/* $Id: main.c,v 1.5 1994/05/18 17:29:56 pazsan Exp $ Copyright 1993 by the ANSI figForth Development Group */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "forth.h" #include "io.h" #ifndef DEFAULTBIN # define DEFAULTBIN "" #endif #ifdef DIRECT_THREADED # define CA(n) (symbols[(n)]) #else # define CA(n) ((int)(symbols+(n))) #endif /* image file format: * size of image with stacks without tags (in bytes) * size of image without stacks and tags (in bytes) * size of data and FP stack (in bytes) * pointer to start of code * data (size in image[1]) * tags (1 bit/data cell) * * tag==1 mean that the corresponding word is an address; * If the word is >=0, the address is within the image; * addresses within the image are given relative to the start of the image. * If the word is =-1, the address is NIL, * If the word is between -2 and -5, it's a CFA (:, Create, Constant, User) * If the word is -6, it's a DOES> CFA * If the word is -7, it's a DOES JUMP * If the word is <-7, it's a primitive */ void relocate(int *image, char *bitstring, int size, Label symbols[]) { int i=0, j, k, steps=(size/sizeof(Cell))/8; char bits; /* static char bits[8]={0x80,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x04,0x02,0x01};*/ for(k=0; k<=steps; k++) for(j=0, bits=bitstring[k]; j<8; j++, i++, bits<<=1) if(bits & 0x80) if(image[i]<0) switch(image[i]) { case CF_NIL : image[i]=0; break; case CF(DOCOL) : case CF(DOVAR) : case CF(DOCON) : case CF(DOUSER) : MAKE_CF(image+i,symbols[CF(image[i])]); break; case CF(DODOES) : MAKE_DOES_CF(image+i,image[i+1]+((int)image)); break; case CF(DOESJUMP): MAKE_DOES_HANDLER(image+i); break; default : image[i]=(Cell)CA(CF(image[i])); } else image[i]+=(Cell)image; CACHE_FLUSH(image,size); } int* loader(const char* filename) { int header[2]; FILE *imagefile; int *image; if(!(int)(imagefile=fopen(filename,"rb"))) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open image file '%s'",filename); exit(1); } fread(header,1,2*sizeof(int),imagefile); image=malloc(header[0]+((header[0]-1)/sizeof(Cell))/8+1); memset(image,0,header[0]+((header[0]-1)/sizeof(Cell))/8+1); image[0]=header[0]; image[1]=header[1]; fread(image+2,1,header[1]-2*sizeof(Cell),imagefile); fread(((void *)image)+header[0],1,((header[1]-1)/sizeof(Cell))/8+1, imagefile); fclose(imagefile); relocate(image,(char *)image+header[0],header[1],engine(0,0,0,0,0)); return(image); } int go_forth(int *image, int stack, Cell *entries) { Cell* rp=(Cell*)((void *)image+image[0]); double* fp=(double*)((void *)rp-image[2]); Address lp=(Address)((void *)fp-image[2]); Cell* sp=(Cell*)((void *)lp-image[2]); Cell* ip=(Cell*)(image[3]); for(;stack>0;stack--) *--sp=entries[stack-1]; install_signal_handlers(); /* right place? */ return((int)engine(ip,sp,rp,fp,lp)); } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char imagefile[256]; Cell environ[3] = {(Cell)argc, (Cell)argv, (Cell)env}; char* imagepath; if((int)(imagepath=getenv("FORTHBIN"))) { strcpy(imagefile,imagepath); if(imagefile[strlen(imagefile)-1]!='/') imagefile[strlen(imagefile)]='/'; } else { strcpy(imagefile,DEFAULTBIN); if(imagefile[0]!=0 && imagefile[strlen(imagefile)-1]!='/') imagefile[strlen(imagefile)]='/'; } if(argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='@') { if(argv[1][1]=='/') strcpy(imagefile,argv[1]+1); else strcpy(imagefile+strlen(imagefile),argv[1]+1); environ[0]-=1; environ[1]+=sizeof(argv); argv[1]=argv[0]; } else strcpy(imagefile+strlen(imagefile),"kernal.fi"); exit(go_forth(loader(imagefile),3,environ)); }