The migration plan for the new DIS procedures (SC22 N2410) allows use of the old 4-month DIS ballot for CDs approved before 1 May 1997, BUT ONLY IF THE TEXTS ARE RECEIVED BY ITTF BEFORE 1 SEPTEMBER 1997. Please note carefully that approved CD texts not received by ITTF by 1 September for DIS ballot, will need to be CIRCULATED AGAIN FOR A 4-MONTH FCD BALLOT before forwarding to ITTF for an FDIS ballot. If you have any CDs approved before 1 May that have not yet been forwarded to ITTF, please contact your project editors and make sure that they complete their editing and forward them before the end of this month, in order to avoid substantial delay and additional cost. ------------------------------------------------------- A Resolutions The votes for the resolutions were taken on Wednesday 30 April. Four countries voted: Germany, Japan, UK, and USA. A.1 Module qualification WG17 resolves that inspecting or database-manipulating a procedure defined inside a module 'M' which is not the current module, without specifying 'M' in the module qualification of the inspecting or manipulating goal shall be an error: permission_error(access, implicit, Pred) Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.2 Module delimiter directives WG17 resolves that the wording of the module delimiter directives shall be as follows: 1) for a module interface as begin directive: :-module(). and as end directive: :-end_module(). where 'module_name>' shall be the module name of the begin directive. 2) for a module body as begin directive: :-body(). and as end directive :-end_body(). where 'module_name>' shall be the module name of the begin directive. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.3 Re-export WG17 resolves to have a re-export directive in the module interface, which imports and at the same time re-exports the specified procedures of another module (cf WG17 N126). Individuals: For 2, Against 0, Abstain 2. Countries: For 2, Against 1, Abstain 1. A.4 Textual control -- 1 WG17 resolves, that at the beginning of preparation for execution of a module (interface) of every module the predefined operators, char conversions and prolog flags shall be in effect. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.5 Textual control -- 2 WG17 resolves that the operator definitions, char conversions and Prolog flags of module bodies belonging to a given module shall accumulate during preparation of subsequent bodies of that module. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.6 Timetable WG17 instructs: 1) The project editor to publish a preliminary Draft International Standard taking in account the comments made and decisions taken in Schliersee by June 15, 1997 for email discussion, 2) WG17 members to identify the critical issues by July 15, 1997, 3) WG17 members and project editor to comment, discuss and resolve all the outstanding issues by September 30, 1997, 4) The project editor to publish the Draft International Standard by November 30, 1997, 5) The convener to submit the DIS for balloting by 31 December 1997. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.7 Appreciation -- 1 WG17 thanks the local host, Klaus Daessler, and Siemens for their excellent efforts and services in organizing and hosting this meeting. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.8 Appreciation -- 2 WG17 thanks Jonathan Hodgson for his continued efforts. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. ------------------------------------------------------- B Address List Dipl-Phys Klaus Daessler SNI AG BS2000 SD15 Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 D-81730 Muenchen GERMANY Tel: +49 89 636 48085 Fax: +49 89 636 40140 E-mail: Jonathan Hodgson Dept. of Math/CSC St. Joseph's University 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19131 USA Tel: +1 610 660 1571 Fax: +1 215 473 0001 E-Mail: Dr Paul Holmes-Higgin Director of Technology Resumix Limited Renaissance House 32 Upper High Street Epsom KT17 4QJ UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0)1372 745777 Fax: +44 (0)1372 743429 E-mail: Professor K Nakamura Faculty of Science and Engineering Tokyo Denki University Hatoyama-machi Saitama-Ken 350-03 JAPAN Tel: +81 492 96 2911 Fax: +81 492 96 6185 E-Mail: Roger Scowen 9 Birchwood Grove Hampton, Middlesex TW12 3DU UNITED KINGDOM Tel: + 44 181 979 7429 Fax: + 44 181 287 3810 E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------- C Example by Klaus Daessler :-module tools. :-meta [interpret/1]. :-end_module tools. :-begin_module tools. interpret(true):-!. interpret((G1,G2)) :- !, calling_context(M), interpret(G1)@M, interpret(G2)@M. interpret(G):- calling_context(M), functor(G,N,A), current_predicate(N/A)@M, clause(G, Body)@M, interpret(Body)@M, !. interpret(G):- G. :-end_module tools. :-module programs1. :-export [app/3]. :-end_module programs1. :-begin_module programs1. :-dynamic([app/3,mysort/2]). app([],L,L). app([H|T],L,[H|G]):- app(T,L,G). mysort([],[]). mysort([G|T],S):- part(G,T,L,H), mysort(L,LS), mysort(H,HS), app(LS,[G|HS],S). part(_,[],[],[]). part(J,[H|R],[H|L],U):- H =< J, !, part(J,R,L,U). part(J,[H|R],L,[H|U]):- H > J, !, part(J,R,L,U). :-end_module programs1. :-module programs2. :-end_module programs2. :-begin_module programs2. :-import programs1. :-end_module programs2. list1([7,2,6,5,1]). list2([9,0,4,8,3]). ______________________ end of SC22 N2557 ____________________________