A.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. eva Kühn
TU Wien

Michael Baum

Work2Gether (W2G), ein Groupware Framework fuer Kooperation und Arbeitseinteilung


Diploma Thesis, TU-Vienna, 2010


Nowadays work becomes more and more a cooperative process. This process can be supported by applications called groupware. Groupware is designed to support three main fields' communication, coordination and cooperation. The thesis starts with a requirement analysis. After this analysis the current groupware solutions were investigated. According to the results of the examination and the analysis fourteen functional patterns to support the creation of a groupware were defined. With the help of these patterns the framework Work2Gether (W2G) was designed which is based upon MozartSpaces. W2G shall support the developers by the creation of groupware tools. The framework was used to develop two prototypes (W2GShare and W2GCoop). W2GShare concentrates on the sharing aspects of the groupware containing a file sharing system, a bookmark sharing system and an address book system. In contrast W2GCoop focuses on the communication and the coordinating aspects.

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