#make dist targets (workaround for broken makes) #use GNU make if your make does not grok this. #Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #This file is part of Gforth. #Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.#See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. include Makefile #!! redundancy with engine/Makefile.in DOBJECTS=$(addprefix engine/,io.o signals.o support.o @LIBOBJS@ engine.o engine2.o main.o engine-fast.o engine-fast2.o main-fast.o engine-ditc.o main-ditc.o engine-itc.o main-itc.o $(PROFOBJS)) #stuff in a binonly distribution BINONLYDIST = config.status Makefile Makedist \ $(ENGINES) $(ENGINES_FAST) \ $(DOBJECTS) engine/config.h engine/Makefile \ engine/gforth$(EXE) engine/gforth-fast$(EXE) \ engine/gforth-ditc$(EXE) engine/gforth-itc$(EXE) \ $(addprefix engine/,$(PROFEXES)) \ stamp-h kernel/version.fs build-ec INSTALL.BINDIST #use dist targets only when srcdir=. ddist: $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) | \ (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-$(VERSION).tar.gz -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) #use dist targets only when srcdir=. ddosdist: $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) -$(RMTREE) gforth.$(DOSVERSION) mkdir gforth.$(DOSVERSION) $(TAR) $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) | \ (cd gforth.$(DOSVERSION); tar xf -) $(MV) gforth.$(DOSVERSION)/engine/strsignal.c gforth.$(DOSVERSION)/engine/strsig.c for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14; do \ $(MV) gforth.$(DOSVERSION)/doc/gforth.info-$$i gforth.$(DOSVERSION)/doc/gforth.i$$i; \ done zip -r9 gf$(DOSVERSION)dos.zip gforth.$(DOSVERSION)/* -$(RMTREE) gforth.$(DOSVERSION) #A source distribution contains only the things needed to install gforth, #without the documents. dsrcdist: $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ | \ (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-src-$(VERSION).tar.gz -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) dsrconlydist: $(SOURCES) -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(SOURCES) | \ (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-srconly-$(VERSION).tar.gz -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) #A document distribution contains only the documents, which can be created #with MAKE. ddocdist: $(DOCDIST) -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(DOCDIST) | (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-doc-$(VERSION).tar.gz -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) dhtmldist: html $(TAR) html|gzip -9 >gforth-html-$(VERSION).tar.gz #a binary distribution contains the complete source distribution, # the objects, the executable and the links. the objects are there for making # make happy. dbindist: $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) $(BINONLYDIST) -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) $(BINONLYDIST) | (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(STRIP) gforth-$(VERSION){,/engine}/gforth{,-fast,-ditc,-itc}$(EXE) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-$(VERSION).bin.@host@.tar.gz #All file names in a binary distribution distfiles: @echo $(SOURCES) kernel/version.fs machpc.fs $(FORTH_GEN0) compat/strcomp.fs gforthmi @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) $(BINONLYDIST) #makes a package with only the stuff not present in the source #package. For installation the source package is still needed! #This is useful if you want to distribute many binary versions in #little space (e.g., on floppy disk): Put the source package and #all the binonly packages you are interested in on the disk. The user #then just has to unpack the source and his favourite binonly into the #same directory and has a full binary distribution. dbinonlydist: $(SOURCES) $(FORTH_GEN0) @KERNEL@ $(DOCDIST) $(BINONLYDIST) -$(RMTREE) gforth-$(VERSION) mkdir gforth-$(VERSION) $(TAR) $(BINONLYDIST) | (cd gforth-$(VERSION); tar xf -) $(STRIP) gforth-$(VERSION)/gforth$(EXE) $(TAR) gforth-$(VERSION)|gzip -9 >gforth-$(VERSION).binonly.@host@.tar.gz