Doc. no. 90-006 May 28, 1990 Draft Minutes of X3J14 Meeting #12 ANS Forth Technical Committee May 22-26, 1990, Melbourne, Florida CALL TO ORDER Larry Forsley was acting chair and Jim Rash was acting secretary until Ms. Rather and Mr. Tracy arrived at the meeting. Mr. Braithwaite has resigned because he has accepted a position in Zimbabwe. Mr. Rible, Mr. Woehr, and Mr. Zettel are now voting members. Mr. Ruffer was present as the Forth, Inc. alternate. Mr. Egbert is now employed by the same company as Mr. Betts, and is therefore ineligable to vote in the TC. Minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously. Meeting agenda approved unanimously. The attendance list is document 90-007. Thanks were expressed to Harris Semiconductor Corp. for their excellent meeting site and to Mr. Hand for his committed support. Mr. Colburn was concerned that we develop a metric to say when we are finished. He requested clarification of the term "producer's organization." ACTION ITEM REVIEW 1. Not all implementors have implemented locals. Mr. Tracy and Mr. Hayes have done so. 2. Mr. Rash is the acting secretary. 3. Mr. Braithwaite has submitted a technical proposal. 4. The Fall meeting will be November 7-10 in Detroit. Mr. Zettel has offered to host. 5. Status unknown. Mr. Forsley has completed the Forth-79 appendix. 6. Postponed. LOGISTICS COMMITTEE REPORT The next meeting is in Vancouver on August 21-25, 1990. Mr. Brown is the host. An information packet has been sent out. The hotel is 2 blocks from the meeting room and costs $70 Canadian. Bed and breakfasts can be found X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 1 for ($30-40). Mr. Brown recommends that you make travel arrangements early because it is tourist season in Vancouver. Mr. Zettel offered to host the Fall meeting in Detroit. A motion to to this effect was passed unanimously. Subsequently, Mr. Nemeth objected and asked to move the November meeting back to the Washington, DC area. The host would be Mr. Rash or Mr. Nemeth. This motion passed 16/2. DOCUMENTATION COMMITTEE REPORT A motion to approve BASIS 11 passed unanimously. Mr. Colburn will head this committee and will delegate functions as needed to other members of the technical committee. Mr. Zettel will be document editor. Mr. Colburn moved to reaffirm our statement of work by publishing it at the start of BASIS. This motion passed 16/1. Mr. Forsley will ask the Institute for Applied Forth Research for permission to divert any monies received from the Forth Standards Team to the purchase or rental of IBM equipment for use by the documentation committee. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT The Technical Committee announced its intention to empty the burning issues list of all technical issues at this meeting. 80 proposals were available to be acted upon at the start of the meeting. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Shaw will not be able to accept the position as International Representative. Ms. Rather asked for a volunteer.and read the job description. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Tracy resolved that we take accepted practice more into account. This resolution was passed 10/6. There was a great deal of discussion about our charter. Some felt that our statement of work was imprecise and contradictory. Ms. Rather commented that CBEMA says we can make reasonable changes in our scope of work by submitting the changes and the projected impact on our schedule for their approval. Mr. Koopman, Senior Scientist at Harris Semiconductors, spoke to the committee about his joint proposal with Mr. Hand (TP-729). He would like to eliminate the requirement for a separate floating-point stack. It is expensive to build such a stack into a Forth engine. There was much discussion about this. A recommendation was sent to the technical subcommittee to make TP-729 work. X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 2 Mr. Bailey resolved that we publish our schedule of remaining meetings as a press release to SIGForth, purchasers of BASIS, CBEMA, Vendors list, the Press, BBS's, Forth- Standards Team members, Conference Chairs of Rochester and Asilomar, and others. We would also send free copies of BASIS 12 to the 30 or so vendors with over 200 customers. A MS Word version would be posted on electronic bulletin boards for distribution. Mr. Colburn noted that both Creative Solutions and GENIE stand to make a small profit on this. The resolution passed 12/2. Mr. Woehr moved that we send a letter of thanks to Harris for its outstanding facilities, and that we mention its helpful representatives by name. The motion passed. Mr. Forsley announced that the Institute for Applied Forth Research would be willing to pay Charles Moore's outstanding bill out of funds received from the Forth Standards Team. Ms. Rather pointed out that we need volunteers for appendices F & G, and for the Guidelines for implementors. Mr. Bailey volunteered to develop an outline for this chapter, with help from Mr. Tracy. There was much discussion about whether to handle document distribution through X3. It was decided that it is more effective and timely to continue distribution through FORTH, Inc. Mr. Colburn and Mr. Forsley moved that we identify the person who has helped the most with this session and that we buy them dinner. The motion passed, and Mr. Rible and Mr. Hayes were taken to dinner. Tentative Final Schedule 1. Technical work done 5/90 2. Correction, doc. restructure 8/90, 11/90 3. Final pats, 2/91 4. Vote dpANS, 3-4/91 (mail ballot) 5. dpANS to X3 5/91 6. Publ dpANS 11/91 - 4 mos. review. 7. Respond to review 3/92. Mr. Colburn pointed out that these meetings are very expensive. He suggested that by hiring a technical writer to work on BASIS between meetings, we might reduce our schedule by one meeting (11/90 or 2/91). Mr. Tracy offered to be the technical writer for one week (40 hours) at his lowest professional rate ($40 per hour) for the initial assignment of producing BASIS 12. This cost will be paid by the Forth Vendors Group and divided among the committee members. A motion to this effect was passed. Mr. Zettel and Mr. Stevenson will review BASIS when it is complete. The chair accepted with great regret the resignation of Mr. Nemeth. She thanked him on behalf of the committee for his outstanding work. X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 3 ACTION ON TECHNICAL PROPOSALS TP-193 Clean Up Separation of Dict. and Data failed 0/17 TP-210 Globals and Locals withdrawn TP-266 STRING withdrawn TP-306 SNAP Table of Contents failed 0/13 TP-315A 2/ passed 17/0 TP-321A D2/ passed 17/0 TP-368 Interpreting String Literals withdrawn TP-373A Number Definition passed 16/0 TP-387 Compiling From Text Files failed 0/13 LF letter TP-388 FP number Output Conversion failed 0/17 JB letter TP-389 FP number Output Conversion failed 0/17 JB letter TP-405 Division failed 0/17 TP-406 Multiplication and Division failed 0/17 TP-408A Number Types passed 16/0 TP-415 CHAR Change the Name to ASCII failed 0/13 MT letter TP-425 Stream I/O failed 0/13 JB letter TP-450.1A SHIFT passed 17/0 JW letter TP-451 Explicit Number Base failed 0/13 TP-459 String Definitions failed 0/13 TP-463 Address Token Definition failed 0/17 TP-469 Putting Things in Their Places failed 0/13 TP-471 Add some See Also's post proposal TP-482 Receive Definition post proposal TP-493A Parsing With Non-Blank Characters passed 17/0 TP-499 Division is Not Portable failed 0/17 TP-501A Make 2/ and D2/ Arithmetic passed 17/0 TP-516 Interpreting Control Structures failed 0/13 TP-517A Interpret Quote passed 15/2 TP-522 BOUNDS failed 0/13 TP-545 Remove Data Memory withdrawn TP-555A Missing Definition of Number passed 18/0 TP-568 Son of Right to Compile failed 0/17 TP-569.3 CATCH and THROW passed 16/2 TP-581 Number Definition withdrawn TP-582 Define Bit Definition passed 16/0 TP-584A Signed Definition passed 17/1 TP-585A Signed Definition passed 18/0 TP-588A Dictionary Data Space passed 17/0 TP-601 New FP Literal Syntax failed 0/13 GB letter TP-605 LOADing From Text Files failed 0/16 MB letter TP-612A Suffix to Distinguish Floored... passed 17/0 LZ letter TP-613 Provide Access to Underflow failed 0/18 LZ letter TP-614 Exception Stack with Toggling failed 0/18 LZ letter TP-615 Fixups for BASIS post proposal TP-617 Simplifiy DOES> withdrawn TP-623 Colon withdrawn TP-628 Add SP! failed 0/13 MT letter TP-634 Parsenips failed 0/16 TP-635 Cell Pair withdrawn TP-639 Byte withdrawn TP-640A KEY and XKEY passed 14/1 TP-642 Interpret -- Multi-Line Comments passed 17/1 TP-643A Interpret -- Delimiters passed 16/1 TP-644 Read-Ahead in Text Files failed 0/16 TP-645A Drawing the Line passed 18/0 X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 4 TP-650 Fix COUNT passed 15/0 TP-651 I Miss My Bits withdrawn TP-653 Add @ and ! Into Stacks ... failed 0/13 LF letter TP-655A DOUBLE Division Compromise Res passed 17/0 TP-656A Fix Division passed 17/0 TP-660A Minor Remarks on BASIS passed 14/0 JB letter TP-661 NOT Restored... failed 0/13 TP-662A ?TRIM passed 17/0 MB letter TP-664A Floating-Point to Text String passed 19/0 TP-666 Hide Counted String Details withdrawn TP-667A Remove CONVERT passed 14/3 TP-669A Miscellaneous passed 17/0 TP-671 Show Loop Return Stack Restrictions passed 14/0 TP-672 Remove Locals withdrawn TP-677 Remove Locals from ANS Forth mail ballot TP-679 Keep BASIS Gender Neutral passed 15/0 JR letter TP-681 Fix the Numbering of BASIS 11 passed 15/0 JR letter TP-684 Delete Sexist Pronouns passed 15/0 TP-687 Revise Definition of Byte failed 0/13 TP-689 Revise Definition of 4.0710 withdrawn TP-691A Revise Def. of 5.3.3, Return Stack passed 13/2 TP-692 Delete @EXECUTE post proposal TP-693 Modify Definition of CONVERT failed 0/13 TP-694A Modify Definition of "join" passed 15/0 TP-696 Correct Execution Semantics of ?do passed 17/0 TP-697A Correct Compilation Stack Diagram passed 16/0 TP-700 Change Definition of #TIB failed 0/13 TP-701 Delete BLOCK-FILE... failed 0/13 TP-702 Modify Definition of CODE failed 1/14 TP-711 Replace FAR-IN and FAR-OUT failed 0/13 TP-712 Revise Definition of HOLD passed 15/0 TP-713 Delete 7.1690 I' withdrawn TP-719A Eliminate Bytes passed 16/1 TP-720 MOSI passed 17/0 TP-721A Revised Parsnips passed 13/3 TP-722A Fix ups for BASIS 11 post proposal TP-723 Alignment Fix Ups passed 17/0 TP-724A Improve Wording in Glossary passed 15/0 TP-725 Fix CREATE passed 16/1 TP-726 Foolish Consistency passed 15/0 TP-727 Foolish Consistency (literals) passed 15/0 TP-728A ( and .( are Broken passed 17/0 TP-730 Addendum passed 16/1 TP-730A Environmental Interrogation passed 17/2 TP-733 A Variable is Not its Contents passed 16/0 TP-734A Shift Arithmetic passed 17/0 TP-735 Re-simplify DOES> passed 16/0 TP-736A Clarify RAM and ROM passed 13/0 TP-746 Context-Free Hex Numerals failed 0/13 TP-748 Don't Specify I for FOR failed 0/13 TP-750 INVERT is a Mask Operator ** post proposal TP-753A Allow 1 passed 16/1 X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 5 BURNING ISSUES Issue Magnet(s) Multiprogramming JS AK* GS Cleanup All Restructuring/Final form AK All FP stack JB GB Word Sets JRi* MT* ER GB JS Division JH Word Name Conflicts DC* GB ER Relocatability Rules DC Input stream GS* MT Orphans LF* Appendices ER Magnets with an asterisk (*) will generate proposals. ACTION ITEMS 1. All implementors will implement locals. 2. Mr. Ruffer will look for a volunteer to write the comparison to Forth- 83. 3. In the TP-612 letter to Dr. Spialter, Mr. Zettel will mention that we are using his notation. 4. Mr. Rash will talk to Kate McMillan at CBEMA (202) 626-5742 about whether our current BASIS format is sufficient for a dpANS. 5. Mr. Tracy will contact Mr. Zettel and explain about the change in the production of BASIS. 6. Mr. Tracy will contact CBEMA to see what kind of copyright notice is necessary for BASIS distribution in electronic form. 7. Mr. Forsley will write the scheduled press release. Ms. Rather will send this release to the appropriate places. 8. The Forth Vendors Group will send Mr. Moore's bill to Mr. Forsley. 10. Mr. Ruffer will post BASIS 12 on GENIE when it is ready. 11. The chair will write Harris Semiconductors, thanking them for the use of their excellent facilities and for Mr. Hand's outstanding help. 12. Mr. Bailey will draft a proposal to resolve the locals issue, which the Chair will send out as a letter ballot. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. X3J14/90-006 Draft Minutes, X3J14 Meeting #12, May 22-26, 1990, Page 6