Ver- Resol-  Real avg.fps	  Processor  Primary Board    Chipset Board  Memory  <            Video                 > Memory  Sound remarks
sion ution   tiks                             Cache                   Clock size read  write  wait s.  card              chipset bus RAM   Manager Card	
0.50 320x240 256  291.7   CeleronA-504 16+16K  Abit bh6 ?       112   128K -     -      ?       Diam.Stealth3D2000 ?       PCI 2M ?  ?       ?     Fastvid enabled; 463/103MHz: 272 realticks; with 450/100MHz: 278 realticks; with 375/83MHz: 306 realticks; with 337.5/75MHz: 329 realticks; with 300/66MHz: 355 realticks.