Saturday February 24th, 2018

[08:00 - 18:15]   Registration
[08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 3 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 7 [09:15 - 10:00] Room: Europa 2 [09:15 - 10:00] Room: Europa 6 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 5 [08:30 - 08:45] Room: Europa 1
AACBB: Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics HIPINEB: High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era LLVM Performance Workshop RWDSL'18: 3rd International Workshop on Real World Domain Specific Languages WPMVP: Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing CC: International Conference on Compiler Construction Compiler Construction
Opening Remarks Opening How to Evaluate "In-Memory Computing" Performances without Hardware Measurements? Welcome Keynote TBA Opening
Keynote 1: "Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey"
Onur Mutlu (ETH, CMU)
Keynote: "The three L's in modern high-performance networking: Low latency, Low cost, Low processing load" Industrial Experience with the Migration of Legacy Models using a DSL Vectorization of a spectral finite-element numerical kernel (Application) [08:45 - 10:00] Room: Europa 1
Exploring Speed/Accuracy Trade-offs CC Keynote
Accelerating Duplicate Marking In The Cloud Rethinking Compilers in the Rise of Machine Learning and AI
Xipeng Shen (North Carolina State University, USA)
[10:00 - 10:30]   Coffee Break with Snack
[10:30 - 12:10] Room: Europa 3 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 7 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 2 [10:30 - 11:50] Room: Europa 6 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 5 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 1
AACBB: Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics HIPINEB Technical Session 1 (research papers) LLVM Performance Workshop RWDSL'18: 3rd International Workshop on Real World Domain Specific Languages WPMVP: Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing Session 1: Polyhedral Compilation
Invited Talk: "Next Generation Sequencing: Big Data meets High Performance Computing Architectures"
Bertil Schmidt (JGU Mainz)
Analysis and improvement of Valiant routing in low-diameter networks Optimizing LLVM IR for Guided Vectorization Saiph: Towards a DSL for High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics. Small SIMD Matrices for CERN High Throughput Computing Modeling the Conflicting Demands of Parallelism and Temporal/Spatial Locality in Affine Scheduling
GAME: GPU Acceleration of Metagenomics Clustering Node-type-based load-balancing routing for Parallel Generalized Fat-Trees Efficient use of memory by reducing size of AST dumps in cross file analysis by clang static analyzer CFDlang: High-level code generation for high-order methods in fluid dynamics SIMDization of Small Tensor Multiplication Kernels for Wide SIMD Vector Processors A Polyhedral Compilation Framework for Loops with Dynamic Data-Dependent Bounds
Exact Alignment with FM-index on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor Analyzing topology parameters for achieving energy-efficient k-ary n-cubes MIPP: a Portable C++ SIMD Wrapper and its use for Error Correction Coding in 5G Standard Polyhedral Expression Propagation
Optimizations of Sequence Alignment on FPGA: A Case Study of Extended Sequence Alignment
[12:00 - 13:30]   Lunch
[13:30 - 15:10] Room: Europa 3 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 7 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 2 [13:30 - 14:50] Room: Europa 6 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 5 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 1
AACBB: Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics HIPINEB Technical Session 2 (research papers) LLVM Performance Workshop RWDSL'18: 3rd International Workshop on Real World Domain Specific Languages WPMVP: Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing Session 2: Data-Flow and Pointer/Alias Analysis
Keynote 2: "Automata Processor and its Applications in Bioinformatics"
Srinivas Aluru (Georgia Tech)
Evaluating Energy Saving Strategies on Torus, K-Ary N-Tree, and Dragonfly Cache-aware Scheduling and Performance Modeling with LLVM-Polly and Kerncraft dsmodels: A Little Language for Dynamical Systems Ikra-Cpp: A C++/CUDA DSL for Object-Oriented Programming with Structure-of-Arrays Layout Computing Partially Path-Sensitive MFP Solutions in Data Flow Analyses
Streaming Gap-Aware Seed Alignment on the Cache Automaton VEF3 traces: towards a complete framework for modelling network workloads for exascale systems Enabling Automatic Partitioning of Data-Parallel Kernels with Polyhedral Compilation D'Artagnan: An Embedded DSL Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems Usuba, Optimizing & Trustworthy Bitslicing Compiler An Efficient Data Structure for Must-Alias Analysis
Processing-in-Storage Architecture for Large-Scale Biological Sequence Alignment Improving the Efficiency of Future Exascale Systems with rCUDA A Data Layout Transformation for Vectorizing Compilers Parallel Sparse Flow-Sensitive Points-to Analysis
The Genomic Benchmark Suite: Characterization and Architecture Implications
[15:00 - 15:30]   Coffee Break with Snack
[15:30 - 17:50] Room: Europa 3 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 7 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 2 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 6 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 5 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 1
AACBB: Accelerator Architecture in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Panel Session: "Industrial perspective of high-speed communication technology evolution" LLVM Performance Workshop RWDSL'18: 3rd International Workshop on Real World Domain Specific Languages WPMVP: Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing Session 3: Code Generation and Optimisation
Invited Talk: "Addressing Computational Burden to Realize Precision Medicine"
Can Alkan (Bilkent University)
Industrial perspective of high-speed communication technology evolution
moderated by Prof. Young Cho (University of Southern California), Panelists: Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies, Israel, Ola Torudbakken, Skala Norge AS, Norway, Cyriel Minkenberg, Rockley Photonics Inc., Switzrland
Tensor Comprehensions Q#: Enabling Scalable Quantum Computing and Development with a High-level DSL Investigating automatic vectorization for real-time 3D scene understanding PAYJIT: Space-Optimal JIT Compilation and Its Practical Implementation
Burrows-Wheeler Short Read Aligner on AWS EC2 F1 LLVM Q&A Panel: Questions Welcome A Task-Based DSL for Microcomputers Panel Discussion Finding Missed Compiler Optimizations by Differential Testing
Towards BIMAX: Binary Inclusion-MAXimal parallel implementation for gene expression analysis Close Fast and Flexible Instruction Selection with Constraints
Memory: The Dominant Bottleneck in Genomic Workloads
Gene Sequencing: Where Time Goes
Are Next-Generation HPC Systems Ready for Population-level Genomics Data Analytics?
Closing remarks
[18:15]   Departure of the busses to the Heurigen
[18:30]   Heurigen: Toni & Birgit Nigl

Sunday February 25th, 2018

[08:00 - 18:30]   Registration
[08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 5 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 7 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Pacific 3 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 3 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 2 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Pacific 1 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Pacific 2 [08:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 6 [08:45 - 10:00] Room: Europa 1
WP3: Second Workshop on Pioneering Processor Paradigms Accelerating Big Data Processing with Hadoop, Spark and Memcached on Datacenters with Modern Architectures Tutorial: Improving security with reversibility and session types PMAM: Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores GPGPU: Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPU An Introduction to Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming Productive parallel programming on FPGA with high-level synthesis Debugging and Profiling Task Parallel Programs with TASKPROF CC Keynote
Welcome and Introduction Pradip Bose Session 1 Session 1 Opening Remarks Welcome: The Organizers Session 1 Session 1 Session 1 Compiler and Language Design for Quantum Computing
Bettina Heim (Microsoft Research, USA)
Keynote I: TBD
Mikko H. Lipasti (MICRO 2017 Test of Time Award, University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Keynote: "Building the next Generation of MapReduce Programming Models over MPI to Fill the Gaps between Data Analytics and Supercomputers" Keynote 1: "Initial Steps toward Making GPU a First-Class Computing Resource: Sharing and Resource Management"
Jun Yang (William Kepler Whiteford Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Pittsburgh)
[09:40 - 10:00] Room: Europa 5 [09:30 - 10:00] Room: Europa 2
WP3: Retrospective Survey I GPGPU Session 1: Persistent Data Structures
On the Evaluation of Computer Architectures A Case For Persist Barriers in GPUs
[10:00 - 10:30]   Coffee Break with Snack
[10:30 - 11:20] Room: Europa 5 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 7 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Pacific 3 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 3 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 2 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Pacific 1 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Pacific 2 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 6 [10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 1
WP3: Invited Talk Accelerating Big Data Processing with Hadoop, Spark and Memcached on Datacenters with Modern Architectures Tutorial: Improving security with reversibility and session types PMAM Session 1: GPU and Accelerator GPGPU Session 2: Applications/Frameworks An Introduction to Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming Productive parallel programming on FPGA with high-level synthesis Debugging and Profiling Task Parallel Programs with TASKPROF Session 4: Compilation for Specialised Domains
40 years since dusk: will hardware capabilities finally make our systems more capable?
Lluis Vilanova (Technion)
Session 2 Session 2 Extending ILUPACK with a Task-Parallel Version of BiCG for Dual-GPU Servers Overcoming the Difficulty of Large-scale CGH Generation on multi-GPU Cluster Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 Compiling for Concise Code and Efficient I/O
[11:20 - 12:00] Room: Europa 5 Reduction to Band Form for the Singular Value Decomposition on Graphics Accelerators Transparent Avoidance of Redundant Data Transfer on GPU-enabled Apache Spark Termination Checking and Task Decomposition for Task-Based Intermittent Programs
WP3: New/Exploratory paradigms Combining PREM compilation and ILP scheduling for high-performance and predictable MPSoC execution GPU-based Acceleration of Detailed Tissue-Scale Cardiac Simulations A Session Type Provider: Compile-Time API Generation of Distributed Protocols with Refinements in F#
A Multi-component Branch Predictor Design for Low Resource Budget Processors
FFT implementation using mono-instruction set computer architecture
[12:00 - 13:30]   Lunch
[13:20 - 14:20] Room: Europa 5 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 7 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Pacific 2 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Pacific 3 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 3 [13:30 - 14:30] Room: Europa 2 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Pacific 1 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 6 [13:30 - 15:00] Room: Europa 1
WP3: Second Workshop on Pioneering Processor Paradigms PULP: An open hardware platform, the story so far Turning HPC clusters into High Performance & High Throughput facilities by using remote GPU virtualization Tutorial: Improving security with reversibility and session types PMAM Session 2: Fine-grain Parallelism GPGPU: Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPU An Introduction to Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming High Performance Distributed Deep Learning: A Beginner's Guide Session 5: Code Translation and Transformation
Keynote II: TBD
PULP concept and goals [Session 1.1] Presentation of remote GPU virtualization techniques and rCUDA features (50 minutes) Session 3 Fast and Accurate Performance Analysis of Synchronization Keynote 2: "Generating High Performance GPU Code using Rewrite Rules with Lift"
Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh)
Session 3 Session 1 Tail Call Elimination and Data Representation for Functional Languages on the Java Virtual Machine
[14:20 - 15:00] Room: Europa 5 State of the art of open source hardware design [Session 1.2] Practical demonstration about how to install and use rCUDA (40 minutes) Supporting Fine-grained Dataflow Parallelism in Big Data Systems CAnDL: A Domain Specific Language for Compiler Analysis
WP3: Restrospective Survey II Summary of PULP systems: PULP, PULPino, PULPissimo Intra-Task Parallelism in Automotive Real-Time Systems Semantic Reasoning about the Sea of Nodes
This Architecture Tastes Like Microarchitecture PULP cores: OR10N, RI5CY, Zero-riscy, Ariane
Project CrayOn: Back to the future for a more General-Purpose GPU?
[15:00 - 15:30]   Coffee Break with Snack
[15:30 - 15:50] Room: Europa 5 [15:30 - 17:30] Room: Europa 7 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Pacific 2 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Pacific 3 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 3 [15:30 - 16:30] Room: Europa 2 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Pacific 1 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 6 [15:30 - 17:00] Room: Europa 1
WP3: Restrospective Survey III PULP: An open hardware platform, the story so far Turning HPC clusters into High Performance & High Throughput facilities by using remote GPU virtualization Tutorial: Improving security with reversibility and session types PMAM Session 3: Cache and Pipeline GPGPU Session 3: Concurrent Kernels An Introduction to Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming High Performance Distributed Deep Learning: A Beginner's Guide Session 6: Compile- and Run-Time Analysis
45-year CPU evolution: one law and two equations Advanced PULP silicon implementations [Session 2] Guided exercises so that the audience uses rCUDA in a cluster located at Technical University of Valencia, Spain Session 4 Understanding Parallelization Tradeoffs for Linear Pipelines MaxPair: Enhance OpenCL Concurrent Kernel Execution by Weighted Maximum Matching Session 4 Session 2 Towards a Compiler Analysis for Parallel Algorithmic Skeletons
[15:30 - 15:50] Room: Europa 5 Acceleration for PULP systems, examples from cryptography and neural networks Time for attendees to freely exercise with rCUDA in the remote cluster (a set of exercises is proposed) An Evaluation of Vectorization and Cache Reuse Tradeoffs on Modern CPUs Generalized Profile-Guided Iterator Recognition
WP3: Panel Session PULP Programming VAIL: A Victim-Aware Cache Policy for Improving Lifetime of Hybrid Memory Efficient Dynamic Analysis for Node.js
Panel TBD
Invited Pioneers and speakers plus the retrospective paper authors
[17:00 - 17:05] Room: Europa 3
[15:30 - 15:50] Room: Europa 5
WP3: Recap/discussion; clossing remarks, action items Closing Remarks
Discussion driven by workshop organizers.
[18:00]   HPCA/CGO/PPoPP Welcome Reception and Poster Session
[19:45]     (Anthony’s Bar) Women-in-Computer-Architecture (WICARCH) get-together

Monday February 26th, 2018

[08:00 - 18:00] Registration
[08:30 - 08:45] Opening
[08:45 - 09:55]   (Europa 4) HPCA Keynote: What is the role of Architecture and Software Researchers on the Road to Quantum Supremacy?   Margaret Martonosi (Princeton University)
[09:55 - 10:20] Coffee Break with Snack
[10:20 - 10:30] Room: Europa 4 [10:20 - 11:45] Room: Europa 2 [10:20 - 11:35] Room: Europa 3
Test of Time Award Session Session 1: Managed Runtimes Session 1: Concurrent Data Structures
HPCA Test of Time Award SIMD Intrinsics on Managed Language Runtimes Session chair: Xipeng Shen (North Carolina State University)
[10:30 - 12:00] Room: Europa 4 CollectionSwitch: A Framework for Efficient and Dynamic Collection Selection Interval-Based Memory Reclamation
Best Paper Session Analyzing and Optimizing Task Granularity on the JVM Harnessing Epoch-based Reclamation for Efficient Range Queries
Session chair: Josep Torrellas (UIUC) A Persistent Lock-Free Queue for Non-Volatile Memory
Amdahl's Law in the Datacenter Era: A Market for Fair Processor Allocation
iNPG: Accelerating Critical Section Access with In-Network Packet Generation for NoC based Many-cores
Enabling Efficient Network Service Function Chain Deployment on Heterogeneous Server Platform
Reducing Data Transfer Energy by Exploiting Similarity within a Data Transaction
[11:45 - 13:15] Lunch
[13:15 - 14:55] Room: Europa 4 [13:15 - 14:55] Room: Europa 5+6 [13:15 - 14:55] Room: Europa 2 [13:15 - 14:55] Room: Europa 3
Session 2A: Architecture for Neural Network Session 2B: Cache and Memory Session 2: Resilience and Security Session 2: Compilers and runtime systems
Session chair: Rajeev Balasubramonian (University of Utah) Session chair: Paul V. Gratz (Texas A&M University) Automating Efficient Variable-Grained Resiliency for Low-Power IoT Systems Session chair: I-Ting Angelina Lee (Washington University in St. Louis)
Making Memristive Neural Network Accelerators Reliable A Hybrid Cache Partitioning-Sharing Technique for Commodity Multicores Resilient Decentralized Android Application Repackaging Detection Using Logic Bombs Juggler: A Dependency-Aware Task Based Execution Framework for GPUs
Towards Efficient Microarchitectural Design for Accelerating Unsupervised GAN-based Deep Learning SIPT: Speculatively Indexed, Physically Tagged Caches nAdroid: Statically Detecting Ordering Violations in Android Applications HPVM: Heterogeneous Parallel Virtual Machine
Compressing DMA Engine: Leveraging Activation Sparsity for Training Deep Neural Networks Domino Temporal Data Prefetcher SGXElide: Enabling Enclave Code Secrecy via Self-Modification Hierarchical Memory Management for Mutable State
In-situ AI: Towards Autonomous and Incremental Deep Learning for IoT Systems ProFess: A Probabilistic Hybrid Main Memory Management Framework for High Performance and Fairness SuperNeurons: Dynamic GPU Memory Management for Training Deep Neural Networks
[14:55 - 15:15] Coffee Break with Snack
[15:15 - 16:55] Room: Europa 4 [15:15 - 16:55] Room: Europa 5+6 [15:15 - 15:25] Room: Europa 2 [15:15 - 16:30] Room: Europa 3
Session 3A: Security Session 3B: GPU Cache and Memory Test of Time Award Session Session 3: Performance
Session chair: David R. Kaeli (Northeastern University) Session chair: Bradford M. Beckmann (AMD) CGO Test of Time Award Session chair: Milind Chabbi (Baidu Research)
RCoal: Mitigating GPU Timing Attack via Subwarp-based Randomized Coalescing Techniques Accelerate GPU Concurrent Kernel Execution by Mitigating Memory Pipeline Stalls [15:25 - 16:55] Room: Europa 2 Bridging the Gap between Deep Learning and Sparse Matrix Format Selection
Are Coherence Protocol States vulnerable to Information Leakage? LATTE-CC: Latency Tolerance Aware Adaptive Cache Compression Management for Energy Efficient GPUs Session 3: Best Paper Finalists Optimizing N-Dimensional, Winograd-Based Convolution for Manycore CPUs
Record-Replay Architecture as a General Security Framework GETM: high-performance GPU transactional memory via eager conflict detection Poker: Permutation-based SIMD Execution of Intensive Tree Search by Path Encoding vSensor: Leveraging Fixed-Workload Snippets of Programs for Performance Variance Detection
The DRAM Latency PUF: Quickly Evaluating Physical Unclonable Functions by Exploiting the Latency-Reliability Tradeoff in Modern DRAM Devices Efficient and Fair Multi-programming in GPUs via Effective Bandwidth Management High Performance Stencil Code Generation with LIFT
Qubit Allocation
Dominance-based Duplication Simulation (DBDS): Code Duplication to Enable Compiler Optimizations
[16:55 - 17:15] Break
[17:15 - 18:55] Room: Europa 4 [17:15 - 18:55] Room: Europa 5+6 [17:00 - 19:00] Room: Europa 7 [17:15 - 17:45] Room: Europa 3 [17:15 - 17:45] Room: Europa 3
Session 4A: Microarchitecture and Benchmark Session 4B: Persistent and NVM memory
Session chair: Benjamin Lee (Duke University) Session chair: Hai Li (Duke University) Student Research Competition CGO & PPoPP Artifact Evaluation CGO & PPoPP Artifact Evaluation
A Novel Register Renaming Technique for Out-of-Order Processors Crash Consistency in Encrypted Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems
Wait of a Decade: Did SPEC CPU 2017 Broaden the Performance Horizon? Adaptive Memory Fusion: Towards Transparent, Agile Integration of Persistent Memory
Architectural Support for Task Dependence Management with Flexible Software Scheduling Efficient Hardware-based Undo+Redo Logging for Persistent Memory Systems [18:00 - 19:00] Room: Europa 2 [18:00 - 19:00] Room: Europa 3
GDP: Using Dataflow Properties to Accurately Estimate Interference-free Performance at Runtime Enabling Fine-Grain Restricted Coset Coding Through Word-Level Compression for PCM
[19:15 - 20:15] Room: Europa 4 CGO Business Meeting PPoPP Business Meeting
HPCA Business Meeting

Tuesday February 27th, 2018

[08:00 - 17:00] Registration
[08:00 - 09:40] Room: Europa 4 [08:00 - 09:40] Room: Europa 5+6 [08:00 - 09:40] Room: Europa 2 [08:00 - 09:40] Room: Europa 3
Session 5A: GPU Session 5B: Secure memory Session 4: Linear Algebra and Vectorization Session 4: Best Paper Candidates
Session chair: Minsoo Rhu (POSTECH) Session chair: Rui Hou (Chinese Academy of Science) The Generalized Matrix Chain Algorithm Session chair: Idit Keidar (Technion)
Perception-Oriented 3D Rendering Approximation for Modern Graphics Processors D-ORAM: Path-ORAM Delegation for Low Execution Interference on Cloud Servers with Untrusted Memory CVR: Efficient Vectorization of SpMV on X86 Processors Cache-Tries: Concurrent Lock-Free Hash Tries with Constant-Time Operations
Warp Scheduling for Fine-Grained Synchronization Secure DIMM: Moving ORAM Primitives Closer to Memory Look-Ahead SLP: Auto-vectorization in the Presence of Commutative Operations Featherlight On-the-fly False-sharing Detection
WIR: Warp Instruction Reuse to Minimize Repeated Computations in GPUs Comprehensive VM Protection against Untrusted Hypervisor through Retrofitted AMD Memory Encryption Conflict-Free Vectorization of Associative Irregular Applications with Recent SIMD Architectural Advances Register Optimizations for Stencils on GPUs
G-TSC: Timestamp Based Coherence for GPUs SYNERGY: Rethinking Secure-Memory Design for Error-Correcting Memories FlashR: Parallelize and Scale R for Machine Learning using SSDs
[09:40 - 10:05] Coffee Break with Snack
[10:05 - 11:45] Room: Europa 4 [10:05 - 11:45] Room: Europa 5+6 [10:05 - 11:45] Room: Europa 2 [10:05 - 11:45] Room: Europa 3
Session 6A: Novel Architecture Session 6B: In-Memory Computing Session 5: Static and Dynamic Analysis Session 5: Concurrency control and fault tolerance
Session chair: Kei Hiraki (University of Tokyo) Session chair: Jishen Zhao (UCSD) Scalable Concurrency Debugging with Distributed Graph Processing Session chair: Walter Binder (USI)
A Case for Packageless Processors RC-NVM: Enabling Symmetric Row and Column Memory Accesses for In-Memory Databases Lightweight Detection of Cache Conflicts DisCVar: Discovering Critical Variables Using Algorithmic Differentiation for Transient Faults
Extending the Power-Efficiency and Performance of Photonic Interconnects for Heterogeneous Multicores GraphR: Accelerating Graph Processing Using ReRAM CUDAAdvisor: LLVM-Based Runtime Profiling for Modern GPUs Practical Concurrent Traversals in Search Trees
Routerless Networks-on-Chip GraphP: Reducing Communication of PIM-based Graph Processing with Efficient Data Partition May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis with Static Vector Clocks Communication-Avoiding Parallel Minimum Cuts and Connected Components
HeatWatch: Optimizing 3D NAND Read Operations With Self-Recovery and Temperature Awareness PM3: Power Modeling and Power Management for Processing-in-Memory Safe Privatization in Transactional Memory
[11:45 - 13:15] Lunch
[11:45 - 12:30]   (lunch room) Women in Academia and Industry Lunch Session
[12:35 - 13:10]   (Europa 4) Women in Academia and Industry Panel
[13:15 - 14:25]   (Europa 4) CGO Keynote: Biological Computation   Sara-Jane Dunn (Microsoft Research Limited)
[14:25 - 14:50] Coffee Break with Snack
[14:50 - 16:30] Room: Europa 4 [14:50 - 16:30] Room: Europa 5+6 [14:50 - 16:30] Room: Europa 2 [14:50 - 16:30] Room: Europa 3
Session 7A: Industry Track Session 7B: Best of CAL Session 6: Memory usage Optimisation Session 6: Models and Libraries
Session chair: Lieven Eeckhout (Ghent University) Session chair: Dan Sorin (Duke University) DeLICM: Scalar Dependence Removal at Zero Memory Cost Session chair: Zoltan Majo (Ergon Informatik AG)
Don't Correct the Tags in a Cache, just Check their Hamming Distance from the Lookup Tag Resistive Address Decoder Loop Transformations Leveraging Hardware Prefetching Making Pull-Based Graph Processing Performant
Reliability-aware Data Placement for Heterogeneous Memory Architecture Transcending Hardware Limits with Software Out-of-order Processing Transforming Loop Chains via Macro Dataflow Graphs An Effective Fusion and Tile Size Model for Optimizing Image Processing Pipelines
SmarCo: An Efficient Many-Core Processor for High-Throughput Applications in Datacenters Sensing CPU voltage noise through Electromagnetic Emanations Local Memory-Aware Kernel Perforation LazyGraph: Lazy Data Coherency for Replicas in Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation
Lost in Abstraction: Pitfalls of Analyzing GPUs at the Intermediate Language Level PAM: Parallel Augmented Maps
[17:00] Departure of the busses to Palais Liechtenstein
[18:00] Banquet at Palais Liechtenstein

Wednesday February 28th, 2018

[08:00 - 09:00]   (Europa 4) PPoPP Keynote: From confusion to clarity: hardware concurrency programming models 2008-2018   Peter Sewell (University of Cambridge)
[09:00 - 09:25] Coffee Break with Snack
[09:25 - 11:05] Room: Europa 4 [09:25 - 11:05] Room: Europa 5+6 [09:25 - 11:05] Room: Europa 2 [09:25 - 11:05] Room: Europa 3
Session 8A: Industry Track (applications) Session 8B: Memory Session 7: Program Generation and Synthesis Session 7: Parallel frameworks and applications
Session chair: Andrew Putnam (Microsoft) Session chair: Guangyu Sun (Peking University) AutoPA: Automatically Generating Active Driver from Original Passive Driver Code Session chair: Bernhard Egger (Seoul National University)
Applied Machine Learning at Facebook: A Datacenter Infrastructure Perspective ERUCA: Efficient DRAM Resource Utilization and Resource Conflict Avoidance for Memory System Parallelism Synthesizing an Instruction Selection Rule Library from Semantic Specifications Efficient Shuffle Management with SCache for DAG Computing Frameworks
Amdahl's Law in Big Data Analytics: Alive and Kicking in TPCx-BB (BigBench) DUO: Dual Use of On-chip Redundancy for High Reliability Synthesizing Programs That Expose Performance Bottlenecks High-Performance Genomics Data Analysis Framework with In-Memory Computing
Memory Hierarchy for Web Search Memory System Design for Ultra Low Power, Computationally Error Resilient Processor Microarchitectures Program Generation for Small-Scale Linear Algebra Applications Griffin: Uniting CPU and GPU in Information Retrieval Systems for Intra-Query Parallelism
Characterizing Resource Sensitivity of Database Workloads NACHOS : Software-Driven Hardware-Assisted Memory Disambiguation for Accelerators swSpTRSV: a Fast Sparse Triangular Solve with Sparse Level Tile Layout on Sunway Architectures
[11:05 - 11:20] Break
[11:20 - 12:35] Room: Europa 4 [11:20 - 12:35] Room: Europa 5+6 [11:20 - 12:35] Room: Europa 2 [11:20 - 12:10] Room: Europa 3
Session 9A: Accelerators Session 9B: Power Session 8: Compilation for Specialised Domains Session 8: Race Detection
Session chair: Xuehai Qian (USC) Session chair: Guru Venkataramani (George Washington University) Optimal DNN Primitive Selection with Partitioned Boolean Quadratic Programming Session chair: Jesper Larsson Träff (TU Wien)
OuterSPACE: An Outer product based SPArse matrix multiplication acCElerator Power and Energy Characterization of an Open Source 25-core Manycore Processor Register Allocation for Intel Processor Graphics VerifiedFT: A Verified, High-Performance Dynamic Race Detector
Searching for Potential gRNA Off-Target Sites for CRISPR/Cas9 using Automata Processing across Different Platforms A Spot Capacity Market to Increase Power Infrastructure Utilization in Multi-Tenant Data Centers A Compiler for Cyber-Physical Digital Microfluidic Biochips Efficient Parallel Determinacy Race Detection for Two-Dimensional Dags
Characterizing and Mitigating Output Reporting Bottlenecks in Spatial-Reconfigurable Automata Processing Architectures GPGPU Power Modeling for Multi-Domain Voltage-Frequency Scaling
[12:35] [12:35 - 12:45] Room: Europa 2 [12:10]
Best Paper Award Session
HPCA Closing CGO 2018 Best Paper Award PPoPP Closing
CGO Closing

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Venue Floor Plan