#Makefile for the C part of Gforth #Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,2000,2003,2006,2007,2008,2009,2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #This file is part of Gforth. #Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.#See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # ------------- gforth version VERSION =@PACKAGE_VERSION@ DOSVERSION=`echo $VERSION|sed 's/\.//g'` EXE=@EXEEXT@ # ------------- System specific variables machine=@machine@ kernel_fi = @kernel_fi@ include_fi = @include_fi@ # this is the type of machine # used to extend the include path with ./arch/$machine # so we could include a machine specific # machine.h file PATHSEP = @PATHSEP@ EC = @EC@ ARCH= @ARCH@ # ------------- Utility programs SHELL = /bin/sh RM = rm RMTREE = rm -rf CP = cp -p TAR = tar cf - GCC = @CC@ BOOTFORTH = ../preforth CC = $(GCC) LD = $(GCC:gcc=ld) AS = $(GCC:gcc=as) STRIP = strip GCCLD = @GCC_LD@ FORTHPATH = .$(PATHSEP)$(libdir)/gforth/site-forth$(PATHSEP)$(datadir)/gforth/site-forth$(PATHSEP)$(libdir)/gforth$(ARCH)/$(VERSION)$(PATHSEP)$(datadir)/gforth/$(VERSION) # ------------ Source and Build directories top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@ top_builddir = @top_builddir@ # ------------ Install directories VPATH = @srcdir@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ srcdir = @srcdir@ bindir = @bindir@ #read-only architecture-independent files datadir = @datadir@ #read-only architecture-dependent non-ascii files libdir = @libdir@ infodir = @infodir@ mandir = @mandir@ man1dir= $(mandir)/man1 man1ext= .1 # ------------- ltdl variables LTDLDEPS = @LTDLDEPS@ LTDLINCL = @LTDLINCL@ LIBLTDL = @LIBLTDL@ # ------------- Compiler Flags XCFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ XDEFINES = @DEFS@ SWITCHES = $(XCFLAGS) $(XDEFINES) $(OPTDEFINES) #use -fno-inline to avoid register problems with asinh, atanh on gcc-3.3 on 386 ENGINE_FLAGS = @ENGINE_FLAGS@ -fno-defer-pop -fcaller-saves -fno-inline DEBUGFLAG = @DEBUGFLAG@ CFLAGS = $(DEBUGFLAG) -I$(srcdir)/../arch/$(machine) -I. -Wall $(SWITCHES) -DDEFAULTPATH='"$(FORTHPATH)"' $(LTDLINCL) CPPFLAGS=@CPPFLAGS@ FORTHKFLAGS= --die-on-signal -p "..$(PATHSEP)$(srcdir)" -i ../$(kernel_fi) FORTHK = ../gforth $(FORTHKFLAGS) FORTH = $(BOOTFORTH) --die-on-signal #John Wavrik should use -Xlinker -N to get a writable text (executable) XLDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LDFLAGS = $(DEBUGFLAG) $(XLDFLAGS) LDLIBS = @LIBS@ @LTDL_LDLIBS@ AOBJECTS = @signals_o@ support$(OPT).o @LIBOBJS@ $(OPTOBJECTS) @MAKEINC@ OBJECTS = engine$(OPT).o @engine2@ main$(OPT).o OBJECTS_NATIVE = engine-native$(OPT).o engine-native2$(OPT).o engine-native3$(OPT).o main-native$(OPT).o OBJECTS_FAST = engine-fast$(OPT).o @engine_fast2@ main-fast$(OPT).o OBJECTS_ITC = engine-itc$(OPT).o main-itc$(OPT).o OBJECTS_DITC = engine-ditc$(OPT).o main-ditc$(OPT).o OBJECTS_PROF = engine-prof$(OPT).o main-prof$(OPT).o OBJECTS_FI = engine$(OPT).o main-fi$(OPT).o # In engine subdirectory there are (or should be) only files that belong to # our engine, so we can make life easy DEPS = config.h forth.h io.h $(srcdir)/../arch/$(machine)/*.[h] ENGINE_DEPS = engine.c $(DEPS) prim_lab.i prim.i @image_i@ fnmatch.h threaded.h MAIN_DEPS = main.c $(DEPS) prim_superend.i prim_num.i prim_grp.i costs.i super2.i ENGINE_FAST_DEPS = engine.c $(DEPS) prim_lab-fast.i prim-fast.i fnmatch.h threaded.h MAIN_FAST_DEPS = main.c $(DEPS) prim_superend-fast.i prim_num-fast.i prim_grp-fast.i costs-fast.i super2-fast.i COMPILE.c = $(GCC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c # simulate BSD sys.mk #some makes don't do the -o $@ correctly, so we help them .c.o: $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< .s.o: $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< support$(OPT).o: support.c config.h forth.h longlong.h $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(srcdir)/support.c strtol.o: strtol.c ansidecl.h fnmatch.o: fnmatch.c fnmatch.h getopt1.o: getopt1.c getopt.h getopt.o: getopt.c getopt.h gforth$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-native$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_NATIVE) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_NATIVE) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-fast$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_FAST) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_FAST) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-itc$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_ITC) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_ITC) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-ditc$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_DITC) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_DITC) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-prof$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_PROF) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) profile$(OPT).o $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_PROF) $(AOBJECTS) profile$(OPT).o $(LDLIBS) -o $@ gforth-fi$(OPT)$(EC)$(ARCH)$(EXE): $(OBJECTS_FI) $(AOBJECTS) $(LTDLDEPS) $(GCCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS_FI) $(AOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ engine.s: $(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(GCC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -S $(srcdir)/engine.c engine$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DGFORTH_DEBUGGING -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine2$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DGFORTH_DEBUGGING -DENGINE=2 -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-native$(OPT).o:$(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DNO_IP -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-native2$(OPT).o:$(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DNO_IP -DENGINE=2 -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-native3$(OPT).o:$(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DNO_IP -DENGINE=3 -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-fast$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-fast2$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DENGINE=2 -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-itc$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DINDIRECT_THREADED -DGFORTH_DEBUGGING -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-ditc$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DDOUBLY_INDIRECT -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c engine-prof$(OPT).o: $(ENGINE_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) $(ENGINE_FLAGS) -DVM_PROFILING -o $@ $(srcdir)/engine.c main$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DGFORTH_DEBUGGING @no_dynamic@ -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-native$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DNO_IP -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-fast$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_FAST_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-itc$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DINDIRECT_THREADED -DGFORTH_DEBUGGING -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-ditc$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DDOUBLY_INDIRECT -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-prof$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DVM_PROFILING -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c main-fi$(OPT).o: $(MAIN_DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -DINCLUDE_IMAGE -o $@ $(srcdir)/main.c peephole$(OPT).o: peephole.c peephole.i $(DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(srcdir)/peephole.c profile$(OPT).o: profile.c profile.i $(DEPS) $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $(srcdir)/profile.c #The next two rules seem to be superfluous: # engine: $(OBJECTS) $(OBJECTS0) ; # engine_ditc: $(OBJECTS_DITC) $(OBJECTS0) ; #NeXTstep hack termios.o: /usr/lib/libposix.a ar x /usr/lib/libposix.a termios.o config.h: stamp-h stamp-h: config.h.in ../config.status ../stamp-h.in cd .. && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS=engine/config.h ./config.status echo timestamp > stamp-h Makefile: Makefile.in ../config.status ../configure.in cd .. && $(MAKE) engine/Makefile.in image.i: ../fi2c.fs ../$(include_fi) $(BOOTFORTH) ../fi2c.fs -e "s\" ../$(include_fi)\" fi2c bye" >$@ ../$(include_fi): FORCE cd .. && $(MAKE) $(include_fi) #phony targets depend on FORCE; this is more portable than .PHONY FORCE: