\ serial.fs \ \ gforth interface words for Linux serial communcations. \ \ Copyright (c) 2000--2004 David P. Wallace, Krishna Myneni \ Provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License \ \ Requires: \ \ strings.fs \ syscalls386.fs \ \ Revisions: \ \ 3-13-2000 first working version \ 6-03-2001 modified serial_open to disable XON/XOFF flow control, \ added bit constants for c_iflag, etc., \ modified serial_setparams for readability KM \ 12-13-2001 modified serial_open to disable CR to NL translation. KM \ 9-17-2004 ported from kForth KM \ termios structure require strings.fs require syscalls386.fs create termios 4 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 64 + 4 + 4 + allot 0 constant C_IFLAG 4 constant C_OFLAG 8 constant C_CFLAG 12 constant C_LFLAG 16 constant C_LINE 18 constant C__CC 82 constant C_ISPEED 86 constant C_OSPEED \ c_iflag bits 1 constant IGNBRK 2 constant BRKINT 4 constant IGNPAR 8 constant PARMRK 16 constant INPCK 32 constant ISTRIP 64 constant INLCR 128 constant IGNCR 256 constant ICRNL 512 constant IUCLC 1024 constant IXON 2048 constant IXANY 4096 constant IXOFF 8192 constant IMAXBEL \ c_oflag bits 1 constant OPOST 2 constant OLCUC 4 constant ONLCR 8 constant OCRNL 16 constant ONOCR 32 constant ONLRET 64 constant OFILL 128 constant OFDEL 256 constant NLDLY \ c_cflag bits \ baud rates constants 4111 constant CBAUD 0 constant B0 7 constant B300 9 constant B1200 11 constant B2400 12 constant B4800 13 constant B9600 14 constant B19200 15 constant B38400 4097 constant B57600 4098 constant B115200 \ character size constants 48 constant CSIZE 0 constant CS5 16 constant CS6 32 constant CS7 48 constant CS8 \ parity constants 768 constant CPARITY 0 constant PARNONE 256 constant PAREVEN 768 constant PARODD \ stop bits constants 64 constant CSTOPB 0 constant ONESTOPB 64 constant TWOSTOPB \ c_lflag bits 1 constant ISIG 2 constant ICANON 4 constant XCASE 8 constant ECHO 16 constant ECHOE 32 constant ECHOK 64 constant ECHONL 128 constant NOFLSH 256 constant TOSTOP 512 constant ECHOCTL 1024 constant ECHOPRT 2048 constant ECHOKE 4096 constant FLUSHO 16384 constant PENDIN 32768 constant IEXTEN \ com port constants 0 constant COM1 1 constant COM2 2 constant COM3 3 constant COM4 \ ioctl request constants hex 5401 constant TCGETS 5402 constant TCSETS 540B constant TCFLSH 541B constant FIONREAD decimal \ file control constants hex 800 constant O_NDELAY 100 constant O_NOCTTY 002 constant O_RDWR decimal : serial_getoptions ( handle -- | read serial port options into termios ) TCGETS termios ioctl drop ; : serial_setoptions ( handle -- | write termios into serial port options ) TCSETS termios ioctl drop ; : serial_open ( port -- handle | opens the serial port for communcation ) \ port is the serial port to open \ 0 = ttyS0 (COM1) \ 1 = ttyS1 (COM2) \ 2 = ttyS2 (COM3) \ 3 = ttyS3 (COM4) \ handle is a handle to the open serial port \ if handle < 0 there was an error opening the port dup 0 >= if s>string count s" /dev/ttyS" 2swap strcat strpck O_RDWR O_NOCTTY O_NDELAY or or open dup dup serial_getoptions \ Disable XON/XOFF flow control and CR to NL mapping termios C_IFLAG + @ IXON IXOFF or IXANY or ICRNL or ( not) invert and termios C_IFLAG + ! \ Open for raw input termios C_LFLAG + @ ISIG ICANON or ECHO or ECHOE or ( not) invert and termios C_LFLAG + ! \ Open for raw output termios C_OFLAG + @ OPOST ( not) invert and termios C_OFLAG + ! serial_setoptions then ; : serial_close ( handle -- | closes the port ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open close ; : serial_write ( handle buf num_to_write -- num_written ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ buf = address to buffer that holds chars to be written \ num_to_write = number of chars to write \ num_written = number of chars actually written write ; : serial_read ( handle buf num_to_read -- num_read ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ buf = address to buffer to hold chars to being read \ num_to_read = number of chars to read \ num_read = number of chars actually read read ; : serial_setbaud ( handle baud -- ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ baud = desired baud rate ( use constants defined above ) swap dup serial_getoptions \ set the baud rate swap termios C_CFLAG + @ CBAUD ( not) invert and or termios C_CFLAG + ! serial_setoptions ; : serial_setparity ( handle parity -- ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ parity = desired parity ( use constants defined above ) swap dup serial_getoptions \ set the parity swap termios C_CFLAG + @ CPARITY ( not) invert and or termios C_CFLAG + ! serial_setoptions ; : serial_setstopbits ( handle stopbits -- ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ stopbits = desired number of stopbits ( constants above ) swap dup serial_getoptions \ set the stop_bit swap termios C_CFLAG + @ CSTOPB ( not) invert and or termios C_CFLAG + ! serial_setoptions ; : serial_setdatabits ( handle databits -- ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ databits = desired number of databits ( constants above ) swap dup serial_getoptions \ set the data size swap termios C_CFLAG + @ CSIZE ( not) invert and or termios C_CFLAG + ! serial_setoptions ; : serial_flush ( handle -- ) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open TCFLSH 2 ioctl drop ; variable inque : serial_lenrx ( handle -- rx_len) \ handle = serial port handle received from serial_open \ rx_len = number of chars in recieve que FIONREAD inque ioctl drop inque @ ; : serial_setparams ( handle ^str -- ) \ ^str examples are 8N1, 7E1, etc. swap >r dup 1+ c@ case [char] 8 of r@ CS8 serial_setdatabits endof [char] 7 of r@ CS7 serial_setdatabits endof endcase dup 2 + c@ case [char] N of r@ PARNONE serial_setparity endof [char] E of r@ PAREVEN serial_setparity endof [char] O of r@ PARODD serial_setparity endof endcase 3 + c@ case [char] 1 of r@ ONESTOPB serial_setstopbits endof [char] 2 of r@ TWOSTOPB serial_setstopbits endof endcase r> drop ;