What's in the files: stp1.arc: "Exact" port of L&P F83 to Atari ST (68000 position-independent code) Includes the meta-compiler, all source, executable kernel and fully loaded executable system, plus a brief notes on revision history and how to run the metacompiler. stp2.arc: Executable F83 kernel as in stp2.arc plus source for the extensions I prefer. Duplicates much of the extension source in stp1.arc but adds a screen-oriented editor (with documentation) and an eight-blocks-per-page listing utility. stp3.arc: Miscellaneous utility files - useful documentation for the F83 68000 assembler, including a complete list of valid addressing modes for each instruction. - utility words for accessing GEM's VDI and AES facilities (ST users will know what that means) - complete source code for turning F83 into a GEM desk accessory (well-behaved but dangerous!), and the executable file - buffered GEMDOS file i/o routines (i.e. getc, putc, loading from text files, etc.) - LDUMP, a variant of DUMP using 32-bit addressing and running in supervisor mode - Quick&Dirty translation of Hawley'se Mandelzen program, producing garishly-colored Mandelbrot sets (ST 16-color display mode)