The current version of Kevo is 0.9b2 (beta 2). The first version of the user guide has now been completed, and it can be found in the subdirectory '/Manual'. Subdirectory '/Papers' contains some recent papers about the Kevo system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To open the archive (kevo0.9b2.sit.hqx), you'll need the programs BinHex 4.0 and StuffIt; alternatively, you can use a program such as 'Fetch' which will do the downloading, unpacking and uncompression automatically. The Kevo system should run on any Macintosh with a processor >= 68020 (this version won't run on 68000's!). System 7 is recommended, although there should not be any problems with older Mac OS versions with multifinder. --------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information, send e-mail to ''.