
Ulrich Neumerkel (Version history)
This draft is for consideration of inclusion into the Prolog prologue. References refer to 13211-1:1995. Parts needing improvements are underlined.

p.p.x countall/2

p.p.x.1 Description

countall(G_0, N) is true iff N unifies with the total number of answers of call(G_0).

The following defines the procedural behaviour when no error conditions are satisified.

countall(G_0, N) :-
   findall(t, G_0, Ts),
   length(Ts, N).

p.p.x.2 Template and modes

countall(+callable_term, ?integer)

p.p.x.3 Errors

a) G_0 is a variable
b) G_0 is neither a variable nor a callable term
type_error(callable, G_0).
c) N is neither a variable nor an integer
type_error(integer, Nth).
d) N is an integer less than zero
domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Nth).
e) The value of flag bounded is true and N is larger than max_integer

p.p.x.4 Examples

?- countall((X=1;X=2), N).
   N = 2.
?- countall((true;true), N).
   N = 2.
?- countall(G_0, N).
?- countall((length(L,5),nth0(_,L,_),nth0(_,L,_)), N).
   N = 25.
?- countall(N = 1, N).
   N = 1.
?- countall(N = non_integer, N).
   N = 1.
?- countall(false, 1).
?- countall(false, -1).
?- countall(false, non_integer).


2023-07-06 First draft.
2023-07-10 Added to GNU Prolog
2023-07-14 Added to Scryer Prolog
2023-08-28 Added to Trealla Prolog

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