"Designing and Programming Personal Expert Systems", by Carl Townsend and Dennis Feucht, TAB Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA, 1986. Price: $19.00 plus applicable taxes and shipping from LMI. This new book is divided into two parts: The first part is a general introduction to "Artificial Intelligence" and Knowledge Systems (the author's term for rule-based expert systems), two topics which have only marginal overlap in my opinion. The second part is example code for a simple rule-based system, all implemented in Forth. Both the text and the Forth code are readable and well presented. Table of Contents: Part I: EXPERT AND KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS Chapter 1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Chapter 2. Introduction to Knowledge Systems. Chapter 3. The Components of a Knowledge System. Chapter 4. Representing Knowledge. Chapter 5. Introduction to Knowledge Engineering. Part II: BUILDING KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS Chapter 6. Forth: A Versatile Expert Systems Language Chapter 7. Introduction to List Processing Chapter 8. Programming Techniques Chapter 9. A Prolog Knowledge System Chapter 10. Advanced Concepts. Chapter 11. Learning and Pattern Recognition. Appendix A. Source Listing (for Mini-Prolog in Forth) Appendix B. The Diagnosis Routines (for Appendix A) Appendix C. Forth Vocabulary Appendix D. Expert Systems Tools [list of software vendors] Appendix E. Expert Systems [list of working & published systems] Glossary [of AI terms] Resources [Bibliography of useful Expert System articles and books] Index