\ refs.fs 0 [IF] This is a generic solution for doing labels (forward and backward references) in an assembler program. - Who to use local labels: Example: Label 10pause 10 # ldy, 1 $: dey, 1 $ bne, rts, End-Label "n $:" defines an address reference. "n $" returns the address of the reference defined with "n $:". - How to embed local labels in your assembler: At the moment all references are forward references, meaning, all references are resolved at the end of the definition. The Simple Resolver The only special thing is how a label is resolved. Numref executes therefor a resolver-word, example for a two byte opcode with the second byte as branch-offset: : doresovle ( iaddr -- ) dup ref-addr @ - swap 1+ X c! ; iaddr is the address of the instruction with the reference that must be resolved. The destination address of the reference is stored at ref-addr. The resolver must be registered bye "' doresolve TO std-resolve". This is not a defered word! Complex Resolving To support different cpu-instruction with different operand formats it is possible to find out the type of opcode bye accessing the targets' memory in doresolve. This works for very simple processors, e.g. for 6502 it is very easy to find out whether we have a 2-byte absolute address or a 1-byte relative address. If this method is to difficult, it is possible to store additional information in the resolve structure. When assembling an opcode you should find out whether the address is a reference and then store the xt of a special resolver word in the resolve structure by "ref-resolver !", or store some additional data in the resolve structure by "ref-data !", if one data field is not enough allocate memory and use ref-data as pointer to it. - Internal strucutre: There is a heap buffer to store the references. The structure of one entry is: 1 cell ref-link 1 cell ref-flag \ mixture of tag-number \ and tag type 1 cell ref-resolver \ xt of resolver 1 cell ref-addr \ pointer to destination or on reference \ instruction \ (start of the instruction) 1 cell ref-data \ additional information for resolver [THEN] require ~+/basic.fs also assembler definitions hex 0 value ref-marker \ tells us that address is an reference 0 value ref-now \ points to the reference we are working on : ref-link ref-now ; : ref-flag ref-now cell+ ; : ref-resolver ref-now 2 cells + ; : ref-adr ref-now 3 cells + ; : ref-addr ref-now 3 cells + ; : ref-data ref-now 4 cells + ; : ref-tag-len 5 cells ; : ref-resolve ref-resolver @ execute ; : ref? ( -- ) ref-marker false TO ref-marker ; : forward? ( target-addr -- target-addr false | true ) dup there = ref? and dup IF nip THEN ; :noname false TO ref-marker ; propper8 chained variable ref-heap 0 ref-heap ! ' drop value std-resolver : ref! ( flags/nr -- ) \G stores a reference tag \ get mem for tag ref-tag-len allocate throw to ref-now \ build link ref-heap @ ref-link ! ref-link ref-heap ! there ref-adr ! std-resolver ref-resolver ! ref-flag ! ; : $ ( num -- address ) \G makes a reference source with the next instruction 01ff and 0200 or ref! there ; : $: ( num -- ) \G makes a reference target 01ff and 0a00 or ref! ; : g$: ( num -- ) \G makes a reference target for a global label 01ff and 0e00 or ref! ; : g$ ( num -- addr ) \G searches a global label and gets its address 01ff and 0e00 or ref-heap BEGIN dup >r @ dup WHILE 2dup cell+ @ = IF nip to ref-now ref-link @ r> ! ref-adr @ ref-now free throw EXIT THEN r> drop REPEAT 2drop -1 ABORT" could not resolve G label!" ; : kill$: ( -- ) \G deallocs the complete reference heap ref-heap @ BEGIN dup WHILE dup @ swap free throw REPEAT drop 0 ref-heap ! ; : find$: ( adr nr -- ) 0800 or ref-heap BEGIN dup >r @ dup WHILE 2dup cell+ @ = IF nip to ref-now r> drop ref-resolve EXIT THEN r> drop REPEAT 2drop -1 ABORT" could not resolve label!" ; : solve$ ref-heap dup >r @ BEGIN dup WHILE dup cell+ @ 0E00 and 0200 = IF to ref-now ref-link @ r@ ! ref-now >r ref-adr @ ref-flag @ ( 01ff and ) find$: r> to ref-now ref-link ( dup >r ) @ ref-now free throw ELSE r> drop dup >r @ THEN REPEAT r> drop drop kill$: ; ' solve$ end-code8 chained previous definitions