" E-Recto "

DIY High Gain, 2-channel tube-amplifier (Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier '94 "Light")



A serial FX-loop, nothing special, not hard to do. Below the slightly modified/extended schematic:

The values of the elements can be obtained from the original-schematics. The main difference is about the function-variety. S12, S13 and S14 are disabled (means not switchable). S12, S14 are permanently CLOSED, S13 permanently OPEN. If no modifications/extrensions will ever be done in future, you can remove S12, S13, S14 together with R35. SY1 is a simple two-way-relais (any, i used a 5 V/150 Ohm model). The only thing you can switch is "FX-ON/FX-OFF" (relais-based, controlled by a footswitch). UP (see picture) = OFF (bypass), DOWN = ON (FX active). Not as flexible as the original, but pretty simple, much easier to do, and makes the switching matrix greatly simplified.

The placement-map (V-mirrored).

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