dtfs Design Issues -- Block Addressing and Layout

Latest Modification: May, 5th 1998

In-Memory Block Addressing Scheme, Partial Segment Layout

Addressing blocks in the dtfs kernel module

Conclusion: Tested in mkdtfs implementation, depreciated.

At first I assumed that it would be a good idea to have a "logical block address space" in which all blocks are mapped. The physical block addresses of the underlying device would be part of that logical block address space. Furthermore, a distinct area of the logical address space would be reserved for various kinds of indirect blocks and for inode blocks.

However, on a second thought it turns out that this approach has some severe drawbacks:

A better way to address blocks.

Conclusion: Implementaion planned in dtfs kernel module.

Having a different block address space for each file seems to be a more viable approach: Every data block in the file system is uniquely identified by the inode number of the file and the index of the data block within that file.

Indirect blocks could be assigned very high block numbers (which would also cause them to be placed after all data blocks automatically thus easing the address fixup necessary when writing them out to the device.)

Placing data blocks before indirect blocks.

Conclusion: Implemented in mkdtfs, planned for dtfs kernel module implementation.

dtfs places data blocks in a partial segment before the indirect blocks referencing them. This eases the address fixup necessary when writing out the indirect blocks. The drawback of this decision is that read-aheads when accessing indirect blocks (that could pick up some useful data blocks of the file) are not possible since the indirect blocks follow the data blocks.

However, such read-aheads would probably not buy us too much, since

Placing inode blocks (almost) last in a partial segment.

Conclusion: Implemented in mkdtfs, planned for dtfs kernel module implementation.

Inodes blocks are placed (almost) last in a partial segment to ensure that all blocks that they reference have already got a valid physical address so that performing the address fixup when writing them to disk should be rather simple.

Block ordering in a checkpoint.

Conclusion: Implemented in mkdtfs, planned for dtfs kernel module implementation.

The general idea behind the strategy of placing blocks in a partial segment in that special way they are is to avoid that a block A that contains a reference to block B is written out before B. Therefore we get the following block ordering (from low physical block address to high physical block address) within a partial segment:

Placing the ifile inode directly into the checkpoint header.

Conclusion: Depreciated.

This solution would avoid the necessity of having an addational block for the ifile inode while still maintaining the linear block dependency. The problem with this approach is that the detailed structure of an inode is dependend on the tradfs used. Thus placing the inode directly in the checkpoint header would introduce a tradfs--dependent information in a dtfs data structure.

The fact that future versions of dtfs might support having more than one file system that might even use different traditional file system implementations within one dtfs partition makes this approach even more impracticable.

Christian Czezatke, email: e9025461@student.tuwien.ac.at