File:  [gforth] / gforth / gforth.el
Revision 1.1: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Sat May 7 14:55:53 1994 UTC (29 years, 11 months ago) by anton
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
local variables
rewrote primitives2c.el in Forth (prims2x.el)
various small changes
Added Files:
 	from-cut-here gforth.el gforth.texi glocals.fs gray.fs
 	locals-test.fs prims2x.fs

    1: ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
    2: ;; Changes by anton
    4: ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    5: ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
    6: ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
    7: ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
    8: ;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
    9: ;; License for full details.
   11: ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
   12: ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
   13: ;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
   14: ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
   15: ;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
   16: ;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
   17: ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
   19: ;;; $Header: /nfs/unsafe/cvs-repository/src-master/gforth/gforth.el,v 1.1 1994/05/07 14:55:53 anton Exp $
   21: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   22: ;; A Forth indentation, documentation search and interaction library
   23: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   24: ;;
   25: ;; Written by Goran Rydqvist,, Summer 1988
   26: ;; Started:	16 July 88
   27: ;; Version:	2.10
   28: ;; Last update:	5 December 1989 by Mikael Patel,
   29: ;; Last update:	25 June 1990 by Goran Rydqvist,
   30: ;;
   31: ;; Documentation: See forth-mode (^HF forth-mode)
   32: ;;-------------------------------------------------------------------
   35: (defvar forth-positives
   36:   " : begin do ?do while if ?dup-if ?dup-not-if else case create does> exception> "
   37:   "Contains all words which will cause the indent-level to be incremented
   38: on the next line.
   39: OBS! All words in forth-positives must be surrounded by spaces.")
   41: (defvar forth-negatives
   42:   " ; until repeat while +loop loop else then endif again endcase does> "
   43:   "Contains all words which will cause the indent-level to be decremented
   44: on the current line.
   45: OBS! All words in forth-negatives must be surrounded by spaces.")
   47: (defvar forth-zeroes
   48:   " : "
   49:   "Contains all words which causes the indent to go to zero")
   51: (defvar forth-mode-abbrev-table nil
   52:   "Abbrev table in use in Forth-mode buffers.")
   54: (define-abbrev-table 'forth-mode-abbrev-table ())
   56: (defvar forth-mode-map nil
   57:   "Keymap used in Forth mode.")
   59: (if (not forth-mode-map)
   60:     (setq forth-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
   62: (global-set-key "\e\C-m" 'forth-send-paragraph)
   63: (global-set-key "\C-x\C-m" 'forth-split)
   64: (global-set-key "\e " 'forth-reload)
   66: (define-key forth-mode-map "\e\C-m" 'forth-send-paragraph)
   67: (define-key forth-mode-map "\eo" 'forth-send-buffer)
   68: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-m" 'forth-split)
   69: (define-key forth-mode-map "\e " 'forth-reload)
   70: (define-key forth-mode-map "\t" 'forth-indent-command)
   71: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-m" 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)
   73: (defvar forth-mode-syntax-table nil
   74:   "Syntax table in use in Forth-mode buffers.")
   76: (if (not forth-mode-syntax-table)
   77:     (progn
   78:       (setq forth-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
   79:       (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" forth-mode-syntax-table)
   80:       (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" forth-mode-syntax-table)
   81:       (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" forth-mode-syntax-table)
   82:       (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   83:       (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   84:       (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   85:       (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   86:       (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   87:       (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   88:       (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   89:       (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." forth-mode-syntax-table)
   90:       (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" forth-mode-syntax-table)
   91:       (modify-syntax-entry ?\t "    " forth-mode-syntax-table)
   92:       (modify-syntax-entry ?) ">   " forth-mode-syntax-table)
   93:       (modify-syntax-entry ?( "<   " forth-mode-syntax-table)
   94:       (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()  " forth-mode-syntax-table)
   95:       (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(  " forth-mode-syntax-table)))
   97: (defconst forth-indent-level 4
   98:   "Indentation of Forth statements.")
  100: (defun forth-mode-variables ()
  101:   (set-syntax-table forth-mode-syntax-table)
  102:   (setq local-abbrev-table forth-mode-abbrev-table)
  103:   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
  104:   (setq paragraph-start (concat "^$\\|" page-delimiter))
  105:   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
  106:   (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
  107:   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
  108:   (setq indent-line-function 'forth-indent-line)
  109:   (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
  110:   (setq require-final-newline t)
  111:   (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
  112:   (setq comment-start "( ")
  113:   (make-local-variable 'comment-end)
  114:   (setq comment-end " )")
  115:   (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
  116:   (setq comment-column 40)
  117:   (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
  118:   (setq comment-start-skip "( ")
  119:   (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-hook)
  120:   (setq comment-indent-hook 'forth-comment-indent)
  121:   (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
  122:   (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
  124: (defun forth-mode ()
  125:   "
  126: Major mode for editing Forth code. Tab indents for Forth code. Comments
  127: are delimited with ( ). Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
  128: Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
  129: \\{forth-mode-map}
  130:  Forth-split
  131:     Positions the current buffer on top and a forth-interaction window
  132:     below. The window size is controlled by the forth-percent-height
  133:     variable (see below).
  134:  Forth-reload
  135:     Reloads the forth library and restarts the forth process.
  136:  Forth-send-buffer
  137:     Sends the current buffer, in text representation, as input to the
  138:     forth process.
  139:  Forth-send-paragraph
  140:     Sends the previous or the current paragraph to the forth-process.
  141:     Note that the cursor only need to be with in the paragraph to be sent.
  142: forth-documentation
  143:     Search for documentation of forward adjacent to cursor. Note! To use
  144:     this mode you have to add a line, to your .emacs file, defining the
  145:     directories to search through for documentation files (se variable
  146:     forth-help-load-path below) e.g. (setq forth-help-load-path '(nil)).
  148: Variables controlling interaction and startup
  149:  forth-percent-height
  150:     Tells split how high to make the edit portion, in percent of the
  151:     current screen height.
  152:  forth-program-name
  153:     Tells the library which program name to execute in the interation
  154:     window.
  156: Variables controlling indentation style:
  157:  forth-positives
  158:     A string containing all words which causes the indent-level of the
  159:     following line to be incremented.
  160:     OBS! Each word must be surronded by spaces.
  161:  forth-negatives
  162:     A string containing all words which causes the indentation of the
  163:     current line to be decremented, if the word begin the line. These
  164:     words also has a cancelling effect on the indent-level of the
  165:     following line, independent of position.
  166:     OBS! Each word must be surronded by spaces.
  167:  forth-zeroes
  168:     A string containing all words which causes the indentation of the
  169:     current line to go to zero, if the word begin the line.
  170:     OBS! Each word must be surronded by spaces.
  171:  forth-indent-level
  172:     Indentation increment/decrement of Forth statements.
  174:  Note! A word which decrements the indentation of the current line, may
  175:     also be mentioned in forth-positives to cause the indentation to
  176:     resume the previous level.
  178: Variables controling documentation search
  179:  forth-help-load-path
  180:     List of directories to search through to find *.doc
  181:     (forth-help-file-suffix) files. Nil means current default directory.
  182:     The specified directories must contain at least one .doc file. If it
  183:     does not and you still want the load-path to scan that directory, create
  184:     an empty file dummy.doc.
  185:  forth-help-file-suffix
  186:     The file names to search for in each directory specified by
  187:     forth-help-load-path. Defaulted to '*.doc'. 
  188: "
  189:   (interactive)
  190:   (kill-all-local-variables)
  191:   (use-local-map forth-mode-map)
  192:   (setq mode-name "Forth")
  193:   (setq major-mode 'forth-mode)
  194:   (forth-mode-variables)
  195: ;  (if (not (forth-process-running-p))
  196: ;      (run-forth forth-program-name))
  197:   (run-hooks 'forth-mode-hook))
  199: (defun forth-comment-indent ()
  200:   (save-excursion
  201:     (beginning-of-line)
  202:     (if (looking-at ":[ \t]*")
  203: 	(progn
  204: 	  (end-of-line)
  205: 	  (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
  206: 	  (1+ (current-column)))
  207:       comment-column)))
  209: (defun forth-current-indentation ()
  210:   (save-excursion
  211:     (beginning-of-line)
  212:     (back-to-indentation)
  213:     (current-column)))
  215: (defun forth-delete-indentation ()
  216:   (let ((b nil) (m nil))
  217:     (save-excursion
  218:       (beginning-of-line)
  219:       (setq b (point))
  220:       (back-to-indentation)
  221:       (setq m (point)))
  222:     (delete-region b m)))
  224: (defun forth-indent-line (&optional flag)
  225:   "Correct indentation of the current Forth line."
  226:   (let ((x (forth-calculate-indent)))
  227:     (forth-indent-to x)))
  229: (defun forth-indent-command ()
  230:   (interactive)
  231:   (forth-indent-line t))
  233: (defun forth-indent-to (x)
  234:   (let ((p nil))
  235:     (setq p (- (current-column) (forth-current-indentation)))
  236:     (forth-delete-indentation)
  237:     (beginning-of-line)
  238:     (indent-to x)
  239:     (if (> p 0) (forward-char p))))
  241: ;;Calculate indent
  242: (defun forth-calculate-indent ()
  243:   (let ((w1 nil) (indent 0) (centre 0))
  244:     (save-excursion
  245:       (beginning-of-line)
  246:       (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
  247:       (beginning-of-line)
  248:       (back-to-indentation)
  249:       (setq indent (current-column))
  250:       (setq centre indent)
  251:       (setq indent (+ indent (forth-sum-line-indentation))))
  252:     (save-excursion
  253:       (beginning-of-line)
  254:       (back-to-indentation)
  255:       (let ((p (point)))
  256: 	(skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
  257: 	(setq w1 (buffer-substring p (point)))))
  258:     (if (> (- indent centre) forth-indent-level)
  259: 	(setq indent (+ centre forth-indent-level)))
  260:     (if (> (- centre indent) forth-indent-level)
  261: 	(setq indent (- centre forth-indent-level)))
  262:     (if (< indent 0) (setq indent 0))
  263:     (setq indent (- indent
  264: 		    (if (string-match 
  265: 			 (regexp-quote (concat " " w1 " "))
  266: 			 forth-negatives)
  267: 			forth-indent-level 0)))
  268:     (if (string-match (regexp-quote (concat " " w1 " ")) forth-zeroes)
  269: 	(setq indent 0))
  270:     indent))
  272: (defun forth-sum-line-indentation ()
  273:   "Add upp the positive and negative weights of all words on the current line."
  274:   (let ((b (point)) (e nil) (sum 0) (w nil) (t1 nil) (t2 nil) (first t))
  275:     (end-of-line) (setq e (point))
  276:     (goto-char b)
  277:     (while (< (point) e)
  278:       (setq w (forth-next-word))
  279:       (setq t1 (string-match (regexp-quote (concat " " w " "))
  280: 			     forth-positives))
  281:       (setq t2 (string-match (regexp-quote (concat " " w " "))
  282: 			     forth-negatives))
  283:       (if (and t1 t2)
  284: 	  (setq sum (+ sum forth-indent-level)))
  285:       (if t1
  286: 	  (setq sum (+ sum forth-indent-level)))
  287:       (if (and t2 (not first))
  288: 	  (setq sum (- sum forth-indent-level)))
  289:       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
  290:       (setq first nil))
  291:     sum))
  294: (defun forth-next-word ()
  295:   "Return the next forth-word. Skip anything enclosed in double quotes or ()."
  296:   (let ((w1 nil))
  297:     (while (not w1)
  298:       (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
  299:       (let ((p (point)))
  300: 	(skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
  301: 	(setq w1 (buffer-substring p (point))))
  302:       (cond ((string-match "\"" w1)
  303: 	     (progn
  304: 	       (skip-chars-forward "^\"")
  305: 	       (setq w1 nil)))
  306: 	    ((string-match "\(" w1)
  307: 	     (progn
  308: 	       (skip-chars-forward "^\)")
  309: 	       (setq w1 nil)))
  310: 	    (t nil)))
  311:     w1))
  314: ;; Forth commands
  316: (defvar forth-program-name "forth"
  317:   "*Program invoked by the `run-forth' command.")
  319: (defvar forth-band-name nil
  320:   "*Band loaded by the `run-forth' command.")
  322: (defvar forth-program-arguments nil
  323:   "*Arguments passed to the Forth program by the `run-forth' command.")
  325: (defun run-forth (command-line)
  326:   "Run an inferior Forth process. Output goes to the buffer `*forth*'.
  327: With argument, asks for a command line. Split up screen and run forth 
  328: in the lower portion. The current-buffer when called will stay in the
  329: upper portion of the screen, and all other windows are deleted.
  330: Call run-forth again to make the *forth* buffer appear in the lower
  331: part of the screen."
  332:   (interactive
  333:    (list (let ((default
  334: 		 (or forth-process-command-line
  335: 		     (forth-default-command-line))))
  336: 	   (if current-prefix-arg
  337: 	       (read-string "Run Forth: " default)
  338: 	       default))))
  339:   (setq forth-process-command-line command-line)
  340:   (forth-start-process command-line)
  341:   (forth-split)
  342:   (forth-set-runlight forth-runlight:input))
  344: (defun reset-forth ()
  345:   "Reset the Forth process."
  346:   (interactive)
  347:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  348:     (cond ((or (not process)
  349: 	       (not (eq (process-status process) 'run))
  350: 	       (yes-or-no-p
  351: "The Forth process is running, are you SURE you want to reset it? "))
  352: 	   (message "Resetting Forth process...")
  353: 	   (forth-reload)
  354: 	   (message "Resetting Forth process...done")))))
  356: (defun forth-default-command-line ()
  357:   (concat forth-program-name " -emacs"
  358: 	  (if forth-program-arguments
  359: 	      (concat " " forth-program-arguments)
  360: 	      "")
  361: 	  (if forth-band-name
  362: 	      (concat " -band " forth-band-name)
  363: 	      "")))
  365: ;;;; Internal Variables
  367: (defvar forth-process-command-line nil
  368:   "Command used to start the most recent Forth process.")
  370: (defvar forth-previous-send ""
  371:   "Most recent expression transmitted to the Forth process.")
  373: (defvar forth-process-filter-queue '()
  374:   "Queue used to synchronize filter actions properly.")
  376: (defvar forth-prompt "ok"
  377:   "The current forth prompt string.")
  379: (defvar forth-start-hook nil
  380:   "If non-nil, a procedure to call when the Forth process is started.
  381: When called, the current buffer will be the Forth process-buffer.")
  383: (defvar forth-signal-death-message nil
  384:   "If non-nil, causes a message to be generated when the Forth process dies.")
  386: (defvar forth-percent-height 62
  387:   "Tells run-forth how high the upper window should be in percent.")
  389: (defconst forth-runlight:input ?I
  390:   "The character displayed when the Forth process is waiting for input.")
  392: (defvar forth-mode-string ""
  393:   "String displayed in the mode line when the Forth process is running.")
  395: ;;;; Evaluation Commands
  397: (defun forth-send-string (&rest strings)
  398:   "Send the string arguments to the Forth process.
  399: The strings are concatenated and terminated by a newline."
  400:   (cond ((forth-process-running-p)
  401: 	 (forth-send-string-1 strings))
  402: 	((yes-or-no-p "The Forth process has died.  Reset it? ")
  403: 	 (reset-forth)
  404: 	 (goto-char (point-max))
  405: 	 (forth-send-string-1 strings))))
  407: (defun forth-send-string-1 (strings)
  408:   (let ((string (apply 'concat strings)))
  409:     (forth-send-string-2 string)))
  411: (defun forth-send-string-2 (string)
  412:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  413:     (if (not (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer forth-program-name)))
  414: 	(progn
  415: 	 (forth-process-filter-output string)
  416: 	 (forth-process-filter:finish)))
  417:     (send-string process (concat string "\n"))
  418:     (if (eq (current-buffer) (process-buffer process))
  419: 	(set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))))
  422: (defun forth-send-region (start end)
  423:   "Send the current region to the Forth process.
  424: The region is sent terminated by a newline."
  425:   (interactive "r")
  426:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  427:     (if (and process (eq (current-buffer) (process-buffer process)))
  428: 	(progn (goto-char end)
  429: 	       (set-marker (process-mark process) end))))
  430:   (forth-send-string "\n" (buffer-substring start end) "\n"))
  432: (defun forth-end-of-paragraph ()
  433:   (if (looking-at "[\t\n ]+") (skip-chars-backward  "\t\n "))
  434:   (if (not (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t))
  435:       (goto-char (point-max))))
  437: (defun forth-send-paragraph ()
  438:   "Send the current or the previous paragraph to the Forth process"
  439:   (interactive)
  440:   (let (end)
  441:     (save-excursion
  442:       (forth-end-of-paragraph)
  443:       (skip-chars-backward  "\t\n ")
  444:       (setq end (point))
  445:       (if (re-search-backward "\n[ \t]*\n" nil t)
  446: 	  (setq start (point))
  447: 	(goto-char (point-min)))
  448:       (skip-chars-forward  "\t\n ")
  449:       (forth-send-region (point) end))))
  451: (defun forth-send-buffer ()
  452:   "Send the current buffer to the Forth process."
  453:   (interactive)
  454:   (if (eq (current-buffer) (forth-process-buffer))
  455:       (error "Not allowed to send this buffer's contents to Forth"))
  456:   (forth-send-region (point-min) (point-max)))
  459: ;;;; Basic Process Control
  461: (defun forth-start-process (command-line)
  462:   (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*forth*")))
  463:     (let ((process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
  464:       (save-excursion
  465: 	(set-buffer buffer)
  466: 	(progn (if process (delete-process process))
  467: 	       (goto-char (point-max))
  468: 	       (setq mode-line-process '(": %s"))
  469: 	       (add-to-global-mode-string 'forth-mode-string)
  470: 	       (setq process
  471: 		     (apply 'start-process
  472: 			    (cons forth-program-name
  473: 				  (cons buffer
  474: 					(forth-parse-command-line
  475: 					 command-line)))))
  476: 	       (set-marker (process-mark process) (point-max))
  477: 	       (forth-process-filter-initialize t)
  478: 	       (forth-modeline-initialize)
  479: 	       (set-process-sentinel process 'forth-process-sentinel)
  480: 	       (set-process-filter process 'forth-process-filter)
  481: 	       (run-hooks 'forth-start-hook)))
  482:     buffer)))
  484: (defun forth-parse-command-line (string)
  485:   (setq string (substitute-in-file-name string))
  486:   (let ((start 0)
  487: 	(result '()))
  488:     (while start
  489:       (let ((index (string-match "[ \t]" string start)))
  490: 	(setq start
  491: 	      (cond ((not index)
  492: 		     (setq result
  493: 			   (cons (substring string start)
  494: 				 result))
  495: 		     nil)
  496: 		    ((= index start)
  497: 		     (string-match "[^ \t]" string start))
  498: 		    (t
  499: 		     (setq result
  500: 			   (cons (substring string start index)
  501: 				 result))
  502: 		     (1+ index))))))
  503:     (nreverse result)))
  506: (defun forth-process-running-p ()
  507:   "True iff there is a Forth process whose status is `run'."
  508:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  509:     (and process
  510: 	 (eq (process-status process) 'run))))
  512: (defun forth-process-buffer ()
  513:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  514:     (and process (process-buffer process))))
  516: ;;;; Process Filter
  518: (defun forth-process-sentinel (proc reason)
  519:   (let ((inhibit-quit nil))
  520:     (forth-process-filter-initialize (eq reason 'run))
  521:     (if (eq reason 'run)
  522: 	(forth-modeline-initialize)
  523: 	(setq forth-mode-string "")))
  524:   (if (and (not (memq reason '(run stop)))
  525: 	   forth-signal-death-message)
  526:       (progn (beep)
  527: 	     (message
  528: "The Forth process has died!  Do M-x reset-forth to restart it"))))
  530: (defun forth-process-filter-initialize (running-p)
  531:   (setq forth-process-filter-queue (cons '() '()))
  532:   (setq forth-prompt "ok"))
  535: (defun forth-process-filter (proc string)
  536:   (forth-process-filter-output string)
  537:   (forth-process-filter:finish))
  539: (defun forth-process-filter:enqueue (action)
  540:   (let ((next (cons action '())))
  541:     (if (cdr forth-process-filter-queue)
  542: 	(setcdr (cdr forth-process-filter-queue) next)
  543: 	(setcar forth-process-filter-queue next))
  544:     (setcdr forth-process-filter-queue next)))
  546: (defun forth-process-filter:finish ()
  547:   (while (car forth-process-filter-queue)
  548:     (let ((next (car forth-process-filter-queue)))
  549:       (setcar forth-process-filter-queue (cdr next))
  550:       (if (not (cdr next))
  551: 	  (setcdr forth-process-filter-queue '()))
  552:       (apply (car (car next)) (cdr (car next))))))
  554: ;;;; Process Filter Output
  556: (defun forth-process-filter-output (&rest args)
  557:   (if (not (and args
  558: 		(null (cdr args))
  559: 		(stringp (car args))
  560: 		(string-equal "" (car args))))
  561:       (forth-process-filter:enqueue
  562:        (cons 'forth-process-filter-output-1 args))))
  564: (defun forth-process-filter-output-1 (&rest args)
  565:   (save-excursion
  566:     (forth-goto-output-point)
  567:     (apply 'insert-before-markers args)))
  569: (defun forth-guarantee-newlines (n)
  570:   (save-excursion
  571:     (forth-goto-output-point)
  572:     (let ((stop nil))
  573:       (while (and (not stop)
  574: 		  (bolp))
  575: 	(setq n (1- n))
  576: 	(if (bobp)
  577: 	    (setq stop t)
  578: 	  (backward-char))))
  579:     (forth-goto-output-point)
  580:     (while (> n 0)
  581:       (insert-before-markers ?\n)
  582:       (setq n (1- n)))))
  584: (defun forth-goto-output-point ()
  585:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  586:     (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
  587:     (goto-char (process-mark process))))
  589: (defun forth-modeline-initialize ()
  590:   (setq forth-mode-string "  "))
  592: (defun forth-set-runlight (runlight)
  593:   (aset forth-mode-string 0 runlight)
  594:   (forth-modeline-redisplay))
  596: (defun forth-modeline-redisplay ()
  597:   (save-excursion (set-buffer (other-buffer)))
  598:   (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
  599:   (sit-for 0))
  601: ;;;; Process Filter Operations
  603: (defun add-to-global-mode-string (x)
  604:   (cond ((null global-mode-string)
  605: 	 (setq global-mode-string (list "" x " ")))
  606: 	((not (memq x global-mode-string))
  607: 	 (setq global-mode-string
  608: 	       (cons ""
  609: 		     (cons x
  610: 			   (cons " "
  611: 				 (if (equal "" (car global-mode-string))
  612: 				     (cdr global-mode-string)
  613: 				     global-mode-string))))))))
  616: ;; Misc
  618: (setq auto-mode-alist (append auto-mode-alist
  619: 				'(("\\.f83$" . forth-mode))))
  621: (defun forth-split ()
  622:   (interactive)
  623:   (forth-split-1 "*forth*"))
  625: (defun forth-split-1 (buffer)
  626:   (if (not (eq (window-buffer) (get-buffer buffer)))
  627:       (progn
  628: 	(delete-other-windows)
  629: 	(split-window-vertically
  630: 	 (/ (* (screen-height) forth-percent-height) 100))
  631: 	(other-window 1)
  632: 	(switch-to-buffer buffer)
  633: 	(goto-char (point-max))
  634: 	(other-window 1))))
  636: (defun forth-reload ()
  637:   (interactive)
  638:   (let ((process (get-process forth-program-name)))
  639:     (if process (kill-process process t)))
  640:   (sleep-for-millisecs 100)
  641:   (forth-mode))
  644: ;; Special section for forth-help
  646: (defvar forth-help-buffer "*Forth-help*"
  647:   "Buffer used to display the requested documentation.")
  649: (defvar forth-help-load-path nil
  650:   "List of directories to search through to find *.doc
  651:  (forth-help-file-suffix) files. Nil means current default directory.
  652:  The specified directories must contain at least one .doc file. If it
  653:  does not and you still want the load-path to scan that directory, create
  654:  an empty file dummy.doc.")
  656: (defvar forth-help-file-suffix "*.doc"
  657:   "The file names to search for in each directory.")
  659: (setq forth-search-command-prefix "grep -n \"^    [^(]* ")
  660: (defvar forth-search-command-suffix "/dev/null")
  661: (defvar forth-grep-error-regexp ": No such file or directory")
  663: (defun forth-function-called-at-point ()
  664:   "Return the space delimited word a point."
  665:   (save-excursion
  666:     (save-restriction
  667:       (narrow-to-region (max (point-min) (- (point) 1000)) (point-max))
  668:       (skip-chars-backward "^ \t\n" (point-min))
  669:       (if (looking-at "[ \t\n]")
  670: 	  (forward-char 1))
  671:       (let (obj (p (point)))
  672: 	(skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n")
  673: 	(buffer-substring p (point))))))
  675: (defun forth-help-names-extend-comp (path-list result)
  676:   (cond ((null path-list) result)
  677: 	((null (car path-list))
  678: 	 (forth-help-names-extend-comp (cdr path-list) 
  679: 	       (concat result forth-help-file-suffix " ")))
  680: 	(t (forth-help-names-extend-comp
  681: 	    (cdr path-list) (concat result
  682: 				    (expand-file-name (car path-list)) "/"
  683: 				    forth-help-file-suffix " ")))))
  685: (defun forth-help-names-extended ()
  686:   (if forth-help-load-path
  687:       (forth-help-names-extend-comp forth-help-load-path "")
  688:     (error "forth-help-load-path not specified")))
  691: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-hf" 'forth-documentation)
  693: (defun forth-documentation (function)
  694:   "Display the full documentation of FORTH word."
  695:   (interactive
  696:    (let ((fn (forth-function-called-at-point))
  697: 	 (enable-recursive-minibuffers t)	     
  698: 	 search-list
  699: 	 val)
  700:      (setq val (read-string (format "Describe forth word (default %s): " fn)))
  701:      (list (if (equal val "") fn val))))
  702:   (forth-get-doc (concat forth-search-command-prefix
  703: 			 (grep-regexp-quote (concat function " ("))
  704: 			 "[^)]*\-\-\" " (forth-help-names-extended)
  705: 			 forth-search-command-suffix))
  706:   (message "C-x C-m switches back to the forth interaction window"))
  708: (defun forth-get-doc (command)
  709:   "Display the full documentation of command."
  710:   (let ((curwin (get-buffer-window (window-buffer)))
  711: 	reswin
  712: 	pointmax)
  713:     (with-output-to-temp-buffer forth-help-buffer
  714:       (progn
  715: 	(call-process "sh" nil forth-help-buffer t "-c" command)
  716: 	(setq reswin (get-buffer-window forth-help-buffer))))
  717:     (setq reswin (get-buffer-window forth-help-buffer))
  718:     (select-window reswin)
  719:     (save-excursion
  720:       (goto-char (setq pointmax (point-max)))
  721:       (insert "--------------------\n\n"))
  722:     (let (fd doc) 
  723:       (while (setq fd (forth-get-file-data pointmax))
  724: 	(setq doc (forth-get-doc-string fd))
  725: 	(save-excursion
  726: 	  (goto-char (point-max))
  727: 	  (insert (substring (car fd) (string-match "[^/]*$" (car fd)))
  728: 		  ":\n\n" doc "\n")))
  729:       (if (not doc)
  730: 	  (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "Not found"))))
  731:     (select-window curwin)))
  733: (defun forth-skip-error-lines ()
  734:   (let ((lines 0))
  735:     (save-excursion
  736:       (while (re-search-forward forth-grep-error-regexp nil t)
  737: 	(beginning-of-line)
  738: 	(forward-line 1)
  739: 	(setq lines (1+ lines))))
  740:     (forward-line lines)))
  742: (defun forth-get-doc-string (fd)
  743:   "Find file (car fd) and extract documentation from line (nth 1 fd)."
  744:   (let (result)
  745:     (save-window-excursion
  746:       (find-file (car fd))
  747:       (goto-line (nth 1 fd))
  748:       (if (not (eq (nth 1 fd) (1+ (count-lines (point-min) (point)))))
  749: 	  (error "forth-get-doc-string: serious error"))
  750:       (if (not (re-search-backward "\n[\t ]*\n" nil t))
  751: 	  (goto-char (point-min))
  752: 	(goto-char (match-end 0)))
  753:       (let ((p (point)))
  754: 	(if (not (re-search-forward "\n[\t ]*\n" nil t))
  755: 	    (goto-char (point-max)))
  756: 	(setq result (buffer-substring p (point))))
  757:       (bury-buffer (current-buffer)))
  758:     result))
  760: (defun forth-get-file-data (limit)
  761:   "Parse grep output and return '(filename line#) list. Return nil when
  762:  passing limit."
  763:   (forth-skip-error-lines)
  764:   (if (< (point) limit)
  765:       (let ((result (forth-get-file-data-cont limit)))
  766: 	(forward-line 1)
  767: 	(beginning-of-line)
  768: 	result)))
  770: (defun forth-get-file-data-cont (limit)
  771:   (let (result)
  772:     (let ((p (point)))
  773:       (skip-chars-forward "^:")
  774:       (setq result (buffer-substring p (point))))
  775:     (if (< (point) limit)
  776: 	(let ((p (1+ (point))))
  777: 	  (forward-char 1)
  778: 	  (skip-chars-forward "^:")
  779: 	  (list result (string-to-int (buffer-substring p (point))))))))
  781: (defun grep-regexp-quote (str)
  782:   (let ((i 0) (m 1) (res ""))
  783:     (while (/= m 0)
  784:       (setq m (string-to-char (substring str i)))
  785:       (if (/= m 0)
  786: 	  (progn
  787: 	    (setq i (1+ i))
  788: 	    (if (string-match (regexp-quote (char-to-string m))
  789: 			      ".*\\^$[]")
  790: 		(setq res (concat res "\\")))
  791: 	    (setq res (concat res (char-to-string m))))))
  792:     res))
  795: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-e" 'forth-compile)
  796: (define-key forth-mode-map "\C-x\C-n" 'next-error)
  797: (require 'compile "compile")
  799: (defvar forth-compile-command "forth ")
  800: (defvar forth-compilation-window-percent-height 30)
  802: (defun forth-compile (command)
  803:   (interactive (list (setq forth-compile-command (read-string "Compile command: " forth-compile-command))))
  804:   (forth-split-1 "*compilation*")
  805:   (setq ctools-compile-command command)
  806:   (compile1 ctools-compile-command "No more errors"))

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