...year.% latex2html id marker 4062
The values given here have been taken from the news server at ``Technische Universität Wien''.
...400KBit/s% latex2html id marker 4063
...$400\mbox{KBit}/\mbox{s}$% latex2html id marker 4065
News server at the ``Technische Universität Wien''.
...entries.% latex2html id marker 4074
The values given here have been taken from the news server at ``Technische Universität Wien''.
...disk).% latex2html id marker 4079
Currently, the NVContainer Class Library is restricted to non volatile memory that can be memory mapped and locked by the operating system.
...% latex2html id marker 4089
Depending on the load caused by the squid WWW cache, these data may vary