------------------------------------------------------- Minutes of meeting ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG17 N199 ------------------------------------------------------- WG17 (Prolog) meeting, 13th September 2007. Oporto. Portugal. Jonathan Hodgson ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG17 (Prolog) Convener 0.1 Annexes A --- Resolutions. B --- Address list. 1. Attendance. Klaus Daessler(Germany) , Bart Demoen(Belgium), Vitor Santos Costa (Portugal), Pierre Deransart (France) , `Jonathan Hodgson (Chair),Paulo Moura (Portugal) , Katsuhiko Nakamura (Japan) , Roger Scowen (UK) , Peter Szeredi (Hungary) ,Jan Wielermaker, (The Netherlands), Neng-Fa Zhou (USA). See Annex B for address list. 2 Agenda for meeting -- N193 It was agreed to add the DIN proposal for a Stratification subcommittee to the agenda under other business. The agenda as revised was adopted. 3 Drafting committee WG17 decided that a drafting committee was not required for this meeting. Jonathan Hodgson agreed to serve as secretary. 4 Minutes of the Seattle meeting (WG17 N195 ) Peter Szeredi noted some typographical errors in the minutes as circulated. The minutes of the Seattle meeting were unanimously approved as corrected. 5. Update on status of ballots and resolutions. Jonathan Hodgson summarized the statues of ballots and the resolutions from the previous year. a. The ballot on Corrigenda 1 through 28 was successful. b. SC22 did not endorse WG17's request that the JTC1 directives be modified to permit the vote of O members willing to actively participate to be weighed in ballots on new work items. 6. Progress report on the Technical report on DCGs. Klaus Daessler introduced a contribution from DIN "German remarks and contributions onISO/IEC DTR 13211-3: August 6, 2007" N198 Paulo Moura asked for more co-operation from members.He noted that the original proposal was to produce a reference implementation. More test cases are needed. Peter Szeredi agreed to supply a correction to section 11.2 of N186 to include the handling of cuts. It was agreed Resolution A 1) that the short version of the interpreter that uses phrase be in the body and that the full meta-interpreter be in an informative annex. It was agreed (resolution A 2 )that expansion of grammar rule shall add exactly two arguments. The predicate property expanded_from should be optional. 7. Discussion of the Japanese Proposal on Globals and Arrays. Peter Szeredi expressed concerns about using the same names for access to mutables and globals. It was agreed to separate global -- that is named variables from mutables. (Resolution A 4).). Mutable should be used instead of assignable. Issues with copy_term, ground , and compare need to be addressed. It was agreed to delay arrays. 8. Threads. Paulo Moura indicated that this is in good shape and that a draft for ballot as a PDTR could be expected soon. Most implementations already conform to the proposal. 9. Corrigenda. It was agreed that members would supply Roger with defects reports and proposed corrections. In the matter of additional core predicates N192 WG17 members were encouraged, when providing comments (Resolution A6) to provide detailed suggestions along the lines of N197. 10. DIN proposal. Klaus Daessler introduced the German suggestion for a stratification subgroup. WG17 (resolution A 8) asked Klaus Daessler to prepare a further report on the topic, after consultation with experts. 13. Next meeting. WG17 agreed that it next meeting would be in Udine, Italy. Jonathan Hodgson will arrange this. 14. The meeting adjourned at 6.22pm A. Resolutions. A 1. WG17 resolves that the reference implementation that calls phrase/3 shall be in the body of the text and the meta-interpreter in an informative annex. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 2. WG17 resolves that conversion of a grammar rule shall add exactly two arguments. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 3. WG17 asks Paulo Moura to prepare by September 30th a version of TR ISO:IEC 13211-3 with a view to a final ballot in early 2008. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A.4 WG 17 asks Japan to produce a draft on globals and mutable variables, taking into account the comments at the meeting with a view to submitting it for ballot as a draft PDTR by March 31st 2008. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 5. WG17 asks Paulo Moura to prepare a PDTR on Threads to be ready for ballot by the next WG17 meeting (Udine December 2008). Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 6. WG17 asks all members to submit comments on Roger Scowen's corrigenda 29 to 60. Roger Scowen to act on those comments that he has received. submit further defect reports with proposed corrections. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 7. WG17 asks all members to provide feedback on missing predicates for a new document by the next meeting of WG17. In addition WG asks Jonathan Hodgson to solicit feedback on call_cleanup and detailed comments on new arithmetic functions and flags Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 8. WG17 asks Klaus Daessler to prepare a report on stratification, based on correspondence with experts. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. A 9. WG17 thanks the organizers of ICLP 2007 for their help in arranging this meeting. Individuals: Unanimous. Countries: Unanimous. B. Address List. Vitor Santos Costa Department de Cienca de Computadores Rua De Campo Alegre, 1021/1055 4169-0007 Porto, Portugal vsc@dcc.fc.up.pt Klaus Daessler Gesellschaft fur Mathematische Intelligenz Goethestrasse 34 D-01445 Radebeul Germany Tel: +49 351 8365590 E-mail: klaus.daessler@mathint.com Bart Demoen Dept. of Computer Science K.U. Leuven, 3001 Leuven, Belgium E-mail bmd@cs.kuleuven.be Pierre Deransart INRIA BP 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex France Pierre.Deransart@inria.fr Jonathan Hodgson Dept. of Math/CSC St. Joseph's University 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia. PA 19131 USA Tel: +1 610 660 1571 Fax: +1 215 473 0001 E-Mail: jhodgson@sju.edu Paulo Moura University of Beira Interior 6200 Covilha Portugal. E-mail: pmoura@di.ubi.pt Professor K Nakamura Faculty of Science and Engineering Tokyo Denki University Hatoyama-machi Saitama-Ken 350-0394 JAPAN Tel: +81 492 96 2911 Fax: +81 492 96 6185 E-Mail: nakamura@k.dendai.ac.jp Roger Scowen, 9 Birchwood Grove, Hampton, Middlesex United Kingdom TW12 3DU Tel: +44 (0)20 8979 7429; E-mail: (1) roger.scowen@npl.co.uk (2) patscowen@waitrose.com Peter Szeredi Dept. of Computer Science and Information Theory Budapest University of Technology and Economics H-1111 Budapest, Muegyetem RKP. 3-9 Hungary www.bme.hu szeredi@cs.bme.hu Jan Wielemaker, HCS, Univ v Amsterdam, Kruislaan 41G Amsterdam The Netherlands E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl Neng-Fa Zhou The City University of New York 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889 nzhou@acm.org