Competition! (AD&

Author: Martin Grimes <>
Length: Short
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Intrigue
Setting: Coastal

The Plot

The PCs arrive at a small town on an island in the middle of a lake. The distance around the lake makes it a pain to go around. However, during a particularly nasty storm, one of the bridges that links the town to the other side of the lake has been destroyed. The mayor has launched a competition to find the first group to operate a crossing to the other side of the lake. He asks the PCs to ensure fair play in the competition. There are several groups.... the dwarves are building a tunnel, the elves are building a boat, the gnomes a bridge... etc... Each individual group attempts to bribe the PCs to sabotage the others... Particularly good for an evil group of characters!

[The Net Book of Plots Home Page]
Email: Alexander Forst-Rakoczy