{ Here are a few excerts from some messages and from an on-line COnference I collected recently on another network. They were extracted at random, and it's my fault they are a bit haphazard.. Mr. Lightsey has expressed interest in "spreading the word" about the MACBOT project and will come over here for a conference if we have enough interest. If you are interested in getting or contributing to his newsletter, "U.S. Macbotics" here is his address: B.W. Lightsey 3434 Santee Rd. Baltimore, MD 21236 (301) 882-9535 (301) 682-1948 work It is looking like a version of Forth will be the language of choice for programming the thing. There is some serious interest in a PD (i.e. FREE) language, as well as strong cases for MacForth or Mach 2. I suggested a comprise would be to write a modestly expandable Robot Control Language in MacForth, then turnkey the thing. Source code would remain freely available for anyone who wanted to purchase MacForth and modify things. Since Forth is THE Robot control language and MacForth is THE Macintosh Forth, and since we have a nice cluster of folks using the same language over here and in the User Group, it would be natural for us to make a strong case for being "in charge" of the software development. ANYONE INTERESTED IN COORDINATING SUCH AN EFFORT???? Please leave short comments in msg section 12, and feel free to Upload ideas, comments, proposals, program outlines, etc etc to DL12. --ward } {this quote describes the inception of the idea} "Macbot is a cooperative effort by Macintosh enthusiasts to design hardware and software to allow the Apple Macintosh computer to be a mobile, sensor-equipped robot capable of programmable movement, data collection and a degree of independent decision-making. All hardware and software designs for Macbot shall be freely placed in the public domain by their creators." Doug Clapp, MacUser, March, 1987. p. 59. We need people interested in getting involved at whatever level they feel comfortable with. NO ONE IS TOO INEXPERIENCED!!! Any and all can get involved. It's usually true in a project such as this that the people who make it work are those with less experience and more enthusiasm (although experienced, enthusiastic people are welcome also). You get involved, I'll find you something to do, guaranteed! Let me know what you'd like to do, what you're capable of doing, what you're willing to do, and what you think of Macbot and what you'd like to see him do. Right now I need opinions, attitudes, comments, questions, articles, letters, graphics, satire, reviews, you name it, I need it; INPUT! Leave something on the BBS, upload a file, send me a letter, whatever. I do need material for U.S. Macbotics . I would appreciate your either uploading letters or articles you would like to see published, or sending them to me on disk in text files (Word or MacDraw readable). I'll send your disk (same one!) right back if you send a SASE. Send in your letters/submissions by 15 May to get them included in the June issue. Later entries I'll bump to the next issue. Please either upload your entry and leave me a message here with the file number, or send me a disk in text format (Word, MacDraw, etc.) I'll send your disk right back if you send a SASE. Organization: Just a note on the organization here; I have been asked by Doug Clapp to direct this effort. I intend to do that. I will accept all input gladly and without limit, but retain the right to make a final decision myself. MACBOT WILL NOT BE A COMMITTE CREATURE!!! I will allow individuals or groups to make decisions (type of interface, hardware, language, etc.) providing those individuals or groups have shown expertise in that area and have been willing to work will all of us to develop Macbot. I can't personally direct all aspects of Macbot as I haven't the technical skills to do so. What I can do is find people skilled in those areas whose recommendations I can trust, and work with them to all achieve a common goal. Please help me work towards this goal by maintaining your patience with ideas other than your own; remember, you lose depth perception when looking through a keyhole. If you're interested in working in or directing a particular effort, motion control, BBS's, public relations, man/machine interface, etc., let me know! U.S. Macbotics: The first issue was more of a "Hello, Guess Who's Here?" sort of thing. Regardless, I'll mail it out to those who don't have a modem. I'm going to upload it (soon) For the record: "All material, past, present, and future, published in U.S. Macbotics or placed on public files for the Macbot project, is free of copywrite or patent and may be copied, downloaded, and distributed free of charge." The intent is to allow free and uninhibited use of Macbotia, protect ourselves from legal liability, and prevent commercial use of Macbotia. {from a msg to me..} I like the idea of using MacForth (any language) to develop a control language which is independant of the original. How about you or one of your members developing a proposal on this type of language system for Macbot. Perhaps Don could do it in conjunction with one of your members who is experienced in using Forth in industrial applications? Thanks again! B.W.