:- module(double_quotes, []). /** Readable string notation The ISO Prolog standard defines three meanings for double quoted strings in Prolog text (double quoted list tokens 6.4.6). The Prolog flag double_quotes ( determines the current meaning. This flag affects compilation, read_term/3, and companions - any conversions from Prolog text to terms. The possible values are: chars, codes, atom. == double_quotes "abc". "". ------------------------------------ chars [a,b,c]. []. codes [97,98,99]. []. % ASCII/Latin/Unicode atom abc. ''. == Once the Prolog text "abc" has been converted to the corresponding term, the information where the term came from is lost forever. This is particularly cumbersome when using DCGs with texts. Consider with default settings: == ?- phrase(("Ja tvoi ",("sluga"|"rabotnik"),"!"), Satz). Satz = [74,97,32,116,118,111,105,32,115,108,117,103,97,33] ; Satz = [74,97,32,116,118,111,105,32,114,97,98,111,116,110,105,107,33]. == Shall Satz be printed as quoted text or not? It really depends on the situation. In the context of clpfd-constraints, an unwanted conversion is very inconvenient. The situation is less problematic when using chars. Even if we have written a list [a,b,c] on purpose, "abc" is not too far away - and a bit more compact. With set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars) in the .plrc or pl.ini we get now: == ?- phrase(("Ja tvoi ",("sluga"|"rabotnik"),"!"), Satz). Satz = "Ja tvoi sluga!" ; Satz = "Ja tvoi rabotnik!". == 2010-11-24: Chars in place of codes. @author Ulrich Neumerkel */ :- multifile(user:portray/1). user:portray(Chars) :- Chars = [A|_], atom(A), current_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars), is_of_type(chars, Chars), !, atom_chars(Atom,Chars), write_double_quoted_atom(Atom). write_double_quoted_atom(Atom) :- must_be(atom,Atom), with_output_to(chars([Ch0|Chars]),writeq(Atom)), ( Ch0 == '\'' -> phrase(quoted_dbl(Chars), S) ; phrase(unquoted_dbl([Ch0|Chars]), S) ), format('"~s"',[S]). unquoted_dbl([]) --> []. unquoted_dbl([C|Cs]) --> ( {C == (\)} -> [\] ; [] ), [C], unquoted_dbl(Cs). quoted_dbl(['\'']) --> !. quoted_dbl([\,\|Cs]) --> !, [\,\], quoted_dbl(Cs). quoted_dbl([\,'\'']) --> !, [\]. quoted_dbl([\,'\''|Cs]) --> !, ['\''], quoted_dbl(Cs). quoted_dbl([C|Cs]) --> ( { C == '"' } -> [\] ; [] ), [C], quoted_dbl(Cs).