\ substitute stuff require string.fs wordlist AConstant macros-wordlist : macro: ( addr u -- ) Create here 0 , $! DOES> $@ ; : replaces ( addr1 len1 addr2 len2 -- ) \G create a macro with name @var{addr2 len2} and content @var{addr1 len1}. \G if the macro already exists, just change the content. 2dup macros-wordlist search-wordlist IF nip nip >body $! ELSE get-current >r macros-wordlist set-current ['] macro: execute-parsing r> set-current THEN ; Variable macro$ : $substitute ( addr1 len1 -- addr2 len2 n ) \G substitute all macros in text @var{addr1 len1}. \G @var{n} is the number of substitutions, @var{addr2 len2} the result. s" " macro$ $! 0 >r BEGIN dup WHILE '%' $split 2swap macro$ $+! dup IF over c@ '%' = IF over dup 1+ over - macro$ $+! 1 /string ELSE '%' $split 2swap dup 0= IF 2drop s" %" macro$ $+! r> 1+ >r ELSE macros-wordlist search-wordlist IF -rot 2>r execute macro$ $+! 2r> r> 1+ >r THEN THEN THEN THEN REPEAT 2drop macro$ $@ r> ; : substitute ( addr1 len1 addr2 len2 -- addr2 len3 n ) \G substitute all macros in text @var{addr1 len1}, and copy the \G result to @var{addr2 len2}. @var{n} is the number of \G substitutions, @var{addr2 len3} the result. If \G @var{len2}=@var{len3}, it is likely that the string did not fit. 2swap $substitute >r 2swap rot umin 2dup >r >r move r> r> r> ; : unescapes ( addr1 u1 dest -- dest u2 ) \G double all delimiters in @var{addr1 u1}, so that substitute \G will result in the original text. Note that the buffer \G @var{dest} does not have a size, as in worst case, it will need \G just twice as many characters as @var{u1}. @{dest u2} is the \G resulting string. dp @ >r dup >r dp ! bounds ?DO I c@ dup '%' = IF dup c, THEN c, LOOP r> here over - r> dp ! ;