A.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. eva Kühn
TU Wien

Christian Schreiber

Design and implementation of MozartSpaces, the Java Reference Implementation of XVSM


Diploma Thesis, TU-Vienna, 2008


Designing and implementing distributed applications is a complex process. A lot of aspects, like scalability, availability, security, synchronisation and heterogeneous environments have to be considered. This thesis describes MozartSpaces, the Java implementation of XVSM (eXtensible Virtual Shared Memory). XVSM is an extensible, distributed, space based computing middle-ware which addresses a lot of the issues very well. It supports developers in creating distributed applications by offering a natural, p2p based abstraction over the underlying physical network. Instead of exchanging messages like in conventional systems, communication on top of XVSM is realised by shared data structures. This thesis deals especially with the realisation of the transaction management, the extensibility through custom coordination models and the platform independent XML protocol.

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