ATARI FIG FORTH DOC Several years ago, Atari came out with a version of fig forth for the atari 8 bit machines. It is a public domain language, and I am happy to share it with this board. Please pass it around! You will need the SHRINK program to create the forth language disks. If you do not have a copy of SHRINK, I put one on the board. SHRINK works well only with ATARI DOS 2.5, and you will need to unshrink the programs to SINGLE DENSITY disks. Forth will become the operating system of the ATARI machine. This version and the screens with it are NOT bug free. If, however, you have an ATARI machine, and you want to play around with forth a bit, this is an excelent way to get started. There are two disks to the set. the file FIGFORTH.SHR will unshrink to the standard fig-forth kernel. There are screens that will impliment every phase of the 8 bit ATARI. Graphics, Sound, P/M functions etc. You will need to use the translator disk if you have an XL or XE, and some of the P/M Graphics did mot work right for me on my 1200 XL. Don't know about the 130 XE or the 800 XL. The second disk is FIGTUTOR.SHR. This version has been expanded to include the screen editor, and has a self-paced tutorial telling you about the special features of the ATARI fig-forth. It does not go far into FORTH itself, but does give a prety good rundown of the special ATARI functions and the workings of the editor. To run the tutorial (after you unshrink it) run translator or FIXXL for the XL & XE, then boot the forth disk. When the screen comes up, type 10 UE . The screens will take it from there. Have fun!!