Minutes of FIGGY BAR RT Conference. Date: 11/29/90 Time: 22:35EST Attendees: [[Gary] GARY-S] [[Len] NMORGENSTERN] [M.CHRISTOPH2] [D.RUFFER] [M.ZDANCEWIC1] [N.DAVIS6] Items discussed include New Madrid fault, TCOM and F-PC updates, using F-PC and TCOM, using editors LOOK and SZ, file handling, Leonard's help FIGGY's, Bill Muench conference, finding GEnie files, using stack handler. Minutes: is here. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Did you get my suggestions for round table speakers? <[Gary] GARY-S> Yes, THANKS <[Gary] GARY-S> I haven't had a chance to follow up on any of them as yet <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Of course! <[Gary] GARY-S> If things occur next week as predicted by Iben Browning it may not matter <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Oh, yes the earthquake predictor. <[Gary] GARY-S> He says the New Madrid will go on Tuesday <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is said that "Prediction is never difficult: <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is either easy or impossible." Goodhart's rule <[Gary] GARY-S> The New Madrid fault _will_ go again, of this there is zero doubt, I just think it is ludicrous to predict 'when' <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> a. You are right, in the present state of knowledge. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> b. It is useless to predict, even if accurate, unless you have <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> a plan as to what to do if the prediction is right, and <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> c. an estimate of the relative costs of getting out vs <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> bearing the damage. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> This problem comes up all the time in medicine, with <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> respect to screening procedures. is here. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Not on such a massive scale, of course. I live in ohio! <[Gary] GARY-S> I live in Arkansas Youch! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Your problem is that your building construction is not <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> earthquake proof, as ours is, more or less. <[Gary] GARY-S> Very true - a LOT of brick facade structures - unanchored <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> No large modern building was damaged here. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Right, like Mexico City. <[Gary] GARY-S> Yes <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Mike: I gave your name to John Peters. He is trying to <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> get up a library of TCOM routines, and will communicate <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> with you. I love tcom. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> He is former disk librarian for the Silicon Valley FIG chapter. I spoke with Tom Zimmer today <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> What's new with TCOM, Mike is here. Well i just received an update. Some new things are the ability to include a small forth nucleus to the com program for debug <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> What number is your update? there are about 50 updates. It'll take a while to sift thru. Many of my bug fixes have been added to FPC Feels good to have helped alittle <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> A lot!!! <[Gary] GARY-S> Sounds like you made some rather significant contributions well I use forth about 12 to 16 hours aday for the last 4 years, i am finally learning a few things! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> A common phenomenon in all kinds of learning, Mike <[Gary] GARY-S> In what capacity ? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> For a long time, new knowledge makes you more and more <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> aware of what you don't know, and you feel as if I still can't believe how powerful forth is. I am a professional programmer and have used forth nearly exclusively for about 4 years <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> you are going backwards. Finally, you pass that point! is here. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> M., please set your first name. We like to be informal That is so true. I can not believe in over a year of use, not a single bug has been reported. The host is in use 24 hours a day 7 days a week at several places around the world. Not 1 bug! It think it is weird Hi M., now we have two. Could both you M's set your names? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Use /nam xxx at the beginning of a line. dont you? Mike, are you sure they are using it then <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Not weird, just good programming in a good language. <[Gary] GARY-S> I don't think it is wierd - I think it is phenominal I cant believe some people beat up on forth for maintenance. I is here. My boss is very impressed. We have part of the system in Unix/C and there have been a "few" bugs there <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> M. Zdankewic, and N. Davis, how much Forth do you know? but to be fair, there is alot more in the way of interupts involved there hi and that is always bug prone only a little <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I run the Sunday conferences, and they are desinged <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> for learners. <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> I've messed w/Forth from Vic-20, C-64, f83 and now F-PC I am the sole "host" programmer at our company some of our competitors have dozens doing what i do <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Next Sun. 5:30 Pacific Time. <[Gary] GARY-S> Mike Christopher - Do you know Luther Huffman, also of Dayton ? no i dont who is he <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Mike z. Great! <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Any good help for file handling w/F-PC? yea what do you need? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> What is your problem? <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> I'm trying to build a simple data base to put in a time management app. <[Gary] GARY-S> Boy, did you log on at the right Time !! M. Chris is one of the guys that helped debug the latest revision ! <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Latest revision of what? <[Gary] GARY-S> F-PC <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> TCOM & FPC I have entered the example from startinf forth and modified it some. There is an example of a card file What part of database do you ne ed? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Hope he gets back <[Gary] GARY-S> Was it something I said ? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Magic! Maybe lightning! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Maybe just Genie. Did you check out picture" that i u/l <[Gary] GARY-S> M.C - do you use F-PC in your job or a commercial kernel ? I use F-pc that i have custom tailored. I would never use a forth without source. is here. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Welcome back! <[Gary] GARY-S> I heard that !!! <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Sorry guys, call waiting killed me! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yep! ah, that will get you every time mikez :-) <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> What did I miss? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Mike C, can you answer Mikez's question about data base> <[Gary] GARY-S> not much - Mike C was telling you about a F-PC data base he uploaded I keep 5 separate versions of my kernel forth One fiull system, one graphic system , one with the heads in expanded memory One tiny one (barely even forth!) and a 386 specific version <[Gary] GARY-S> How tiny ? as small as the 15K eForth ? You know, the stuff i did with htrof IS a powerful report generator. In a way the host is just a report generator. <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> How can I find Mike C's data base <[Gary] GARY-S> use option 3 to browse the library with M.CHRISTOPH2 as uploader or F-PC as keyword I have not uploaded it for a while. It is from the back of starting forth with enhancements. I originaly wrote it for F83 but it coul d be converted easy or you could load block support into fpc and probably use it without hardly any <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> OK, I'll hunt for it. changes. I added simple sorting to it and a few other goodies the card file example that comes with fpc is a good starting point too. What do you want? <[Gary] GARY-S> Why don't you post the revised goodies, Mike C ? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes, FPC has a file BLOCK.SEQ, I believe, that gives you <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> a full block system. Only one missing word, which is <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> CAPACITY that tells you the number of blocks in a file <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> and it is easy to add. I will. Tell me waht you want I have alot of stuff. I have some graphic routines that can handle large megabit virtual images too! <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> I've had to figureure out all the file I/O w/F-PC, and I've started a help file for myself. <[Gary] GARY-S> Post it all ! Uploads are free and there is a lot of interest in the stuff you like to do <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> (As we all have!) the file io in fpc is pretty powerful. <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Would anyone care to review it for me? It's only a couple of pages... sure <[Gary] GARY-S> at your convenience, of course <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Mikez: I will prepare a little tutorial for Sunday, it's a I have added color text supoport to fpc in graphic mode too <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> little too complicated to type in on line! <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> I'm timid about uploading it, 'cause I don't know how right it is. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Does it work? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> If it does, it is right! have at it. Don't think that you would be the first person to make a mistake! I have the market cornered <[Gary] GARY-S> Actually Mikez, you're need is made to order for Len's Sunday gathering (sorry if I'm being presumptious, Leonard) <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Yep - I had to discover READ-WRITE and <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes, that is my plan. I will work up a short tutorial, and <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> set my config.sys buffers up (I'm running dual floppy laptop) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> then we can discuss it online. did you see how you can one shot it or set it to a desired state permanently? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> One trouble is that DOS 2.x and up require that open <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Len - I will mail you my stuff and tell you more about my problems before Sunday <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> files be explicitly closed, or you run out of handles. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Good, MikeZ great ideas I know. we have F-pc on networks and i had to tweek the editor to close a file after it is edited because it would hold up access for o ther folks <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Yep - I flat ran out of handles. Also found the handle stack is different than file opening and closing. i've got to go <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Bye. Hope to see you Sunday! I put a Closeall in my "bozo" quit loop <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> Why would one use or not use the handle stack? there are advantage to the stack if you are doing several file and only need access to the TOS file. There are a lot of extra "nice" wo rds for the TOP of files <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Len will tell all, or at least as much as he can in 1 hour stack just like reg forth favors TOS <[Mikez] M.ZDANCEWIC1> disconnected. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> The word GETLINE works only with a file that is on <[Gary] GARY-S> Hmmm - he needs to kill that 'call waiting' feature <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> the handle stack. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> (I have a lot of work getting that prepared by Sun!!!!) Separate handles are more flexible. I am always doing overlays and there are alot easire to use in that case. There are special "buff ered" words for the TOS <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Exactly, Mike. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I wish they had not written it that way. I could change <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> it but it would be a lot of work, and I have not had a <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> real need for it yet. file that are quite fast but you can simulate the same thing with your own buffering on a separate handle. I find that I only use the TOS files when I want someone else to do the CRLF parsing for me. or i am loading an overlay. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> That is a frequent need, especially for file filters. Yes but filters should quite definitely be done in tcom. they are tcoms forte. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have one filter that was less than 2k bytes! And PDQ i bet! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Fast! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> BTW, I use SZ editor a lot. It lacks word wrap, and I typically test my filters and do all initial conceptual work in FPC then port it to tcom. It give the advantages of both worlds! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I am too lazy to add it. Do you have a version with that feature> Which feature <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Word wrap. It is present in the FPC editor, but Tom left it <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> out of SZ, and I miss it! I have written word wrapping for proportional fonts. I am kind of an expert at that particular topic! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It's funny, but people who write program editors seem to think <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> that word wrap is not necessary. This applies to biggies like <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Word Perfect, among others. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is essential for documentation. It should be trivial to steal the version from SED and apply it to SZ. Do you have SZ's Source <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Trivial in principle. ONe of these days I will get around to it. Should be a drop in function, what's to do? <[Gary] GARY-S> December 13 , Bill M., co-author of eForth will be our guest. He is a very interesting fellow to chat with, and I suspect that will be evident in the conference. His topic title should give a clue to his sense of humour. Why do you use SZ instead of sed? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is small fast & easy to use. Great for modifying batch files <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> and stuff like that. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have tied it into XTREE Pro Gold as its editor. Like <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> lightning, when compared to almost anything else. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have given it to several people, and they are all amazed <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> at its speed, and its power, given its small size. I have put a nice little shell around LOOK.COM the shell may not be that much But it shows an example of the warm fuzzy shells you can wrap around little come files. <[Gary] GARY-S> What all do you do with this shell ? I'm quite interested Nice talking to you Well, i have been wraping shells around DOS command line programs. I use the full power of FPC to ask for the para meters in a friendly way and then I shell to that com or exe file with it's arcane -vtaqzC type of "switches" For Example, the one for Look.com open a window, describes what look does. Gets the text to look for with full "line" edit text box <[Gary] GARY-S> That sounds like you've managed to create a powerful programming tool that is also generally useful for more trivial tasks .... true ? then asks for the file spec(s) in the same manner. It then redirects the output tpo a file and calls LOOK.COM. then it throws you int o the editor looking at the redirected output of look. Look tends to scroll off the screemn I use it on a variety of C programs to give them a friendly face. I use it for alot of things. It is nothing complex realy. <[Gary] GARY-S> Sure sounds convenient, though It is. It is more productive for peoiple that dont use it every day <[Gary] GARY-S> We need to wrap this up shortly ok I'll be chattin at ya later.... === End of Steno notes. ===