#Copyright 1992 by the ANSI figForth Development Group RM = echo 'Trying to remove' GCC = gcc CC = gcc SWITCHES = -D_POSIX_VERSION -DDEFAULTBIN='"'`pwd`'"' #-DNDEBUG #turn off assertions CFLAGS = -O4 -Wall -g $(SWITCHES) #-Xlinker -n puts text and data into the same 256M region #John Wavrik should use -Xlinker -N to get a writable text (executable) LDFLAGS = -g # -Xlinker -N LDLIBS = -lm EMACS = emacs INCLUDES = forth.h io.h FORTH_SRC = cross.fs debug.fs environ.fs errore.fs extend.fs \ filedump.fs glosgen.fs kernal.fs look.fs machine32b.fs \ machine32l.fs main.fs other.fs search-order.fs see.fs sieve.fs \ struct.fs tools.fs toolsext.fs vars.fs wordinfo.fs SOURCES = Makefile primitives primitives2c.el engine.c main.c io.c \ apollo68k.h decstation.h 386.h hppa.h sparc.h \ $(INCLUDES) $(FORTH_SRC) RCS_FILES = $(SOURCES) INSTALL ToDo model high-level GEN = ansforth GEN_PRECIOUS = primitives.i prim_labels.i primitives.b prim_alias.4th aliases.fs OBJECTS = engine.o io.o main.o # things that need a working forth system to be generated # this is used for antidependences, FORTH_GEN = primitives.i prim_labels.i prim_alias.4th kernal.32limg all: ansforth aliases.fs #from the gcc Makefile: #"Deletion of files made during compilation. # There are four levels of this: # `mostlyclean', `clean', `distclean' and `realclean'. # `mostlyclean' is useful while working on a particular type of machine. # It deletes most, but not all, of the files made by compilation. # It does not delete libgcc.a or its parts, so it won't have to be recompiled. # `clean' deletes everything made by running `make all'. # `distclean' also deletes the files made by config. # `realclean' also deletes everything that could be regenerated automatically." clean: -rm $(GEN) distclean: clean -rm machine.h realclean: distclean -rm $(GEN_PRECIOUS) current: $(RCS_FILES) ansforth: $(OBJECTS) $(FORTH_GEN) -cp ansforth ansforth.old $(GCC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ kernal.32limg: search-order.fs cross.fs aliases.fs vars.fs add.fs \ environ.fs errore.fs kernal.fs extend.fs tools.fs toolsext.fs \ $(FORTH_GEN) -cp kernal.32limg kernal.32limg.old ansforth "include main.fs" engine.s: engine.c primitives.i prim_labels.i machine.h $(INCLUDES) $(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -S engine.c engine.o: engine.c primitives.i prim_labels.i machine.h $(INCLUDES) primitives.b: primitives m4 primitives >$@ primitives.i : primitives.b prims2x.fs ansforth "include prims2x.fs s\" primitives.b\" ' output-c process-file bye" >$@ prim_labels.i : primitives.b prims2x.fs ansforth "include prims2x.fs s\" primitives.b\" ' output-label process-file bye" >$@ prim_alias.4th: primitives.b prims2x.fs ansforth "include prims2x.fs s\" primitives.b\" ' output-alias process-file bye" >$@ aliases.fs: prim_alias.4th cp prim_alias.4th $@ #primitives.4th: primitives.b primitives2c.el # $(EMACS) -batch -load primitives2c.el -funcall make-forth #GNU make default rules % :: RCS/%,v co $@ %.o : %.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@