
Author: Tom Zunder <>
Length: Long
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Campaign
Setting: Any

The Plot

[Not a plot as such but setting ripe with many possible plots...]


Fraggia is the most northern city state in Peronia. It's lands border on the Forest of Night, with their enclaves of Kerren, to the West and the Ogre Hills to the East. The city is ruled by the Mask of Passing, an anonymous figure elected from within the ranks of the Masks of Balance, the Prelacy of the Balance in Fraggia. There is a strong guild structure in Fraggia and the Mask of Passing holds council with the guildmasters on city business. The Mask of Passing does have absolute power and should he require it he can declare an Imbalance, a time when prelate rule is declared and prelate troops may act under sole control of the Prelacy.

The Mask of Passing, as do all Fraggian prelates, wears a full mask at all times. The Mask of Passing is a Death's Head, and this focus on Death and Endings has coloured Fraggia since it's founding as a Quegan outpost some 900 years ago. Fraggia is a city of tall dark granite buildings, black marble temples, gargoyles and death motifs. Like all Peronian cities the Temple of Air is on the pre-eminent hill, the Temple of Water in the lake created by the damning of the river and the Fire Temple smoulders to the East of the city. The Earth Temple is as tradition dictates, to the West of the city. In Fraggia the Earth Temple is the Necropolis, a funerary complex of low lying dark tombs, burial mounds and temples. The holiest temples to the Earth are deep within the Earth, and catacombs and tunnels run through the Necropolis and to Fraggia itself. The Necropolis itself lies outside the city walls, and many a visitor has been pleased to find it so, it's area is equal to the city itself, and in the moonlight it is an eerie and frightening ghost town. Fraggians are both feared of, embrace and dismiss death. They both revile ghosts, spirits and ghouls and yet also have many folk tales of how clever Fraggians have tricked the undead.

Despite this cultural affinity with death, Fraggians are quite capable of enjoying themselves, and once their initial formality has passed they are friendly and welcoming. They have a strong self deprecating humour, and practical jokes and black humour are commonplace. The current Mask of Passing has been known to pull dark jests on the ruling council before now, and most Fraggians are quite puzzled that outsiders think they have no sense of humour.

Fraggian prelates all wear masks, representing their resonance's with the Balance. Most also have some death motif interwoven with the symbols of fire, water, earth or air. Many lay people also wear half cut masks, women usually only venture out in public veiled and black is a common colour all year around. White sepulchral makeup and bone motifs are common for both sexes, and throughout the year are many festivals and ceremonies of the dead.

Fraggian food is rich and fulsome. Beer is drunk here, unlike most of Peronia. Roast porc, pastries, strudels, sauerkraut and fried potatoes are common. Fraggians adore cream and most of the shokolatt imported from the Southern Shore ends up in Fraggia.

Fraggians have a rather egalitarian view of the worlde. They often say 'all men are the same under the Mask' and there is a strong sense of unity and purpose. With ogre and Kerren raids and common occurrence Fraggians have a strong and well funded military structure, run by the prelacy and manned by Mask commanders. Military uniforms are dark greens, blacks and browns, skull and bone motifs are common. Fraggian rocketeers, who launch themselves over enemy lines riding a back mounted rocket and then descending into enemy camps by parasol, are the elite of the army and also the most often killed in action.

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Email: Alexander Forst-Rakoczy