Menu Description

All menus in Torero are context sensitive, that means that it depends on the tool's state which menu items are usable at a time. Pictures below show states where all menu items are active.
Some menu items have shortcuts which are shown next to the menu items.


File menu


Import Yacc Grammar

A file chooser dialog opens to choose an input file which contains the yacc grammar. Per default all files with extensions .y and .yacc are shown.
Important: Depending on the version of Torero there are some restrictions on yacc grammars, which can be found in the compatibility section.
Only one instance of a grammar can be active at one time. When importing a new grammar, the actual working grammar is discarded, so save the working files first.

Export AG to Ox

Attribute grammars made with Torero can be written into an ox-input-file with this menu button. Note that the generated .ox file includes a C-Header file containing type definitions for attributes, which has to be supplied by the user. See the compatibility section for details.

Load AG

Previously saved attribute grammars made with Torero can be loaded with the menu item. Torero uses a binary format (JAVA serialised objects) for saving and loading attribute grammars.

Save AG

Save the actual attribute grammar. Torero uses a binary format (JAVA serialised objects) for saving and loading attribute grammars.

Export derivat to Dot

The active (focused) derivation window is written to a .dot file for use with Graphviz (formerly dotty).

Export derivat to JPG

The active (focused) derivation window is written to a .jpg file.


Derivation Menu


<New Derivation>

This menu item presents a dialog box, which allows to choose a production. Then a new derivation window with the selected production is opened.

All open derivation windows are listed below this menu item, they have the same names as the choosen production.
Previously created Derivation Windows are activated (focused) by selecting them from the list or clicking on the iconified derivation windows as shown in the example above.


Tool Menu

All available tools are listed, together with their shortcuts and can be activated by choosing from this list or using the Torero Toolbar. For detailed information about the tools see the Tool's Description.


Help Menu


Displays a dialog with version information and a reference to the online documentation.

About Torero

Displays contact and licence information.


Torero Reference
Torero Home
Derivation Window