Minutes of FIGGY BAR RT Conference. Date: 02/28/91 Time: 22:32EST FIGGY BAR of 28 February 1991. Most of the discussion centered on how to coordinate several programmers, organizing effort and obtaining good results, then shifted to writing a parser in Forth to read and handle dBase created .NDX files. Some discussion of Pygmy. Attendees: [GARY-S] [GILES] [[Len] NMORGENSTERN] [[doug] D.GARRETT] [[Dennis] D.RUFFER] [[Wil] W.BADEN1] Minutes: is here. is here. THIS system is a REAL tattletale. (grin) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> How so? It tells everytime someone... does ANYthing on open... is here. Whereas on CIS... Len > u only get that info automatically in group. So - how'd you like your first guest conference ? That was to you Giles <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> The weather here is beautiful. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It's raining! Me? I LIKE a REAL 4th forum! (grin) Is that with peanut hulls on the floor ? There's a Forth forum on CIS, but is vendor run...very ... much less happenin. Nice artcle in the last FD, Len <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Thanks, Gary Hehehe > Gair I participated in Don (et al) and the CIS Forth forum myself. Many buck$ ago is here. <-- (Tryin 2 figure where th peanut hulls came from) Because you said, "... a REAL Forth forum..." like some dudes say "REAL tavern" <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I used to log on frequently. Occasionally <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> there was v. good stuff there. <[doug] D.GARRETT> I captured the discussion to a text file. When I finish editting it, I'll give a copy to my MUMPS boss. Some good points were mad e. <[doug] D.GARRETT> We have had our problems with co-ordinating programmers in the shop. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Join the club! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> Giles and Doug...we're working on getting that paper out to you...but we need to find it first Ooops! Hehehe <[doug] D.GARRETT> Thanks, I'll be looking forward to reading it. Me 2. Bess doesn't have a personal copy ????? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> somehow...the last copy got sent out...and no one remembers where the original is :( <-- (Wonderin if Dennis read MY book on "Organizinng Urself") Nah...if u HAD... <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> no, she doesn't know where it is either U'da sent out th ORIGINAL! (grin) <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> Organizing....uh...you wrote a book??? I NEED IT BAD! :D thay - are making fun of my sthpeetch ? No...I think u already have MY system down pretty WELL. [HHehe <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I just had a thought. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Giles has a copyright and patent on it. Everytime you misplace something, you'll owe him royalties ! Have any of you read "The Mythical Man Month" always touted ny MPE in their catalogs ? Interesting <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Programmers are hired to <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> do original work, or at least they should be. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Hence they are difficult to supervise. I wonder <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> how the studio bosses in Hollywood handled their <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> writers? There must be a lot written about that! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Hahahaha! Good one, Doug! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> studios don't "handle" their writters...they just make them sign performance contracts :) <[doug] D.GARRETT> Hitchcock was reportedly very good at organizing his films. ... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Hmm. <[doug] D.GARRETT> But, consider the final product. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Well, the average program is about as original as the <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> average movie. He'd jus givem NIGHTMARES, if they din do it HIS way. <[doug] D.GARRETT> One thing Dean mentioned that I took immediately to heart... U work for Forth, Inc., Rite Dennis? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> rite :) <[doug] D.GARRETT> was the requirement that all personnel communicate in writing. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> is here. <[doug] D.GARRETT> The owner/manager/chief-programmer I work for... <[doug] D.GARRETT> hi wil I very bad about NOT writing important stuff down. Our verbal communications usually evaporate with time. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> "A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on" <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Sam Goldwyn <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> yes doug...writting it down can create a very good history/rational for a project and help create an important audit trail <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I'm forced to do it on a project where all our communication is through email messages It's also good for an argument w/ th WIFE. (grin) <[doug] D.GARRETT> We have a project version manager for any software changes... <[doug] D.GARRETT> but the reasons and rational for the changes are often forgotten... <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> ah, but theres a warning there giles...people BELIEVE what you put in writting <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> it can come back to haunt you later :( Hehehe > Dennis <[doug] D.GARRETT> and all the other LITTLE things that go on are almost never recorded. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Another thing: wrting things donw makes you think clearly <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I've had lots of ideas that looked great until I started <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> writing them. Then I realized they were mud. Good point, Len. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Another comment Dean made... <[doug] D.GARRETT> about organizing 15 programmers: I don't have the quote in front of me, but... <[doug] D.GARRETT> he said something to the effect that Politics & individual initiative drove much of the project... "Individuals & politics" <[doug] D.GARRETT> (or am I mis-quoting him?)... No, that was it. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> politics ALWAYS drives projects...the problem is getting someone to signon to the "dirt" <[doug] D.GARRETT> Anyway, I figure it must be a bit like herding kittens, as the dean of IU School of Business said to me once. Let me repeat an earlier question ... has anyone else read "The Mythical Man Month" touted in all of MPE's catalogs ? It is interresting and attacks this very problem in a humours sort of way Brings a funny pic to mind. Hehehe <[doug] D.GARRETT> No, I havent read it Not me. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I've read pieces, but never the whole thing gary <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Have read excerpts. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> 15 years ago. It's cheap ernough and an easy read - <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Amazing that it's still appropriate. <[doug] D.GARRETT> I didn't realize it's 15 years old. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> amazing that the same "problems" are still with us <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Perhaps older. 1972-1976 timeframe. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It's a fact of life Dennis. The things you can solve I'll be darned - the copyright _is_ 1975 I just looked <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> you solve. The things you can't stay around for years! <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> and people management is sure one we have not solved yet :( <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> When I was cleaning out my files before I retired <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I found memos 20-30 years old about the same problems <-- (Wants to b able to pay em enuff to do it MY way) (grin) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> that were occupying me at time I retired. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Hmmm.... I'll remember that, Len. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> :) -> giles, but do you want to get your money's worth? Yup! But u NEED to follow ONE paradigm. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> then you still need to "manage" them...pay is not enough Even if it's not th best possible. True. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have a good book by Wayne Babich called <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Software Configuration Management. I found it <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> very informative, although I suspect that <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> experienced administrators know it all. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> the ONLY job of a manager is to figure out how to get people to follow his/her lead But bad management is harder than GOOD mngmt. It is certainly practiced more <[Wil] W.BADEN1> How so, Giles? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> That title sounds familar len...I may even have it It is more work, Wil. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Yeah, but that's in the LONG RUN, Giles. Not always...sometimes in SHORT run also. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Crisis-management technique (default technique in many places)... <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> nonono giles...good management is easy...bad managers spend all their time manageing and none on planning <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Dennis, there was a double meaning there <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> when you said "get people to follow your lead" <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> You have to hire people that will follow your lead <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> AND you have to persuade them to do so! You can sure see the effects of 6 day business plans That's kinda what I said, Dennis. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> the "will follow" and "persuade" just take good leadership len :) <[doug] D.GARRETT> JUST and ONLY are 4-letter words, Dennis <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> you can lead a horse to water.... <[doug] D.GARRETT> I tend to side with Len's statement... So is "good". <[doug] D.GARRETT> I've had little luck in the past, hiring qualified people... <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> so is "lead" <[doug] D.GARRETT> and even less luck leading them properly. I am NOT a good manager... Forth isn't - anyone got Forth "stuff" to discuss ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> takes some courses doug...CareerTrack has some excelent ones <[doug] D.GARRETT> and I admire... hmmmm, Dennis <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes. I have been looking for a parser to convert <[doug] D.GARRETT> I admire people who ARE good managers. <[Wil] W.BADEN1> Duznt Brooks say that managers shud take the "No Programming Pledge?" <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> but aren't we talking Forth gary?? management is half the battle :) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> AN to RPN. I have several, including one I wrote myself <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Do you know of any <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> (AN=algebraic notation) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> By computer that is. It's easy with pencil and paper. Wasn't a parser in the last (previous) FD ? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I did oine way back in college len...in Fortran no less :) I've seen one recently, I kknow <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I want to get them together so I can study them on my <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> trip when I can't sleep. Do u have all th rules laid out? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I think so. What's th prize for th most compact version? (grin) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> One problem is that - is a function (like NEGATE) in Forth <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> and also a binary arithmetic function. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> NO! that is why we now have 0= and INVERT <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> In BASIC? <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> oops..I see the delema now...sorry :) Sshouldn b to big a prob... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> More of a nuisance. as long as th "before" & "after" r kept separate. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> What I would like to do is take a DBASE expression, <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> similar to BASIC and convert it to a Forth expression, <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> which I would then compile into a Forth word. That sounds a little more complicated than AN > RPN. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is So which do u want? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Well, the starting point is AN>RPN, so that is what <[doug] D.GARRETT> You say "take a DBASE expression", Len... Is the DBASE application already written? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have looked up. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Actually, I want to analyze the expression <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> used for indexing in a DBASE .NDX file Ok. & u have all th aplicable rules of DBASE? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It is stored in the header of the index. When the file Errr...in a table, I mean. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> is opened I want to convert that expression into Forth. <[doug] D.GARRETT> ahhh <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have the rules. Whether "all" I can only hope so. It's important to make sure... u need some method to PROVE u do... <[doug] D.GARRETT> Is the goal to be able to access a .DBF and its .NDX file from Forth? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes otherwise, ur results cannot be prooved to be foolproof. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Giles, how do you prove something like that? Analysis. Put it in a table... & check EVERY combination, or case. It is key to th problem. Len - for what it is worth, the 1982 Rochester conference had Database design/management as it's theme - might be worth a browse of the proce edings <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Thanks Gary. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Giles, I am trying to conceive of all the The guy who is going to co-guest with Roy martens, Glen haydon has done a lot of database design, too <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> sequences of fieldnames, literals, functions, arith ops etc <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> thjat would make a legal expression, but I don't <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> know how to PROVE that I have all of them. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Thanks again Gary. Well, w/ a large enuff... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> brb body of examples, u'll get a feel for th possibilities... & how to organize it... then u cn start lookin for "exceptional" cases... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> 100 bytes in the header of a .NDX file are reserved <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> for the "key expression" & just dig at it til u C how to lay it out... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> That's my plan <[doug] D.GARRETT> Do It is or is-not in ASCII, Len? for exhaustiveness, w/o being redundant. <[doug] D.GARRETT> (ignore the leading "Do", please) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes. For example if you write INDEX FOO ON SYM1+ZIP TO FOOINDX <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> The words "SYM1+ZIP" will be right there. <[doug] D.GARRETT> what about ...ON TRIM(NAME)... ? <[doug] D.GARRETT> same thing? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> T <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> TRIM is not allowed in an index because <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> it does not yield a constant-length result. <[doug] D.GARRETT> ooops, I forgot. Been a while since dBase programming days. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Lucky you. I have never dealt with such a frustrating <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> language. Hehehe Makes ya kinda appreciate 4th, eh? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> It even makes you appreciate BASIC!!!! Hahaha! <[doug] D.GARRETT> Well, I don't know that I'd make such a bold statement But at LeAST not COBOL!! (chuckle) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I know some Forth programmers who admire COBOL. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Easy enough to learn. Very readable. <[doug] D.GARRETT> But the way it can sneak around with your variables can be particularly frustrating <-- (Afraid to comment on that) (grin) If you use the ms-dos program 'Hot Line' for your dialer and want to transfer a phone list to it, you discover REAL quick it was written in d Base. All fields are set length (and location) ala NDX <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Powerful enough for what is asked to do. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> DBASE is NOT economical of disk storage, it is NOT fast <[doug] D.GARRETT> I found Foxbase preferable to Ashton-Tate's dbase-III... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Its access to files is VERY limited. Hence what <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I am trying to do. <[doug] D.GARRETT> Foxbase was MUCH faster than A-T... <[doug] D.GARRETT> and it also had superior user-defined functions and procedures <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Isn't FOXBASE compiled? Well, programming time is most important factor, usually. is it relational ? <[doug] D.GARRETT> it can read ASCII .PRG files, Len, and run kinda as fast as dBase... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> FOXBASE is a DBASE clone. A few added features make <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> for more power. Both are relational. <[doug] D.GARRETT> and they provide a compiler to make a much faster object file <[doug] D.GARRETT> You can also get their runtime developers license (I did several years ago)... <[doug] D.GARRETT> and distribute your object code and the runtime interpretter <[doug] D.GARRETT> But I reckon you oughta convert to Forth, rather than chase down dBase alleys <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Well, the idea is that there are a lot og DBASE programs <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> out there. If one could convert easily (not necessarily <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> mechanically) to Forth, you would have the base of <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> there are a lot of COBOL programs too, but does that mean I want to translate them to Forth? ;) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> (best that is) of all possible worlds. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Maybe it would be a good idea, Dennis. <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> maybe ;) <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> If it really made things better it would sell Forth! It would keep u from havin to maintain COBOL programs, Dennis! (grin) You do kknow MMS wrote their (A-T) RapidFile in Forth, don't you ? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Yes <[doug] D.GARRETT> Hmmm... <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> yes...last I heard they were looking for programmers to maintain it A-T or MMS <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> A-T <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> but then I also heard they were laying off people :( Dickk had a couple of USSR expatriots, skilled in Forth, looking for work - sounds like a pretty good fit Oh, I meant to thiank u 4 pointin me to PYGMY, Len... <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> How do you like it? It's just what I wanted....so easy to metacompile & all. (grin) <[Dennis] D.RUFFER> I knew someone who looked into the A-T deal...it was not good..nor was it nessesarily permenant It's GREAT! <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> Thanks for the info, Giles. last shots - before I mail the notes ????? Is Frank still around? <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> I have to download the newest version. <[Len] NMORGENSTERN> He sure is! Yes - he just posted to the BBS two days ago Well, I've gotta send im mail. (grin) === End of Steno notes. ===