[68000 assembler, yes. Motorola format, not UN*X format; you'll have to change all "bar.l"-type opcodes to "barl" (i.e. "move.l" to "movl") to use it on a Sun or Plexus box. ++bsa] Since I'm on the warpath, here's a hand-coded 68000 forth interpreter which conforms to the Forth-83 standard. As I recollect, it actually deviates from it in two areas: first, words are 32 bits. Second, I didn't do Forth- standard I/O; I just use a pushdown stack of file descriptors, and read and write streams. I don't know what the policy is concerning machine-dependent code (especially a monstrosity like this :-)), but it sure isn't doing anyone any good sitting around here, and I'm sure you'll know what to do with it. Thanks, Andy Valencia vandys@lindy.stanford.edu