News **** 0.5 === * #?(number) pattern * lisp_free can handly arbitrarily nested lists without recursion. * Memory allocation can now be controlled with the allocator interface. * An allocator is included which is very fast and low-overhead, but only allows freeing all data at once. * A new memory mapping Lisp stream type is implemented, which about doubles parsing speed. 0.4 === * Functions for making expressions (contributed by Masatake Yamato) * Type predicates (contributed by Masatake Yamato) * lisp_cxr 0.3 === * Lisp style comments are ignored (strings starting with the semicolon, ended by newline, contributed by Masatake Yamato) * Used-defined streams (contributed by Masatake Yamato) 0.2 === * Added code for handling real numbers (contributed by Masatake Yamato) * The string arguments to lisp_read_from_string and lisp_match_string are now const