*** latest release *** latest release *** latest release *** october94: - more correctness concerning ANSI: bugs removed - beta-release of a pure ANSI debugger - bugs in Atari loader fixed. Now runs fine together with the multitasker. (I have seen a preliminary Mac version running!!) august94: Some minor changes have been made: - more correctness concerning ANSI: bugs removed - more completeness concerning ANSI: conditional compilation, SEARCH and SEARCH-EXT, minor stuff - some non-ANSI extensions: a little multitasker - some tools from the internet: Anton Ertl's Gray4, source from the news. Have fun, - Joerg Free support: joerg.plewe@mpi-dortmund.mpg.de january94: This is the latest release of the F68KANS Forth development system for 680x0 computers. F68KANS is the system following F68K. It is the first high-speed ANSI (dpANS6) implementation build from scratch. F68KANS should run on any machine using the 680x0 CPU without changing the binary image of the code. Simply write a loader program for your machine and F68KANS will run. Loader for Atari computers is included as an example. Changes in the newest release: * bugs concerning dpANS removed * kernel smaller again * improved Atari loader for GEM - comfortable environment - graphics in windows - graphics using BGI - graphics using VDI - hardware or software float - wide parts of standard C library accessible * more examples * porting doc in German and English Questions? joerg.plewe@mpi-dortmund.mpg.de