Clarissa, a voice-enabled procedure browser developed at NASA Ames, was successfully tested for the first time today by astronaut John Phillips on the International Space Station. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever use of a spoken dialogue system in space. During the test, Phillips completed the interactive Clarissa training procedure, which exercises all the main system functionality.
Speech recognition and dialogue management apparently functioned well. All the data has been logged, and we will present a more complete report soon when we have had time to analyze it.
For more
information, including on-line conference papers and technical
reports, see the
There is a short non-technical write-up in the current issue of New Scientist, Nasa press release, Nasa project page, Smart mobs: Clarissa - voice bot in space, A Voice Enabled Procedure Browser for the International Space Station, Xerox Pressemeldung
Der in diesem Artikel erwähnte David Searls hat schon 1988 gezeigt, daß man mit Prologgrammatiken (Definite Clause Grammars, DCG) die Struktur des genetisches Codes beschreiben kann. Dazu gibt es auch einige Beispiele in der Übung.
Computerwelt (20.Mai 1996 Nr.21/96, Seite 6): Automatisches Übersetzen, Deutsche Führungsposition bei Spracherkennung
Mit dem Softwaresystem ,,Verbmobil`` ist es deutschen Wissenschaftlern gelungen, spontan gesprochene Sprache automatisch vom Japanischen ins Englische zu übersetzen.