Minutes of FIGGY BAR RT Conference. Date: 11/08/90 Time: 22:42EST Items discussed include: The effect of Star*Services on computer RT's, Aladdin, GUI's and icons, Team-Atari Forth, Higher Order Languages from a Forth platform (Lisp, Pascal,...) Attendees: [[gars] GARY-S] [[Bill] B.MARCUM] [[Bill] W.WOOD17] [V.STAMPS] Minutes: <[/Gary] GARY-S> note on the door reads .. What's bothering you (regarding Forth) these days ? Big gripe or minor peeve - share your favorite aggrivat ion as you enter the room tonight. is here. I just logged on and happened to notice that the RTC was scheduled for tonight <[gars] GARY-S> This is the first time for no-shows in a long time. <[gars] GARY-S> Next week at this time Alan Furman will be here in a guest conference <[gars] GARY-S> We can sure talk about Forth if you'd like - that's what I'm here for Has Star*Service had much effect on the attendance in RTC? <[gars] GARY-S> yes - mostly negative. It has also affected the BB here and in some other computer RT's I know I spend hours in areas that I never visited before S*S, like the SFRT. <[gars] GARY-S> thanks - yeah, but if you have a need or desire to explore a favorite computer language or architecture, that's hard to get in SFRT or CHAT <[gars] GARY-S> Aladdin is another *HOT* RT <[Bill] B.MARCUM> That's true. <[gars] GARY-S> Do you use it yourself ? <[Bill] B.MARCUM> I can't use Aladdin with my computer. <[gars] GARY-S> I don't on mine either - a 3b1 <[Bill] B.MARCUM> That's an AT&T Unix computer, right? <[gars] GARY-S> yes - the 3b1 is an AT&T (Convergent Technologies, actually) Unix box <[gars] GARY-S> Everything in computerdom is moving toward scripts and GUI's - user interfaces are the wave <[gars] GARY-S> Jef Raskin, a guy that had a lot to do with the current use of icons (having originated the MAC) had some pointed things to say about them when he was our last guest <[Bill] B.MARCUM> What did Jef Raskin say? <[gars] GARY-S> He said that the icons end up cluttering the screen and don't really do the job as intended - the transcript is in the library (RASKIN .TXT or RASKIN.ARC)... <[gars] GARY-S> although at the time they were the right approach. <[gars] GARY-S> He thinks the Canon CAT did a much better job of the man/machine interface but Canon had no idea what they had and mis-marketed it <[gars] GARY-S> Te CAT ran Forth <[gars] GARY-S> What do you do - job wise and Forth-wise <[Bill] B.MARCUM> Job wise, I'd rather not say (minimum wage). <[gars] GARY-S> It beats the unemployment line - there's a lot of that these days <[Bill] B.MARCUM> Forth wise, I've read a couple of books (Starting Forth and Thinking Forth) and played around <[gars] GARY-S> What computer ? <[Bill] B.MARCUM> with a PD version of Forth on my Atari 800xl <[gars] GARY-S> ahh , one of the best introductory Forth columns I ever followed was Atari oriented - the older 8-bits <[gars] GARY-S> 'Ask Mr. Forth' based on the PD Team-Atari Forth <[Bill] B.MARCUM> That's the one I have. I've been thinking about updating it to Forth-83, and supporting the newer 8-bit machines <[gars] GARY-S> Team-Atari had a Forth-79 flavor if I remeber correctly. Good Forth. I still have a copy somewhere, and no machine to run it on is here. <[gars] GARY-S> There were actually 16 W.Wood's before you ? Interesting <[gars] GARY-S> We are just chatting so join in at will *sigh* Guess I'm new kid on the block here, eh? -o <[gars] GARY-S> Bet it's cold in Crystal, Minn ! A little brisk tonight - 33 F; This is the first time I've been to one of these; what's the topic(s) -o <[gars] GARY-S> anything you want it to be - Forth oriented <[gars] GARY-S> what DO YOU DO IN FORTH <[gars] GARY-S> Didn't mean to shout <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Actally, I'm returning to it after a few yrs. absence. Right now I'm <[Bill] W.WOOD17> interested in compiling HOLs into Forth. What're y'all involved with? -o <[Bill] B.MARCUM> What are HOLs? <[gars] GARY-S> I work for a company that's a neighbor (sort of) of yours - DataCard <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Sorry, jargon. HOLs are Higher Order Languages, like Lisp, Prolog, Pascal. -o <[gars] GARY-S> There's a couple of files in our library that may interest you then - a couple of Object oriented Forth projects and a Pascal routines in Forth, I know of <[gars] GARY-S> Also some stuff on neural nets <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Right now I'm consulting on a project to compile a BASIC-like language <[gars] GARY-S> what on ? what architecture ? <[Bill] W.WOOD17> tailoerd for embedded control into Forth for the run-time. The choice of <[Bill] W.WOOD17> source language was *not* mine. -o <[gars] GARY-S> It isn't that hard to call Forth with BASIC. One of my Sinclair kernels did just that - on a 2068 <[gars] GARY-S> Took about 16 lines total, the rest was all Forth <[Bill] W.WOOD17> The customer wants to use V33(?) or a Japanese 286 like processor. The <[Bill] W.WOOD17> bus and other interface architecture is Honeywell's. <[Bill] W.WOOD17> What we're doing is using an optimizing compiler to compile the pseudo-BASIC <[Bill] W.WOOD17> into P-Code; I suggested using Forth instead of a home-grown P-Code engine <[gars] GARY-S> You sure seem to be going about this the hard way - or is there a compelling reason to build from compiled pseudo-BASIC (whatever that is) <[Bill] W.WOOD17> since Forth was more efficient. So we'll change code generation to put out <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Forth. Well, the customer specified the BASIC before hand; that's fixed. <[Bill] W.WOOD17> The home-grown P-Code engine ran like a rock, and the customer has fairly <[Bill] W.WOOD17> tight performance reqs. So-o, it seemd (and still seems) easiest to change <[gars] GARY-S> I'm still curious if there's a real reason why the customer wants it that way - oh familiarity <[Bill] W.WOOD17> the target language and use a good Forth run-time. Also, the customer is <[Bill] W.WOOD17> enchanted with the idea of putting a Harris chip in and improving <[Bill] W.WOOD17> performance more. -o <[Bill] W.WOOD17> yeah, I think you're right about the familiarity thing. -o <[gars] GARY-S> I presume the code is proprietary and coveted ? If not share some of the learned wealth in the library - uploads are free (except for your time) <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Well, I may be able to show some early prototype code. :-) -o <[gars] GARY-S> That'd be great - text files about why I wouldn't do this again are also valuable :-) <[gars] GARY-S> Before I close things down tonight - what are you two's pet peeves with things Forth - this can be this board, the ANS committee, or some code quirk <[Bill] W.WOOD17> re your query -- I'm somewhat skeptical about this standardization thing; <[Bill] W.WOOD17> I'm not at all convinced this will be a good thing for Forth. Casting into <[Bill] W.WOOD17> concrete hasn't been all that good for lisp, IMHO. -o <[gars] GARY-S> Bill Marcum - you are just getting started in Forth - what really bugs you so far ? <[gars] GARY-S> The _real_ bottom line is some vendors need a ANS or IEEE standard language to bid on government jobs - nuff said ? <[Bill] B.MARCUM> My pet peeves would mostly pertain to the antiquated version of Forth I'm using is here. <[gars] GARY-S> That's where your experience is - what is it about team Forth that hacks you off ? <[Bill] W.WOOD17> ??? What's team Forth? -o <[Bill] B.MARCUM> It doesn't let me read files on other disks, and I can't use my moem with it (Team Forth is an old PD Forth for 8-bit Ataris) <[gars] GARY-S> You can all continue to visit, but I have to close the steno and go. <[gars] GARY-S> Thanks for showing Bill, Bill and V.Stamp <[Bill] W.WOOD17> Too bad, I enjoyed the chat. Next time. -o+o <[Bill] B.MARCUM> has left. <[gars] GARY-S> Bill Wood - I really would appreciate a chance to see some of your prototype stuff <[gars] GARY-S> to leave type /exi === End of Steno notes. ===