Research Awards and Grants
1990: Heinz-Zemanek Research Award for Ph.D. thesis on "Implementation of Multi Database Systems in Prolog".
1990: Kurt-Gödel-Stipendium (Research Grant) of the Austrian Government (Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung for a Sabbatical at the Indiana Center for Databases at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
2002: MERCUR Innovationspreis der Wirtschaftskammer Wien für "CORSO Technologie" (Anerkennungspreis).
2003: Innovationspreis der Wirtschaftskammer für CORSO eine "Zukunftsweisende Software-Technologie".
2003: Nomination among the top 1000 Austrian Managers, Business People, the Highest-Interest-Magazine of the Wirtschaftsblatt (place 14, Category Software).
2005: Richard Mordinyi (student of the SBC-Group) receives the INiTS Award for his diploma thesis on a "Shared Virtual Space Distribution Manager - SVSDM: Design and Implementation".
2006: Marcus Mor (student of the SBC-Group) receives the INiTS Award for his diploma thesis on a "Shared Virtual Space Distribution Manager - SVSDM: Use Cases".