File:  [gforth] / gforth / engine / peephole.c
Revision 1.4: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon May 28 19:16:29 2001 UTC (22 years, 10 months ago) by ak042
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
there is still a problem with iburg <-> burg.

    1: /* Peephole optimization routines and tables
    3:   Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    5:   This file is part of Gforth.
    7:   Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    8:   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    9:   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   10:   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   12:   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   13:   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   15:   GNU General Public License for more details.
   17:   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   18:   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   19:   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
   20: */
   22: #include "config.h"
   23: #include "forth.h"
   24: #include <stdlib.h>
   25: #include <string.h>
   26: #include <assert.h>
   28: /* the numbers in this struct are primitive indices */
   29: typedef struct Combination {
   30:   int prefix;
   31:   int lastprim;
   32:   int combination_prim;
   33: } Combination;
   35: Combination peephole_table[] = {
   36: #include "peephole.i"
   37: };
   39: int use_super = 1;
   41: typedef Xt Inst;
   43: typedef struct Peeptable_entry {
   44:   struct Peeptable_entry *next;
   45:   Inst prefix;
   46:   Inst lastprim;
   47:   Inst combination_prim;
   48: } Peeptable_entry;
   50: #define HASH_SIZE 1024
   51: #define hash(_i1,_i2) (((((Cell)(_i1))^((Cell)(_i2)))>>4)&(HASH_SIZE-1))
   53: Cell peeptable;
   55: Cell prepare_peephole_table(Inst insts[])
   56: {
   57:   Cell i;
   58:   Peeptable_entry **pt = (Peeptable_entry **)calloc(HASH_SIZE,sizeof(Peeptable_entry *));
   60:   for (i=0; i<sizeof(peephole_table)/sizeof(peephole_table[0]); i++) {
   61:     Combination *c = &peephole_table[i];
   62:     Peeptable_entry *p = (Peeptable_entry *)malloc(sizeof(Peeptable_entry));
   63:     Cell h;
   64:     p->prefix =           insts[c->prefix];
   65:     p->lastprim =         insts[c->lastprim];
   66:     p->combination_prim = insts[c->combination_prim];
   67:     h = hash(p->prefix,p->lastprim);
   68:     p->next = pt[h];
   69:     pt[h] = p;
   70:   }
   71:   return (Cell)pt;
   72: }
   74: Inst peephole_opt(Inst inst1, Inst inst2, Cell peeptable)
   75: {
   76:   Peeptable_entry **pt = (Peeptable_entry **)peeptable;
   77:   Peeptable_entry *p;
   79:   if (use_super == 0)
   80:       return 0;
   81:   for (p = pt[hash(inst1,inst2)]; p != NULL; p = p->next)
   82:     if (inst1 == p->prefix && inst2 == p->lastprim)
   83:       return p->combination_prim;
   84:   return NULL;
   85: }
   88: /* hashtable stuff (again) */
   90: #undef hash
   92: typedef int (*Pred1) (void* arg1);
   93: typedef int (*Pred2) (void* arg1, void* arg2);
   94: typedef void* (*Proc1) (void* arg1);
   95: typedef void* (*Proc2) (void* arg1, void* arg2);
   96: typedef void* (*Proc3) (void* arg1, void* arg2, void* arg3);
   97: typedef int (*Key_Eq) (void* key1, void* key2);
   98: typedef unsigned (*Key_Hash) (void* key, unsigned modulus);
  100: typedef struct hash_table *Hash_Table;
  102: Hash_Table make_hash_table (unsigned size, Key_Eq eq, Key_Hash hash);
  103: void* hash_table_ref (Hash_Table table, void* key, void* deflt);
  104: void hash_table_set (Hash_Table table, void *key, void* value);
  105: void* hash_table_find_value (Hash_Table table, Pred1 p, void* deflt);
  106: void* hash_table_with_env_find_value (Hash_Table table, 
  107: 				      Pred2 p, void* env,
  108: 				      void* deflt);
  109: void* hash_table_fold (Hash_Table table, Proc3 proc, void *knil);
  110: void hash_table_print (Hash_Table table);
  111: int hash_table_addr_eq (void* key1, void* key2);
  112: unsigned hash_table_addr_hash (void* key, unsigned modulus);
  113: int hash_table_string_eq (char* k1, char* k2);
  114: unsigned hash_table_string_hash (char* key, unsigned modulus);
  116: #include <stdlib.h>
  117: #include <assert.h>
  119: typedef struct hash_bucket {
  120:   void* key;
  121:   void* value;
  122:   struct hash_bucket* next;
  123: } *Hash_Bucket;
  125: struct hash_table {
  126:   unsigned size;
  127:   Hash_Bucket* buckets;
  128:   Key_Eq eq;
  129:   Key_Hash hash;
  130: };
  132: Hash_Table make_hash_table (unsigned size, Key_Eq eq, Key_Hash hash) {
  133: 	Hash_Table tab = malloc (sizeof *tab);
  134: 	Hash_Bucket* buckets = calloc (size, sizeof *buckets);
  135: 	assert (tab);
  136: 	assert (buckets);
  137: 	tab->size = size;
  138: 	tab->buckets = buckets;
  139: 	tab->eq = eq;
  140: 	tab->hash = hash;
  141: 	return tab;
  142: }
  144: static void* hash_bucket_search (Hash_Bucket* next, Pred1 p, 
  145: 				 Proc1 found, Proc1 not_found) {
  146: 	for (;;) {
  147: 		Hash_Bucket bucket = *next;
  148: 		if (bucket == 0) return not_found (next);
  149: 		else if (p (bucket->key)) return found (next);
  150: 		else { next = &(bucket->next); continue; }
  151: 	}
  152: }
  154: static void* hash_table_search (Hash_Table table, void* key, Key_Eq eq,
  155: 				Proc1 found, Proc1 not_found) {
  156: 	int pred (void* key2) { return eq (key, key2); }
  157:  	unsigned idx= table->hash(key, table->size);
  158: 	assert (idx < table->size);
  159: 	return hash_bucket_search (table->buckets+idx, pred, found, not_found);
  160: }
  162: void* hash_table_ref (Hash_Table table, void* key, void* deflt) {
  163: 	void* found (Hash_Bucket* next) { return (*next)->value; }
  164: 	void* not_found (Hash_Bucket* next) { return deflt; }
  165: 	return hash_table_search (table, key, table->eq, 
  166: 				  (Proc1)found, (Proc1)not_found);
  167: }
  169: void hash_table_set (Hash_Table table, void *key, void* value) {
  170: 	void* found (Hash_Bucket* next) {
  171: 		Hash_Bucket bucket = *next;
  172: 		bucket->key = key;
  173: 		bucket->value = value;
  174: 		return value;
  175: 	}
  176: 	void* not_found (Hash_Bucket* next) {
  177: 		Hash_Bucket bucket = malloc (sizeof (struct hash_bucket));
  178: 		assert (bucket);
  179: 		bucket->key = key;
  180: 		bucket->value = value;
  181: 		bucket->next = *next;
  182: 		*next = bucket;
  183: 		return value;
  184: 	}
  185: 	hash_table_search (table, key, table->eq, 
  186: 			   (Proc1)found,(Proc1)not_found);
  187: }
  189: void* hash_table_find_value (Hash_Table table, Pred1 p, void* deflt) {
  190: 	unsigned i = 0;
  191: 	for (;;) 
  192: 	    if (i == table->size) return deflt;
  193: 	    else { 
  194: 		    Hash_Bucket bucket = table->buckets[i];
  195: 		    for (;;)
  196: 			if (bucket == 0) { i++; break; }
  197: 			else if (p (bucket->value)) return bucket->value;
  198: 			else { bucket = bucket->next; continue; }
  199: 	    }
  200: }
  202: void* hash_table_with_env_find_value (Hash_Table table, 
  203: 				      Pred2 p, void* env,
  204: 				      void* deflt) {
  205: 	int pred (void* val) { return p (env, val); }
  206: 	return hash_table_find_value (table, pred, deflt);
  207: }
  210: static void* hash_bucket_fold (Hash_Bucket bucket, Proc3 proc, void *init) {
  211: 	for (;;)
  212: 	    if (bucket == 0) return init;
  213: 	    else { 
  214: 		    init = proc (bucket->key, bucket->value, init);
  215: 		    bucket = bucket->next; continue;
  216: 	    }
  217: }
  219: void* hash_table_fold (Hash_Table table, Proc3 proc, void *init) {
  220: 	unsigned i = 0, size = table->size;
  221: 	Hash_Bucket* buckets = table->buckets;
  222: 	for (;;) 
  223: 	    if (i == size) return init;
  224: 	    else { 
  225: 		    init = hash_bucket_fold (buckets [i], proc, init);
  226: 		    i++; continue;
  227: 	    }
  228: }
  230: void hash_table_print (Hash_Table table) {
  231: 	void* print (void* key, void* value, void* init) {
  232: 		printf ("[%p, %p]\n", key, value);
  233: 		return init;
  234: 	}
  235: 	hash_table_fold (table, print, 0);
  236: }
  238: int hash_table_addr_eq (void* key1, void* key2) {
  239: 	return key1 == key2;
  240: }
  242: unsigned hash_table_addr_hash (void* key, unsigned modulus) {
  243: 	return (((unsigned long)key) >> 3) % modulus;
  244: }
  246: int hash_table_string_eq (char* k1, char* k2) {
  247: 	return strcmp (k1, k2) == 0;
  248: }
  250: unsigned hash_table_string_hash (char* key, unsigned modulus) {
  251: 	unsigned sum = 0;
  252: 	for (;;)
  253: 	    if (*key == 0) return (sum >> 3) % modulus;
  254: 	    else { sum += *key; key++; continue; }
  255: }
  257: /* 
  259: Select super instructions with dynamic programming.
  261: A buffer `dp_table' stores an instruction sequence, i.e. a basic
  262: block.  Instructions can be added with `peephole_dp_append'.
  263: `peephole_dp_append' takes the Prim_Descriptor of the operator and a
  264: pointer to a gap where to place the super-instruction, i.e. the
  265: current `here' pointer.
  267: The actual instructions are copied into the gaps by calling
  268: `peephole_dp_flush'.  This selects an optimal cover for the stored
  269: sequence, copies the corresponding XTs into the gaps, moves inline
  270: arguments (this may be required, since some gaps may not be filled
  271: with instructions), and finally flushes the buffer `dp_table'.
  273: The rest of the system must cooperate, i.e. has to call
  274: `peephole_dp_flush' in the right places, e.g. before taking labels.
  275: Non-cooperation will be punished with crashes.
  277: */
  279: /*  #define XDP_DEBUG(stm) stm; */
  280: #define XDP_DEBUG(stm) 
  282: #define dprintf(format, args...) XDP_DEBUG(fprintf (stderr, format , ## args))
  284: typedef struct dp_table_entry {
  285:   Prim_Descriptor op;		/* NULL marks the end. */
  286:   Cell* mark;			/* the gap. */ 
  287:   struct burm_state* state;	/* iburg needs this. */
  288: /*    unsigned state; */
  289: }* Dp_Table_Entry;
  291: #define DP_TABLE_SIZE 25
  292: static struct dp_table_entry dp_table[DP_TABLE_SIZE+1];
  293: static unsigned dp_table_len = 0;
  295: static int dp_table_end_p (Dp_Table_Entry entry) { return entry->op == 0; }
  296: static void dp_table_clear (void) {
  297: 	dp_table_len = 0;
  298: 	dp_table[0].op = 0;
  299: /*  	dprintf ("dp_table_clear\n"); */
  300: }
  301: static void dump_dp_table (void) {
  302: 	Dp_Table_Entry e = dp_table;
  303: 	for (;;)
  304: 	    if (dp_table_end_p (e)) return;
  305: 	    else { 
  306: 		    printf ("[%s, %p]\n", e->op->name, e->mark);
  307: 		    e++; continue;
  308: 	    }
  309: }
  311: Cell* peephole_dp_flush (Cell* mark);
  313: Cell* peephole_dp_append (Prim_Descriptor desc, Cell* mark) {
  314: 	if (dp_table_len == DP_TABLE_SIZE) {
  315: 		dp_table[dp_table_len].op = 0;
  316: 		mark = peephole_dp_flush (mark);
  317: 	}
  318: 	dp_table[dp_table_len].op = desc;
  319: 	assert (dp_table_len == 0 ||
  320: 		dp_table[dp_table_len-1].mark < mark); 
  321: 	dp_table[dp_table_len].mark = mark;
  322: 	dp_table_len ++;
  323: 	dp_table[dp_table_len].op = 0;
  324: 	return mark+1;
  325: }
  327: /* burg stuff */
  329: #define NIL_TERM_NUM 1
  330: typedef struct dp_table_entry* NODEPTR_TYPE; 
  331: #define OP_LABEL(p)	(((p)->op ? (p)->op->num+2 : NIL_TERM_NUM))
  332: #define STATE_LABEL(p)	((p)->state)
  333: #define LEFT_CHILD(p)	((p)+1)
  334: #define RIGHT_CHILD(p)	((NODEPTR_TYPE)(assert (0), 0L))
  335: #define PANIC		dprintf
  337: #include "prim_burm.i"
  339: static Label* peephole_symbols = 0;
  340: static Xt desc_to_xt (Prim_Descriptor desc) {
  341: 	static Xt* primtab = 0;
  342: 	if (primtab == 0) {
  343: 	  Label* symbols = peephole_symbols;
  344: 	  unsigned symbols_size = DOESJUMP+1;
  345: 	  assert (peephole_symbols);
  346: 	  for (;;)
  347: 	      if (symbols[symbols_size] == 0) break;
  348: 	      else { symbols_size ++; continue; }
  349: 	  primtab = primtable(symbols+DOESJUMP+1,
  350: 			      symbols_size-DOESJUMP-1);
  351: 	}
  352: 	return primtab[desc->num];
  353: }
  356: static Prim_Descriptor peephole_descs = 0;
  357: static Prim_Descriptor external_rule_number_to_desc (int eruleno) {
  358: 	assert (peephole_descs);
  359: 	return &peephole_descs[eruleno-NIL_TERM_NUM-1];
  360: }
  362: static void move_args_left (Dp_Table_Entry entry, unsigned n, unsigned offset){
  363: 	if (n == 0) return;
  364: 	else {
  365: 		Cell* from = entry->mark+1;
  366: 		size_t size = entry[1].mark - from;
  367: 		memmove (from-offset, from, size * sizeof *from);
  368: 		move_args_left (entry+1, n-1, offset+1);
  369: 	}
  370: }
  373: static unsigned reduce (Dp_Table_Entry entry, int goalnt, unsigned saved) {
  374: 	if (dp_table_end_p (entry)) 
  375: 	    return saved;
  376: 	else { 
  377: 		int eruleno = burm_rule (STATE_LABEL(entry), goalnt);
  378: 		short *nts = burm_nts[eruleno];      
  379: 		NODEPTR_TYPE kids[2];
  380: 		Prim_Descriptor desc = external_rule_number_to_desc (eruleno);
  381: 		Label* xt = (Label*)desc_to_xt (desc);;
  382: 		dprintf ("burm_string = %s, desc = %s, xt = %p\n",
  383: 			 burm_string[eruleno], desc->name, xt);
  384: 		*(entry->mark-saved) = (Cell)xt;
  385: 		move_args_left (entry, desc->len, saved);
  386: 		burm_kids (entry, eruleno, kids);
  387: 		return reduce (kids[0], nts[0], saved+desc->len-1);
  388: 	}
  389: }
  392: static void dump_match (NODEPTR_TYPE p, int goalnt, int indent) {
  393: 	int eruleno = burm_rule (STATE_LABEL(p), goalnt);
  394: 	short *nts = burm_nts[eruleno];      
  395: 	NODEPTR_TYPE kids[2];                     
  396: 	int i;
  397:   	for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) printf (" ");
  398: 	printf ("%s [%d]\n", burm_string[eruleno], eruleno);
  399: 	burm_kids(p, eruleno, kids);
  400: 	for (i = 0; nts[i]; i++) 
  401: 	    dump_match (kids[i], nts[i], indent+1); 
  402: }
  404: #ifdef PIUMARTA
  406: /* Return the size (in bytes) for the superinstrcution from first to
  407:    (exluding) last. */
  408: static unsigned 
  409: super_code_size (Dp_Table_Entry first, Dp_Table_Entry last, unsigned length) {
  410: 	if (first == last)
  411: 	    return length;
  412: 	else if (first+1 == last)
  413: 	    return length + (first->op->after_next - first->op->after_trace);
  414: 	else
  415: 	    return super_code_size (first+1,
  416: 				    last,
  417: 				    length + (first->op->before_next
  418: 					      - first->op->after_trace));
  419: }
  421: static void
  422: concat_code (Dp_Table_Entry first, Dp_Table_Entry last, char* code) {
  423: 	if (first == last)
  424: 	    return;
  425: 	else if (first+1 == last)
  426: 	    memcpy (code, first->op->after_trace,
  427: 		    first->op->after_next - first->op->after_trace);
  428: 	else {
  429: 		unsigned size = first->op->before_next-first->op->after_trace;
  430: 		memcpy (code, first->op->after_trace, size);
  431: 		concat_code (first+1, last, code+size);
  432: 	}
  433: }
  435: static void apply_icache_magic (char* addr, unsigned size) {
  436: 	FLUSH_ICACHE(addr, size);
  437: }
  439: static void print_from_to (Dp_Table_Entry first, Dp_Table_Entry last) {
  440: 	if (first == last) printf ("\n");
  441: 	else {
  442: 		printf ("[%s]", first->op->name);
  443: 		print_from_to (first+1, last);
  444: 	}
  445: }
  447: static Prim_Descriptor search_desc (char *name) {
  448: 	Prim_Descriptor d = peephole_descs;
  449: 	for (;;)
  450: 	    if (d->name == 0) assert (0);
  451: 	    else if (strcmp (d->name, name) == 0) return d;
  452: 	    else { d++; continue; }
  453: }
  455: static Xt get_trace_xt (void) {
  456: 	static Xt trace_xt = 0;
  457: 	if (trace_xt == 0) trace_xt = desc_to_xt (search_desc ("noop"));
  458: 	return trace_xt;
  459: }
  461: static unsigned 
  462: piumarta_gen_simple_inst (Dp_Table_Entry first, unsigned saved) {
  463: 	Label* xt = (Label*)desc_to_xt (first->op);;
  464: 	*(first->mark-saved) = (Cell)xt;
  465: 	move_args_left (first, 1, saved);
  466: 	return saved;
  467: }
  470: #if 0 
  471: static void alloc_xt (unsigned size, Xt *xt, char** code) {
  472: #    if defined(DIRECT_THREADED)
  473: 	*xt = malloc (size);
  474: 	assert (*xt);
  475: 	*code = *xt;
  476: 	return ;
  477: #    elsif DOUBLY_INDIRECT
  478: 	/* this is never reached.  blocked in comp.fs. */
  479: 	assert (0); return;
  480: #    else
  481: #	warning Assuming indirect threaded
  482: 	Xt* xtb = malloc (size + sizeof xt);
  483: 	assert (xtb);
  484: 	xtb[0] = (Xt)&xtb[1];
  485: 	*xt = (Xt)xtb;
  486: 	*code = (char*)&xtb[1];
  487: 	return;
  488: #    endif
  489: }
  490: #else 
  492: static Xt make_xt (char* code) {
  493: #    if defined(DIRECT_THREADED)
  494: 	return code;
  495: #    elif defined(DOUBLY_INDIRECT)
  496: 	/* this is never reached.  blocked in comp.fs. */
  497: 	assert (0); return 0;
  498: #    else
  499: #	warning Assuming indirect threaded
  500: 	Xt xt = malloc (sizeof xt);
  501: 	assert (xt);
  502: 	*xt = code;
  503: 	return xt;
  504: #    endif
  505: }
  506: static void alloc_xt (unsigned size, Xt *xt, char** code) {
  507: 	*code = malloc (size);
  508: 	assert (code);
  509: 	*xt = make_xt (*code);
  510: }
  512: #endif
  516: int peephole_enable_tracing = 0;
  517: typedef struct sequence {
  518:   unsigned length;
  519:   Dp_Table_Entry start;
  520: }* Sequence;
  522: static int sequence_eq (Sequence s1, Sequence s2) {
  523: 	Dp_Table_Entry e1=s1->start, e2=s2->start, last=e1+s1->length;
  524: 	XDP_DEBUG ({
  525: 		print_from_to (e1, last);
  526: 		print_from_to (e2, e2+s2->length); });
  527: 	if (s1->length != s2->length) return 0;
  528: 	for (;;) 
  529: 	    if (e1 == last) return 1;
  530: 	    else if (e1->op == e2->op) { e1++; e2++; continue; }
  531: 	    else return 0;
  532: }
  534: static unsigned sequence_hash (Sequence s, unsigned modulus) {
  535: 	unsigned long h=0;
  536: 	Dp_Table_Entry e=s->start, last=e+s->length;
  537: 	for (;;)
  538: 	    if (e == last) return (h>>3) % modulus;
  539: 	    else { h+=(unsigned long)e->op; e++; continue; }
  540: }
  542: static Hash_Table generated_insts = 0;
  543: typedef Dp_Table_Entry Entry;
  545: static Xt lookup (Entry first, Entry last) {
  546: 	unsigned len = last-first;
  547: 	struct sequence seq = { len, first };
  548: 	return hash_table_ref (generated_insts, &seq, 0);
  549: }
  551: static void memoize (Entry first, Entry last, Xt xt) {
  552: 	Sequence seq = malloc (sizeof *seq);
  553: 	unsigned size = (last-first) * sizeof *first;
  554: 	Dp_Table_Entry start = malloc (size);
  555: 	assert (seq); assert (start);
  556: 	memcpy (start, first, size);
  557: 	seq->length = last-first;
  558: 	seq->start = start;
  559: 	XDP_DEBUG(print_from_to (start, start+(last-first)));
  560: 	hash_table_set (generated_insts, seq, xt);
  561: 	assert (lookup (first, last) == xt);
  562: }
  564: static Xt combine_insts (Entry first, Entry last) {
  565: 	Xt xt = lookup (first, last);
  566: 	if (xt == 0) { 
  567: 		unsigned size = super_code_size (first, last, 0);
  568: 		char* code = 0;
  569: 		alloc_xt (size, &xt, &code);
  570: 		concat_code (first, last, code);
  571: 		apply_icache_magic (code, size);
  572: 		memoize (first, last, xt);
  573: 		return xt;
  574: 	} 
  575: 	else { dprintf ("reusing combination.\n"); return xt; }
  576: }
  578: static unsigned
  579: piumarta_gen_combined_inst (Entry first, Entry last, unsigned saved) {
  580: 	Xt xt = combine_insts (first, last);
  581: 	unsigned len = last-first;
  582: 	unsigned offset = saved-(len-1);
  583: 	dprintf ("len = %d, saved = %d\n", len, saved);
  584: 	if (!peephole_enable_tracing) {
  585: 		move_args_left (first, len, offset);
  586: 		*(first->mark-offset) = (Cell)xt;
  587: 		return saved;
  588: 	} else {
  589: 		/** hairy: Move operands for the first op 1 slot to
  590:                     right (possible because len>=2).  Move operands of
  591:                     the remaining ops offset-1 slots to left (and
  592:                     eliminate empty slots). */
  593: 		Cell* from = first->mark+1;
  594: 		Cell* to = from-offset+1;
  595: 		size_t size = first[1].mark-from;
  596: 		memmove (to, from, size * sizeof *from);
  597: 		move_args_left (first+1, len-1, offset);
  598: 		*(to-1) = (Cell)xt;
  599: 		*(to-2) = (Cell)get_trace_xt (); 
  600: 		return saved-1;
  601: 	}
  602: }
  604: static unsigned piumarta_gen_inst (Entry first, Entry last, unsigned saved) {
  605: 	XDP_DEBUG (print_from_to (first, last));
  606: 	switch (last-first) {
  607: 	case 0: return saved;
  608: 	case 1: return piumarta_gen_simple_inst (first, saved);
  609: 	default: return piumarta_gen_combined_inst (first, last, saved);
  610: 	}
  611: }
  613: static unsigned 
  614: piumartaize (Dp_Table_Entry lag, Dp_Table_Entry tail, unsigned saved) {
  615: 	assert (tail >= lag);
  616: 	if (dp_table_end_p (tail) && tail == lag) return saved;
  617: 	else if (dp_table_end_p (tail)) {
  618: 		return piumarta_gen_inst (lag, tail, saved);
  619: 	}
  620: 	else if (tail->op->relocatable)
  621: 	    return piumartaize (lag, tail+1, saved+((tail==lag)?0:1));
  622: 	else {
  623: 		saved = piumarta_gen_inst (lag, tail, saved);
  624: 		saved = piumarta_gen_inst (tail, tail+1, saved);
  625: 		return piumartaize (tail+1, tail+1, saved);
  626: 	}
  627: }
  629: #endif /* PIUMARTA */
  631: Cell* peephole_dp_flush (Cell* mark) {
  632: 	assert (dp_table[dp_table_len].op == 0);
  633: 	assert (dp_table_len == 0 ||
  634: 		dp_table[dp_table_len-1].mark < mark ); 
  635: 	dp_table[dp_table_len].mark = mark;
  636:   	XDP_DEBUG(dump_dp_table ());
  637: #ifndef PIUMARTA
  638: 	burm_label (dp_table);
  639: 	XDP_DEBUG(dump_match (dp_table, 1, 0));
  640: 	{
  641: 		unsigned saved = reduce (dp_table, 1, 0);
  642: 		dp_table_clear ();
  643: 		return mark-saved;
  644: 	}
  645: #else
  646: 	{
  647: 		unsigned saved = piumartaize (dp_table, dp_table, 0);
  648: 		dp_table_clear ();
  649: 		return mark-saved;
  650: 	}
  651: #endif 
  652: }
  655: static Hash_Table ca_table = 0;
  656: Prim_Descriptor peephole_code_address_to_desc (void* ca) {
  657: 	assert (ca_table);
  658: 	return hash_table_ref (ca_table, ca, 0);
  659: }
  661: static void init_ca_table (Prim_Descriptor descs) {
  662: 	unsigned len = 0;
  663: 	Prim_Descriptor d = descs;
  664: 	for (;;)
  665: 	    if (d->name == 0) break;
  666: 	    else { len++; d++; continue; }
  667: 	ca_table = make_hash_table (len, hash_table_addr_eq,
  668: 				    hash_table_addr_hash);
  669: 	d=descs;
  670: 	for (;;)
  671: 	    if (d->name == 0) break;
  672: 	    else { hash_table_set (ca_table, d->start, d); d++; continue; }
  673: }
  675: void peephole_init (Label* symbols, Prim_Descriptor descs) {
  676: 	peephole_symbols = symbols;
  677: 	peephole_descs = descs;
  678: 	init_ca_table (descs);
  679: 	generated_insts = make_hash_table (2000,
  680: 					   (Key_Eq)sequence_eq,
  681: 					   (Key_Hash)sequence_hash);
  682: }

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