The Dragon's Forest

Author: Authors of Volume 2
Length: Short
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Exploration, Investigation
Setting: Urban, Village, Wilderness, Forest
Monster: Dragon

The Plot

There's a logging town nearby that, all of a sudden, starts spending money like there's no tomorrow. They go from a little frontier town to a place like in a matter of months. The players should be "just passing through", and notice this large change. They pass a bard that tells of the eighth murder in the town in a month.

What's really going on is that someone with tons of money is having the loggers clear-cut the forest the logging town is near.

Unfortunately, the forest has a guardian (a dragon) that is a bit fanatical and unscrupulous in his guardianship; to scare the loggers into ceasing from clear-cutting the forest, he hires some assassin/terrorists to kill random loggers in the city. The players' mission, should they choose to accept it, is to stop this situation from escalating any further.

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Email: Alexander Forst-Rakoczy