\ MAIN.FS Kernal main load file 20may93jaw \ Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. \ This file is part of Gforth. \ Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 \ of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the \ GNU General Public License for more details. \ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software \ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. \ : include bl word count included ; \ we want write include... \ : : ( -- colon-sys ) Header [ ' : @ ] ALiteral cfa, 0 ] ; \ : ; ( colon-sys -- ) ?struc postpone exit reveal postpone [ ; immediate \ : :noname ( -- xt colon-sys ) here [ ' : @ ] ALiteral cfa, 0 ] ; Create mach-file here over 1+ allot place require ../errors.fs require ../search.fs require ../extend.fs \ include etags.fs include ../cross.fs \ include cross-compiler decimal has? kernel-size makekernel ( size ) \ create image-header has? header [IF] 0 A, \ base address 0 , \ checksum 0 , \ image size (without tags) >address , \ dict size has? stack-size , \ data stack size has? fstack-size , \ FP stack size has? rstack-size , \ return stack size has? lstack-size , \ locals stack size 0 A, \ code entry point 0 A, \ throw entry point has? stack-size , \ unused (possibly tib stack size) 0 , \ unused 0 , \ data stack base 0 , \ fp stack base 0 , \ return stack base 0 , \ locals stack base [THEN] UNLOCK ghost - drop \ ghost must exist because - would be treated as number LOCK doc-off has? prims [IF] include aliases.fs \ include primitive aliases [ELSE] prims-include undef-words include prim.fs all-words UNLOCK LOCK [THEN] doc-on 0 AConstant forthstart include ./vars.fs \ variables and other stuff include kernel/version.fs \ is in $(build)/kernel include ./kernel.fs \ load kernel include ./errore.fs include ./doers.fs has? file [IF] include ./args.fs include ./files.fs \ load file words include ./paths.fs include ./require.fs [THEN] has? compiler [IF] has? glocals [IF] include ./cond.fs \ load IF and co [ELSE] include ./cond-old.fs \ load IF and co w/o locals [THEN] \ include arch/misc/tt.fs \ include arch/misc/sokoban.fs [THEN] include ./toolsext.fs include ./tools.fs \ load tools ( .s dump ) include ./getdoers.fs include ./special.fs \ special must be last! \ Setup 13feb93py here normal-dp ! tudp H @ minimal udp ! decimal has? header [IF] \ UNLOCK here >address 2 cells ! \ image size ' boot >body 8 cells A! \ Entry point \ LOCK [ELSE] >boot [THEN] UNLOCK Tlast @ LOCK 1 cells - dup forth-wordlist cell+ ! Last ! .unresolved