#Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,2000,2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. #This file is part of Gforth. #Gforth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.#See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # We use the bash and shell and file utilities with dos s%SHELL%# SHELL%g s% rm -rf% deltree%g s% rm% del%g s% cp -p% copy%g s% ln -s% cp%g s%\($(CP).*\)/%\1\\%g s%\($(CP).*\)/%\1\\%g s%@mach_h@%386%g s%-pipe %%g s% ./gforth% gforth%g s%io.o %%g s%-DDEFAULTPATH=\\".*"%%g s%@kernel_fi@%kernl32l.fi%g s%@KERNEL@%kernl16l.fi kernl16b.fi kernl32l.fi kernl32b.fi kernl64l.fi kernl64b.fi%g s%@LIBOBJS@%ecvt.o io.o strsig.o getopt.o getopt1.o select.o%g s%@host@%dos%g s%@CC@%gcc%g s%@GFORTH_EXE@%%g s%@GFORTHDITC_EXE@%%g s%@INSTALL@%install-sh%g s%@INSTALL_PROGRAM@%install-sh%g s%@INSTALL_DATA@%install-sh%g s%@LN_S@%copy%g s%@CFLAGS@%-fforce-mem -fforce-addr -fomit-frame-pointer%g s%@ENGINE_FLAGS@%%g s%@DEFS@%%g s%@DEBUGFLAG@%%g s%@LDFLAGS@%%g s%@GCCLDFLAGS@%%g s%@LIBS@%-lm -lpc%g s%@prefix@%%g s%@exec_prefix@%%g s%@srcdir@%.%g s%@LINK_KERNL@%-$(CP) kernl32l.fi kernel.fi%g s%@PATHSEP@%;%g s%-fforce-mem -fforce-addr %%g s%echo ": version-string s\\" $(VERSION)\\" ;" > kernel/version.fs%$(CP) version.fs1 kernel\\version.fs%g s%config.h.in ../config.status%%g s%cd .. && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS=engine/config.h ./config.status%echo I hope you configured your system%g s%$(FORTHPATH)$(PATHSEP)%%g s%@FORTHSIZES@%%g s%if test -r $@ && test x'$(VERSION)' = x`cat $@` ; then true ; else \(.*\) ; fi%\1%g s%Makefile \(.*\) config.status%Makefile \1% s%--clear-dictionary%-c%g s%".$(PATHSEP)~+$(PATHSEP)$(srcdir)"%"~+"%g # s% -I$(srcdir)%%g s%GFORTHD=.*gforth.fi%gforthmi gforth.fi%g s%gforth-ditc%gforth-d%g s%gforth-fast%gforth-f%g s%engine-ditc%engine-d%g s%engine-fast%engine-f%g s%main-ditc%main-d%g s%main-fast%main-f%g s%@OSCLASS@%dos%g s%@machine@%386%g s%@PACKAGE_VERSION@%0.5.9%g s%@EXEEXT@%.exe%g s%--die-on-signal%-s%g s%cd engine && $(MAKE)%$(MAKE) -C engine%g s%\(CFLAGS2.*\) -O4%\1%g s%gforthmi gforth\$%gforthmi.bat gforth\$%g s%engine/Makefile configure%engine/Makefile%g s%$(exec_prefix)/bin%%g s%@asm_fs@%./arch/386/asm.fs%g s%@disasm_fs@%./arch/386/disasm.fs%g