ALL ABOUT ARCHIVES, LIBRARIES and SQUEEZED FILES Some of the files in the FIG RoundTable Software Libraries have been compressed or combined into libraries by using one or another of the standard public domain utilities that either SQueezes, LiBRaries or ARChives files. This transformation is performed to compress the files to minimize download time, and/or combine several related files into a single easily-managed file. You cannot use or run any of these files without first transforming them back to their original state. These processed files are specially named with a filetype (the last 3 letters of a filename after the '.' that signifies the transformation. These are: .ARC for files archived with ARC.EXE .LBR for files libraried with LU.EXE or NULU.COM .?Q? for squeezed files with SQ.COM. The following is a list of files from other RoundTables on GEnie. The file numbers are current as of Aug 15, 1987. By the time you read this listing the most current version may have changed, so go to the suggested RoundTable and search using the keywords "ARCHIVE","ARC","SQUEEZE","LIBRARY" to find the latest version. WHERE TO FIND THEM: If you do not have the program to extract the files you want, you will need to get them from the RoundTable for your specific machine. Visit these Roundtables and pick up the programs and documentation that you need. There will probably be many other useful utilities that you can use as well. To get there from the "

revious or elp" prompt. Type Mxxx where xxx is the Roundtable page or type the ID for the Roundtable (usually the name of your machine). Recommended reading: For everyone interested in the compression and library utilities, read the ARC sections of the Commodore or Amiga RT "New Member Survival Kit", file #3517 "ARC&LBR.DOC from the IBM RT and file #3000 "-FILES.INF" from the CP/M RT. For each machine type, get these files: ---------------------------------------------------------------- IBM or compatables: The IBM RoundTable is on page 615. Use m615 or use IBM and select menu item 1 (IBM PC RT). General: #3517 - ARC&LBR.DOC This is the IBM RT documentation and is a very good explanation of the entire techniques of ARCing, SQueezing and libraries. Everything you wanted to know. .ARC: #3472 - ARC520.COM Use this to unARC and ARC files. This is the most compatable method of ARCing. Other machines generally will be able to unARC these files. It is slower than PKARC but more compatable. This is an executable file that will unARC itself and produce ARC.EXE and ARC documentation. #4589 - PKX35A35.EXE Use this only to unARC files that will not unARC with ARC520. All .ARC files in the FIG RT should be compatable with ARC520, but some may have slipped by the sysops. PKARC can create "squished" files that are incompatable with programs on other CPU's. Please do not upload files to the FIG RT that have been ARCed with PKARC! .xQx: #43 - NUSQ110.COM Use this to unSQueeze files with the .xQx extensions. They have been squeezed with SQPC.COM from an IBM system or from SQ.COM from a CP/M system. This is a common squeezing technique from CP/M systems. .LBR: #960 - LUE220.COM Use this to extract individual files from the library .LBR files. The files contained may still have to be further extracted with NUSQ. The IBM version of the LU program does not unsqueeze. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CP/M: The CP/M RoundTable is on page 685. Use m685 or use CPM. General: #3000 - -FILES.INF This is the CP/M RT documentation and is a very good explanation of the entire techniques of ARCing, SQueezing and libraries. Everything you wanted to know. .ARC: #3757 - UNARC16.COM Use this to unARC files for Z80 processors. #3756 - UNARCA16.COM Use this to unARC files for 8080/8085 processors. #2312 - UNARC.DQC This is documentation for UNARC. The CP/M utility is used only for unARCing. There is no utility to create ARC files. For creating and uploading libraries use the NULU151.COM. .xQx: #4 - USQ120.COM Use this to SQueeze and unSQueeze files with the .xQx extensions. .LBR: #764 - NULU151.COM Use this to extract individual files from the library .LBR files. This utility also allows unSQueezeing .xQx files in the library file. ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPLE: The APPLE RoundTable is on page 645. Use m645 or use APPLE. .ARC: Use this to ARC and unARC files. #1998 - ARC.SOURCE1.BNY PART 1 OF 2. SOURCE CODE FOR ARC #1999 - ARC.SOURCE2.BNY PART 2 OF 2. SOURCE CODE FOR ARC. #2000 - ARC.TEXT.BNY NOTES ON ARC. #2278 - PROARC.BNY ProARC - Archival program #1934 - THE LIBRARIAN.BNY ProDOS, MSDOS & CP/M ARC program ---------------------------------------------------------------- MAC: The MAC RoundTable is on page 605. Use m605 or use MAC. .ARC: #3971 - MACARC V0.03 Use this to unARC files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMODORE: The Commodore RoundTable is on page 625. Use m625 or use COMMODORE and select 1 (Commodore RT). General: From the "New Member Survival Kit", read "Help with ARC". While you are there read the other help file. They are really valuable. .ARC: #2586 - ARC 2.30 Use this to unARC and ARC files. #3362 - Documentation for the Commodore ARC #2587 - ARC230.8 Version 2.30 for those with 80 col BI cards. See the ARC230.LOG file for an extensive list of the modifications and improvements! .xQx: #690 - SQZ/UNSQ.LBR Use this to unSQueeze files with the .xQx extensions. They have been squeezed with SQPC.COM from an IBM system or from SQ.COM from a CP/M system. This is a common squeezing technique from CP/M systems. .LBR: #1142 - LIBRARY-128 V1.3A Use this to extract individual files from the library .LBR files. The files contained may still have to be further extracted with UNSQ. The COMMODORE version of the Library program does not unsqueeze. ---------------------------------------------------------------- AMIGA: The AMIGA RoundTable is on page 555. Use m555 or use AMIGA. General: From the "New Member Survival Kit", read "Help with ARC". While you are there read the other help file. They are really valuable. .ARC: #1726 - ARC23.ARC Use this to unARC and ARC files. #2087 - UnARC Use this to unARC #1726 ARC23.ARC .LBR: #1142 - LIBRARY-128 V1.3A Use this to extract individual files from the library .LBR files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATARI: The ATARI RoundTable is on page 475. Use m475 or use ATARI and select 2 (Atari ST RT). .ARC: #1271 - ARC.TTP Use this to unARC and ARC files. #1298 - ARC.ARC #1272 - ARC.HLP These are help and documentation file for ARC.TTP. #1834 - ARC HELP Documentation for the ATARI ARC. .LBR: #1223 - DELIB.TTP Use this to extract individual files from the library .LBR files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATARI 8 BIT: The ATARI RoundTable is on page 665. Use m665 or use ATARI and select 1 (Atari 8 bit). .ARC: Use this to ARC and unARC files. #1909 - ARC12.ARC ARC compressor 8 bit #2098 - ARCBAT21.ARC Creates .BAT file for ARCing files #1957 - ARCQUEST.ARC ANSWERS TO ARC QUESTIONS #1908 - ARCX12.COM ARC extractor ---------------------------------------------------------------- TI: The TI RoundTable is on page 575. Use m575 or use TI. .ARC: #29 - ARC51.COM Use this to ARC and unARC files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TANDY/RADIO SHACK: The TANDY RoundTable is on page 635. Use m635 or use TANDY. .ARC: Use this to ARC and unARC files. #320 - ARC VERSION 5.12 ARC.EXE UPDATE #1519 - ARC4V102/CMD ARC.COM version 01.02.00. #148 - ARC5.EXE Archive 5.0 Utility for MSDOS and T2 #173 - ARC512.EXE ARCHIVE UTILITY #778 - ARCHIVE1/CMD ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR THE MODEL 1 #772 - ARCHIVE3/CMD ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR LDOS 5.1.X #774 - ARCHIVE3/DOC ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR LDOS 5.1.X #836 - ARCHIVE4/CMD ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR TRSDOS 6.2.X #837 - ARCHIVE4/DOC ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR TRSDOS 6.2 #836 - ARCHIVE4/CMD ARCHIVE PROGRAM FOR TRSDOS 6.2.X