$Id: model,v 1.3 1995/08/27 19:56:38 pazsan Exp $ Copyright 1992 by the ANSI figForth Development Group This file describes the implementation model of ANSI figForth. The things described herein are valid in all implementations of ANSI figForth. The instruction pointer (ip) is post-incremented. Branches are relative: branch offset: target - offset ... target: ... The top-of return stack is in memory The top of data stack need not be in memory. Other data stack items are in memory. The stacks grow downward flags are represtented by 0 and -1 The loop control parameters are the index on the top of return stack and the limit on the second item. Everything except the virtual machine registers (ip, sp, etc.) is addressable. The return address on the return stack occupies one cell. There is a floating point stack The floating point numbers are the same as C's double numbers The error returns of the file word set are FALSE or TRUE. (or should we use errno? Does this work with stdio functions?) No assumptions can be made about the order of fetching the xt of the next word wrt the other operations in a forth word. This makes a difference only if you want to execute code lying on the stack or if you store into the very next word that is executed.