Minutes of FIGGY BAR RT Conference. Date: 07/05/90 Time: 22:27EDT Attendees: [GARY-S] [[Kent] K.PETERSON5] [[Kevin] APPERT] [[Dennis] D.RUFFER] [[Wil] W.BADEN1] The question of the night: Was Mitch Bradley right ? Are some of us making too big a deal about 'minor' changes as proposed by ANS Forth ? That comprised 90% of the discussion. Also discussed were a bug found in Pygmy (TIB) and Speech Synthasizers. Minutes: is here. is here. Hi - just posting the notice Are some of us making too big a deal out of 'minor' changes as proposed by ANS Forth ? Kev, Kent ? <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> Well, a lot of people are reluctant to change what they are used to... <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> or what feels "right" to them, but for the sake of getting SOME standard... <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> comprimises have to be made. <[Kevin] APPERT> it has always been my feeling that there will be other Forths besides ANS Forth... <[Kevin] APPERT> and it's hard for me to get excited about the ANS effort. What's an example of a 'minor change' ? NOT is not not - it is invert the other bitch is / <[Kevin] APPERT> for all the emotions and effort put in to both sides, as far back as Brodie's "starting Forth" and before, I don't think you can call that minor Mitch does <[Kevin] APPERT> floored division? <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> But we could take the standard, load a bunch of our own favorite words on top <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> and feel fairly comfortable, I think <[Kevin] APPERT> a wise man once told me that he defined NOT in the following fashion: <[Kevin] APPERT> : NOT true abort" Don't use this, nobody knows what it means " ; <[Kevin] APPERT> this was about 10 years ago, or so <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> I like it! :-) The question really is, 'Is there too much wailing and gnashing of teeth ? OR... is this an effort to squelch opposition - opposition required by ANS <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> A friend of mine said he gave up monitoring the ASNI forth traffic. Too much volume from griping. Is it all that different from 79 and 83, in regards to complaints ? is here. <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> I think people believe (or hope) ANSI carries more weight. answer the question Dennis <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> YES!!!!!!!!! Don't hedge, say what you really mean . :-) <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> the problem I see was created with the 83 Std! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> the ANS efforts are merely trying to recover and resolve them <[Wil] W.BADEN1> is here. By going back to 78 (and before ) ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> no, by making the controversies go away, by getting rid of the controversial words or limiting their functions to what we can agre e on 1's compliment ? Get real ! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> ie, NOT was controversial so it is gone <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> / is controversial so it is also gone <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> where is 1's complement machines used or even considered in the standard? <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> What will be left when all the controversy is done? DUP & SWAP?? two keystrokes is better for divide ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> there are some on the TC who would love to standardize DUP and leave it at that <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> two keystrokes?? How do you mean gary? what is the new definition for divide ? Hello wil - care to jump in ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> / is defined for positive operators just as it has always been did you not say it was gone three replies before <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> You said / is gone. Did you mean \ ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> gone in the negative domains <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> Oh <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> So, the flooring arguments have been brushed aside? I should have been more explicit - is there another language that uses different operators for the same function if negative/positive ? <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Mitch is right that fuss shudnt be made over small matters (like name changes.) But CATCH, THROW, etc., are major matters. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> if you want to use negative operators in / you must define it yourself using one of the 3 divide operators I understand Len Morgenstern's proposal wasn't even considered - only CATCH and THROW <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> Len's proposal was not even submitted as far as I know (I have not seen it) <[Wil] W.BADEN1> In C division is undefined for negative numbers. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> C therefore has 3 operations for integer division: / div ldiv. What would you like to see with regards to CATCH/THROW ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I would like to see something more constructive than just saying that it is bad <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> it is NOT true that the concept of error control is new to Forth <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I use 'ILDE and now 'ABORT vectored words in polyFORTH all the time <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> CATCH/THROW just give me a more generic format for it <[Wil] W.BADEN1> I was going to present @JUMP and !JUMP (analogous to setjmp set) but decided that no such proposal can be portable. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> All the objections to SP@ SP! RP@ RP! apply to CATCH THROW and setjmp. There seems to be some strong sentiment for setjmp in clf, Wil <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> sentiment, no matter how strong, is just not good enough. <[Kevin] APPERT> how 'bout saving that stuf for FORTH 2000, when we can call it existing practice! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> we need some well thought out proposals for an alternative <[Wil] W.BADEN1> You cannot save context with just pointers. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> CATCH/THROW meet the existing practice requirements in some systems <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> just because you don't use something does not mean that it does not exist <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Not Johns Hopkin, and RTX. what makes you think I have , or is this a generic argument, Dennis? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> the lack of existing practice argument has been bandied about quite often recently, I don't think any of us (or anyone for that ma tter) can make that claim without examining ALL version of Forth <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Forth 2000 is going to be "Tiny C With Postfix Operators." I believe that ! <[Kevin] APPERT> I believe Wil is trying to get a rise <[Wil] W.BADEN1> No, just extrapolating ANSI proposals. Dennis, since when is it required that ANYONE examine ALL existing systems before having a right to voice an opinion about X3J14 ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> opinions are fine Gary, some of the comments that I have read here in the BB have just gone beyond the line. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> The applications for which Forth is The Best do not need CATCH & THROW, or local variables. <[Kevin] APPERT> do they need a standard, Wil <[Kevin] APPERT> ? Excuse me, but this is an open forum and ANS is an open committee. I don't know if you are refering to me or comments in general; but I believe they have a place here. Dark corners yield bad decisions. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Yes, to stop a recurrence of the Forth 83 debacle. F83 was one of the best things to happen to Forth; Forth 83 The Worst. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> All this / MOD NOT controversy comes right from Forth 83. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I'm sorry if I seem to be yelling at you specifically Gary. I do not mean to. I just have seen enough Forth to know that the exis ting practice argument is stupid when it comes to Forth I'm not taking personal offense either. I just maintain discussion is healthy. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I do not know of one application I have written in Forth that did not need an error control mechanism Wil. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> True, but ABORT" will get you far. <[Kevin] APPERT> why is it in the charter of the committy, Dennis? Existing practice would have stopped the floored div. mess of F83! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> discussion is more than just health Gary. It is ESSENTIAL! That is what was missing with the 83 Std. It was done in one week by a bunch of self proclaimed experts who did not even ask for input. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> not far enough Wil, when the task has no terminal <[Kevin] APPERT> took much longer than a week! there was input solicited. <[Kevin] APPERT> (in some cases ignored) <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> that is exactly why it is in the charter kevin, to protect the interests of the vendors So - right or wrong, some of the 'fodder' you are seeing in the BB does have a place. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> yes, I encourage the debates Gary. I just don't like the "no existing practice" argument. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Error recovery is easy to do when you know the particular architecture. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I agree Wil, I do it all the time. It would just be nice to be able to do it in a portable way. I *really* doubt portability will be the end result of X3J14 <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> it is not in the charter Gary, but it will promote it as a side effect <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Just say that at most one value on each stack may be kept in a register. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Then restore SP@ SP! RP@ RP! I hope you are right <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> That would remove all of Chuck's chips from complying Wil ABORT works for me, but I'm not trying to switch circuit loads or runway guidance <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I don't think I've ever been able to get away with the standard ABORT" in any useful application <[Wil] W.BADEN1> I've said how to do it, and shown why CATCH THROW is wrong. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> write it in a proposal Wil, they have to at least talk about it then <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Propose SP@ etc.? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> you will need to include rational as to how it can be done p'ortably and why the alternatives are bad for it to get any kind of su pport <[Wil] W.BADEN1> (I have a speech synthesizer program attached and I'm LISTENING to you. You all talk funny.) <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> well then squabble squabble lahfahfaskldhds set mine with a drawl, wil :-) <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> How's the pronunciation of a name like Yvonne? <[Wil] W.BADEN1> "eevun" <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> Not bad. Mine did Yavun till I put in a filter. The phonetic abbreviations you use, probably suit a synthesizer very well, don't they ? <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Yes. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> now all you need is the faces to go along with them I posted a complete list of known faces in the UNIX RT <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Hey, get back to Forth. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> not the smiley kind, the ones VPC (I think it's called) displays in conferences like this when you talk <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> I found a weird bug/feature in Pygmy today. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> all that's Forth, what bug Kent? <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> TIB has an extra level of indirection. You have to do TIB @ to get the F83 TIB. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> ouch, that could be a nasty one for conversions <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> It baffled me for a while. Leave e-mail to Frank, Kent. He REALLY does want that sort of input. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I wonder who's standard he followed for that one <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> I sent him a note just before I came here. great <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> although, making it a variable is better than the games I've seen done with #TIB and >IN to reposition TIB Things are quiet - let's go home <[Kent] K.PETERSON5> OK. Bye. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> did I shout everyone down? I'm sorry! <[Wil] W.BADEN1> What did we decide about the question of the day? Too much bitchin' but it has a place <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I'm glad to see Mitch is going toe to toe with it at least <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Well, that's a positive note to end the evening. Hey, we can't always run on sunshine and lollypops === End of Steno notes. ===